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Mat Staver

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This morning, President Trump made several comments that were revealing as to where he stands on the Second Amendment. Trump hinted at a few things that I'll explain, and then I’ll give you my analysis on the future of our gun rights. (*Hint, his comments were not exactly as Fox portrayed them.) - Mat



Here are some excerpts from what the President told Fox this morning. "We are moving slowly... We are talking with Democrats. We are talking with Republicans." When asked by a Fox News reporter "Are you willing to stand up to the NRA and other Republicans?" Trump replied, "I am."


The reporter went on to ask, "We are going to do something?" Again, the President replied "I am. If it’s not going to hurt a good solid great American from keeping his weapon. Because they want that. And they are entitled to that. I don't want to have crazy people have guns. I don't want to have bad people have guns... and what we want to do is to come up with a compromise and that is what we are working on."


There were other comments that President Trump made at the same time to express his support for the Second Amendment, however the above comments, I believe, expressed his willingness to consider and compromise on "Red Flag" and "Disarm" gun control bills.


I have deep concerns that nothing the President said was in direct opposition to either of these laws. In fact, his comments of the "crazy" and "bad" people directly alludes to aspects in both bills. However, I have already showed you how "Red Flag" laws won’t work. Additionally, the threshold the "Disarm" bill establishes for gun confiscation is extremely low.


Sadly, I am convinced that neither of these bills will stop the shootings. They will likely not even decrease the shootings. The evil and poor decisions that causes them will still be present.


Help send a message to Congress and the President today to stand in support of the Second Amendment and the NRA. 

This week more than 45 new legislators signed on as cosponsors to the "Disarm Hate Act."


It lists three shockingly mild requirements that would trigger permanently losing your constitutional right to own a gun. Looking at these requirements, if someone played conservative talk radio in their store, and refused to celebrate LGBT relationships, and that person "felt threatened" -- that could be a situation to permanently deny the owner or employee the right to ever own a gun.


When you are trying to compromise between those who want to preserve our Second Amendment and those who want to take everyone's guns away - it’s likely that you will end up with taking some people's guns away.


Congress is on the verge of fast-tracking forfeiture of our Second Amendment rights. All the major Democrat presidential candidates have effectively pledged to strip the Second Amendment and replace it with government control. If they win the battle, we could totally lose our rights in the next two years. That’s why we must fight now! The gun restriction lobby is out in full force. The President and GOP leaders MUST hear from citizens like you.

This is a critical time to be in D.C. and on the front lines. I am looking for partners to help strengthen our mission and lighten our load by sharing these costs. We invite you to prayerfully consider becoming a monthly donor of 25, 50, or 100 dollars to allow us to push back against this radical assault.


Even if you can give a one-time donation right now, it would be greatly appreciated!


It's an honor to partner with you to defend our country.



Mat Staver


P.S. Will you join us in stopping this legislation to take away your rights and deny you the opportunity to protect yourself? Send a fax today, then sign our petition right now and then, if you are able to, donate – we would greatly appreciate the help. Then get the word out by forwarding this email to your friends to help us reach our petition goal of 10,000 people.



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©1986-present Liberty Counsel Action. Founded in 1986, Liberty Counsel Action is a law and policy education, training and advocacy organization. From offices in Washington, DC and Orlando, Florida, LCA advances religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, the family, responsible government, national security, and support for Israel at the federal, state, and local levels. Liberty Counsel Action is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Donations are not tax deductible.


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PO Box 540629

Orlando, FL 32854


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