"Assault Weapons" Ban is Back
Dudley Brown
The House Judiciary Committee convened again today to discuss the next round of gun control to ram through.
And as expected, the House version of Senator Dianne Feinstein’s “Assault Weapons” Ban was the center of attention.
As you know, Senator Feinstein (D-CA) introduced her original “Assault Weapons” Ban -- one of the most insidious and unconstitutional gun control bills in history -- back in 1993.
The infamous law was then passed in 1994 despite all data showing these so-called “assault weapons” had only been used in a small fraction of gun crimes.
Now, 25 years later, Senator Feinstein has once again resurrected the crown jewel of her gun control agenda in an attempt to exploit weak-kneed Senators in Washington, D.C.
And despite the evidence showing Feinstein’s original ban failed to stop mass shootings, members of the House Judiciary Committee went on the record today pushing for an even stricter “Assault Weapons” Ban as they felt the 1994 ban wasn’t enough.
That is why NAGR Vice President Zach Lautenschlager and Senior Political Director Ryan Flugaur were at the Capitol this morning to attend today’s “Assault Weapons” Ban hearing.
We must keep up the pressure against every anti-gun Congressman on the Committee and ensure this bill faces stiff opposition on the House floor.
The same House Judiciary Committee is also moving forward with beginning hearings on impeaching President Trump at the request of Speaker Pelosi.
But make no mistake, anti-gunners in the House know they don’t have the votes for impeachment -- but know that a lengthy impeachment process will create the necessary cover and misdirection to pass the “Assault Weapons” Ban without a fight.
Your National Association for Gun Rights sees right through their smoke and mirrors tactics however, and we are committed to shutting down this unconstitutional bill once and for all.
Remember, if passed, Feinstein’s so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban would:
*** Ban the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacture of over 200 specifically named rifles, shotguns and handguns -- even those commonly used for hunting and sporting purposes!
*** Ban the sale, transfer, importation and manufacture of ALL firearms with a detachable magazine and at least one “military characteristic” -- which could mean just about anything that makes a gun “look” scary;
*** Ban the sale, transfer, importation, and manufacture of magazines holding more than 10 rounds;
*** Force owners of ALL “grandfathered” weapons to undergo an intrusive background check.
As you can see, disarming innocent law-abiding American citizens is the TRUE motive behind this scheme.
Despite all evidence pointing to these laws only hurting law-abiding gun owners, and even Senator Feinstein admitting not one of their latest gun control laws would stop mass shootings, they are moving full steam ahead to ram through their entire agenda.
Speaker Pelosi and Senator “Turn ‘em in” Feinstein believe they can add this latest gun ban into their gun control package that already includes “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation, standard capacity magazine bans, and Universal Gun Registration.
And with their friends in the national media distracting gun owners with pointless impeachment coverage 24/7, they believe they have the perfect recipe for passage of every gun control bill on their agenda.
But I hope you won’t stop there.
Along with your signed petition, could you please consider a generous contribution of $100 TODAY?
Believe me. I know that’s a lot.
It may be more than you’ve given in the past.
But your National Association for Gun Rights has so much on its plate right now with gun control on the move in Congress and the battle for 2020 already beginning.
Without your immediate support, I fear for the worst.
If $100 is just too much, please agree to a generous contribution of $35 or at least $20 TODAY.
Whatever you can do, please act IMMEDIATELY.
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights
P.S. Gun grabbers are going for broke, following on the heels of successful gun control hearings in the House Judiciary Committee to ram through “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and more -- Feinstein’s “Assault Weapons” Ban is back!
This insidious and unconstitutional gun control scheme is merely their latest attempt to disarm law-abiding gun owners like you.
That’s why NAGR is back on the ground in Washington, D.C. to attend every gun control hearing and demand a NO vote on all gun control bills.
Every bit helps as we mount our defense against Feinstein’s “Assault Weapons” Ban so even if you can only give $35 or $20 today it will go a long way towards helping NAGR shut them down in Congress.
The National Association for Gun Rights, Inc. is a non-profit tax exempt advocacy organization under Section 501(c)4 of the IRC. Contributions or gifts to NAGR are not tax-deductible for IRS purposes. Not paid for or mailed at taxpayer expense. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 1776, Loveland, Colorado 80539. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is www.NationalGunRights.org