Your NAGR Membership
Dudley Brown
With 2020 around the corner it’s time to renew...
Our country is on the doorstep of what promises to be one of the most important and decisive election years in generations.
Anti-gun members of BOTH parties in BOTH chambers of Congress are clamoring for radical gun control schemes -- all in hopes that President Trump will cut a deal and doom his presidency.
And now, they’re even using the threat of IMPEACHMENT to force President Trump’s hand!
As anti-gun Senate Democrat leader Chuck Schumer stated:
“The best way President Trump can prove he still can govern is Universal Background Checks” [AKA NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION].
That’s why, with your 2020 National Association for Gun Rights membership up for renewal -- and so many critical fights awaiting us -- I’m asking you to please go above and beyond what you’ve done in the past.
The fact is, the stakes could not be higher in 2020.
Should the gun grabbers succeed in seizing control of the White House and the Senate (to go along with their current control of the U.S. House), they’ll IMMEDIATELY move to RAM through their entire radical agenda, including:
*** So-called “Universal” or “Expanded” Background Checks (AKA NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION)
The gun grabbers’ dirty secret is that the ONLY way such a scheme could be enforced is for our federal government to keep track of every gun and gun owner in America. And as you and I both know, registration is just the first step toward outright CONFISCATION!
*** The United Nations’ so-called “Small Arms Treaty”
The gun grabbers’ crown jewel is designed to create an international database of “end users” of firearms -- all at the fingertips of one-world globalists at the United Nations.
*** The Feinstein Gun Ban
Far worse than the expired ban, which was in effect from 1994-2004, this bill would outlaw over 200 specifically named rifles, shotguns and pistols for cosmetic features gun grabbers think look “scary!”
On top of all of this, former Vice President Joe Biden has endorsed:
*** Banning magazines that hold more than just a handful of rounds;
*** Launching a federal “buy-back” program for most semi-automatic rifles;
*** Passing a one-gun-a-month law, and state licensing before anyone can own a gun.
As anti-gun Democrat former presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke summed up the Democrat’s 2020 gun control plans, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15!”
And to ensure absolutely NOTHING stands in their way, leading anti-gun U.S. Senators are putting the U.S. Supreme Court on notice.
Just recently, Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Dick Durbin (D-IL) sent a threatening letter to the U.S. Supreme Court, stating:
“The Supreme Court is not well. And the people know it... Particularly on the urgent issue of gun control, a nation desperately needs it to heal.”
To the Gun Control Lobby and their puppets in Congress, Supreme Court “healing” means rubber-stamping ANY and EVERY radical scheme they RAM through Congress.
And if the Court won’t do as they’re told, JUSTICES WILL BE IMPEACHED (as the gun grabbers have threatened to do to Justice Brett Kavanaugh) or THE COURT WILL BE PACKED with up to SIX more anti-gun justices.
It’s all utter madness...
But the truth is, there’s another sinister reason anti-gun Senators are focusing on the Supreme Court that has nothing to do with gutting the Second Amendment.
Their target is DESTROYING the First Amendment.
That’s why I am asking every NAGR member like you to renew their membership for 2020 today.
As I’ve told you previously, we’re petitioning the Supreme Court to take up our case against the state of Montana -- a case that will have ENORMOUS repercussions for Second Amendment supporters across the country.
*** A win would be further-reaching than the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision -- and could send anti-free speech laws, that are designed to muzzle Second Amendment supporters, falling like dominoes all over the country!
*** A loss for you and me, however, would give the green light for states to demand the names, addresses and personal information on every one of our supporters.
Many good folks will immediately become vulnerable to harassment and WORSE from government officials seeking to intimidate Second Amendment supporters into silence.
Others will simply stop giving and stop taking action to avoid retaliation from anti-gun government officials, peers, and “woke” corporations we’re seeing nowadays -- like Twitter, Nike, Levi’s and all the rest.
In short, it would allow the anti-gun Left to rig the system and gag Second Amendment supporters with bureaucratic red tape.
It won’t be “just” in the midst of heated elections (giving our national media elites a monopoly on what information they tell the public about candidates).
It will be during white-hot legislative fights as well. And 2020 promises many of those.
Only with the help of Second Amendment supporters like you were we able to hold off the initial push for so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation.
In the initial days after August’s Texas and Ohio shootings, NAGR delivered over 1.5 MILLION petitions to Congress against gun control.
But the truth is, this battle rages on.
If passed, these so-called “Red Flag” schemes would allow government goons to burst into your home and seize every firearm you own with ZERO due process.
They just have to find someone who’s mad at you and willing to testify in a secret, “ex parte” hearing (where you’re not present and cannot defend yourself).
