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House Committee Kills Constitutional Carry Repeal in Oklahoma

José Niño

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Feb 26, 2020

The BattleGun ControlSecond Amendment



The Oklahoma State House has struck down an attempt to repeal Oklahoma’s Constitutional Carry law.

Last year, Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt signed House Bill 2597 into law, which made Constitutional Carry law of the land in the Sooner State.

Under this, law-abiding Oklahomans over the age of 21 are allowed to carry a firearm without a permit. For those in the military, they only have to be 18 years of age.

A few months after the bill received Stitt’s signature, Democratic State Rep. Jason Lowe started a petition drive that would have put a repeal of Constitutional Carry on the ballot. The petition ended up fizzling out after gun control activists could not get enough signatures.

As we know all too well, gun controllers don’t give up.

Lowe recently filed a bill in the Oklahoma State House to repeal Constitutional Carry.

NBC affiliate KJRH reported that Lowe went in front of the House Public Safety Committee to discuss his bill, which would scrap the law that went into effect late last year.

“I have filed a bill to repeal permitless carry,” declared Lowe.

Lowe believes permitless carry is too dangerous and it is not in Oklahoma’s best interests to have this law on the books.

 “I believe this law is absolutely dangerous. It’s a ticking time bomb and has been an utter disaster,” declared Lowe.

The end result was decisive. Oklahoma lawmakers in the Public Safety Committee struck down Lowe's bill in a 12-1 vote.

“I’m not surprised whatsoever. I knew this was gonna be a fight,” commented Lowe.

“The people of the State of Oklahoma have their right to keep and bear arms peacefully and carry, and there is no appetite for this to be taken away,” declared Don Spencer, of the Oklahoma 2nd Amendment Association.

Oklahomans should take this moment to rejoice.

The gun grabbers have been held at bay, while Oklahoma slowly established itself as one of the most pro-gun states in the country.

Guns & Ammo magazine ranks Oklahoma in fifth place for best states for gun owners.

José Niño is a Venezuelan-American political activist writing from Fort Collins, Colorado. Contact him at [email protected].