Something as innocent as a hunting photo or Facebook post poking fun at Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) could be enough to set someone off!
Even if you’re maliciously targeted, you probably won’t get to legally go after your accuser for damages.
Instead, you’ll be spending months and thousands of dollars just to get your guns back -- even though you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.
And should another madman go on the attack, so-called “Universal Background Checks” and the Feinstein Gun Ban will be front and center as well.
With the threat of impeachment and advisors telling him to “cut a deal” with the gun grabbers to save his presidency, President Trump will be under enormous pressure to support gun control.
If he capitulates, it will almost certainly doom his reelection chances and all but guarantee the Gun Control Lobby TOTAL control of Washington, D.C. in November 2020.
After all, the anti-gun Left will head into November energized and emboldened.
But many of the President’s supporters will be deflated and angry at the betrayal.
That’s a recipe for DISASTER at the ballot box.
Just as Republicans should have learned in 2018 -- after weak-kneed incumbents were wiped out after supporting National Instant Check System (NICS) Database expansion in the wake of the Parkland shooting -- weakness and compromise lead nowhere but defeat.
That’s why YOUR Membership Renewal for 2020 and YOUR continued action is so important.
The fact is, no matter how badly the Deep State or the establishment of BOTH parties wants to change things, “We The People” still hold the power under the American system of government.
So no slick Bloomberg-paid inside lobbyist can match the impact good folks like you can make collectively when the National Association for Gun Rights sounds the alarm.
That’s why we’ve won so many enormous battles -- even when other should-be allies run and hide.
And, even when it’s seemed impossible!
After the horrific Newtown tragedy in late 2012, which I’m sure you remember, virtually all the so-called “experts” thought there was no way we’d defeat then-President Obama’s mad rush to gun control.
But we did it.
And when the smoke cleared from that battle, everyone in Washington, D.C. knew it was because of you and me.
As Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) made clear:
“Without NAGR’s bare-knuckled, no-compromise tactics, I believe President Obama would have already succeeded in ramming gun control into law.”
Since then, we continually rack up more victories each and every year.
Those wins have included everything from halting President Obama’s regulatory attacks on ammunition (from common AR-15 rounds to lead ammo), to passing Constitutional Carry in Kentucky, South Dakota and Oklahoma in 2019 alone!
As a result, we’ve earned plenty of praise both in Congress and in state legislatures nationwide.
In fact, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) -- the Founder of the U.S. House’s Second Amendment Caucus -- called us, “The most effective force for the Second Amendment’s defense in Washington, D.C.”
Colorado State Rep. Patrick Neville, a survivor of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, stated:
“More guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens is the only way to stop mass shootings. And NAGR is the one national organization who has the guts to say that when media elites go on the attack.”
Of course, we’ve earned our fair share of attacks -- like when the anti-gun Huffington Post described us as the “new, even more gun-crazed sheriff in Congress.”
MSNBC attacked us too for “accepting no compromise” on anti-gun schemes they’re trying to force on Americans.
Frankly, I view their attacks as badges of honor.
But whether it’s making phone calls, signing petitions, sending emails or writing letters to your elected officials, it’s folks like you who deserve the thanks for all of the National Association for Gun Rights’ successes.
It’s the hunters, collectors, hobbyists, target shooters, constitutionalists, and the heroes of tomorrow who stay prepared to defend themselves and others when evil strikes, and who are the muscle behind everything we do.
As Edmund Burke stated, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
There’s no doubt evil is preparing to rear its ugly head in 2020. This is an all-hands-on-deck moment if there ever was one.
That’s why I’m counting on you to please renew your membership for 2020 right away.
And, if possible, my hope is you’ll agree to upgrade your membership with a contribution of $65.
I know that’s a lot to ask for -- much more than you’ve done in the past. But as I mentioned, I’m urging everyone to stretch.
Of course, if you cannot contribute the full upgrade of $65, please try to contribute an upgrade of $50 or at least the regular renewal of $35.
Patrick, your support could not be more critical.
We have so much at stake in 2020. So please agree, if at all possible, to $65 or at least $35.
Thank you, in advance, for renewing your membership with the National Association for Gun Rights.
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. The gun grabbers are licking their chops. Gun control is on the move. So is their effort to IMPEACH the President. Now with both chambers of Congress -- and the White House -- up for grabs in November 2020, it’s anybody’s game as it stands today.
That’s why I’m counting on you to please renew your membership for 2020 at once!
Please consider contributing $65 to upgrade your membership. Or if that is too much, please consider an upgrade of $50 or at least the regular renewal of $35.
I need you to know that I am counting on you. So please act TODAY!