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Breaking: White House official caught lobbying for gun registry

Dudley Brown

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I’ve got breaking news from Washington, D.C.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr is on Capitol Hill, arm-twisting lawmakers to back a gun control proposal.

That’s the headline according to Fox News right now.

AG Barr is now selling the stupid idea that by pushing gun control, Republicans will somehow win Democrat voters.

The truth is, gun owners were the key to Donald Trump defeating Hillary Clinton, and the last thing President Trump should do is back Obama-era gun control!

That’s why I need your IMMEDIATE ACTION to send a clear message to President Trump and Senate Republicans: NO GUN CONTROL, NO DEALS!

Attorney General Barr was spotted visiting the offices of influential conservative Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Hawley (R-MO).1


AG Barr lobbying Republicans in support of gun registration

According to documents obtained by the National Association for Gun Rights, originally published by the Daily Caller, Barr is pushing for the same failed “Toomey-Manchin” gun registration bill originally backed by President Obama.2

We simply cannot allow this unconstitutional attack to pass after NAGR members across the country mobilized to help shut down the original Toomey-Manchin bill in 2013.

So please, click here to sign your petition to President Trump telling him “NO Gun Control Deals” and no Universal Gun Registration!

President Trump and Republicans in the Senate are starting to believe the lie that if they give the Gun Control Lobby an inch they won’t take a mile.

But we know how the anti-gunners work and we know that if Republicans cave on Universal Gun Registration right now, the door will be left wide open for untold gun confiscation laws down the road.

Consider how bad “Toomey-Manchin” already is:

*** It’s a BAN on private firearm sales.

*** It’s a REGISTRY of virtually every gun sale in America.

*** It makes it ILLLEGAL to buy or sell a gun without the approval of the Federal government.

If his revised version of “Toomey-Manchin” passes, “detailed information” about all gun transactions will be captured and funneled into the Brady-NICS gun registry.

And with Democrats like Beto O’Rourke itching to take power again to “come for your guns,” where do you think he’ll get the data?

It’s the perfect scheme. Get Republicans to do the dirty work of passing gun registration so Democrats can swoop in later and “round ‘em up.”

Patrick, this may be the most important battle for our Second Amendment rights in history and it has never been more important that you get involved right away.

If we sit on our hands and do nothing, Bill Barr will waste no time recruiting even more weak-kneed Congressmen and Senators to ram through this anti-gun legislation.

That’s why we have to draw a line in the sand and tell President Trump “NO GUN CONTROL, NO DEALS!”

Unfortunately, it’s not just Bill Barr doing the bidding behind the scenes. White House staffers are too.

According to White House Legislative Affairs Director Eric Ueland, President Trump personally asked him to engage Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill on gun control.


Ueland on gun control

Ueland was present at meetings with Sens. Cruz, Hawley, and also North Carolina Congressman Mark Meadows.1,2

This is the strongest indication yet President Trump may be about to betray gun owners.

Does President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell really want to send the message that in order to pass Obama’s signature gun control bill, all it takes is a Republican in the White House?

Patrick, I too sincerely hope they won’t be foolish enough to head down that path.

After all, it would be a critical blow to their efforts in 2020, which would have devastating consequences.

So please sign your petition right away.

And in addition to signing your petition, please agree to help me activate the troops with your most generous contribution. My hope is you’ll agree to stretch with a gift of $100.

I know that’s a lot. But this could not be more critical. So I’m asking all of our members to step up RIGHT NOW so we can fight this anti-gun onslaught head on.

But if contributing that much right now is just out of the question, will you please agree to $50 or at least $20?

Please sign your “NO GUN CONTROL, NO DEALS!” Petition to President Trump IMMEDIATELY.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown


National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. The breaking news from Capitol Hill is that Bill Barr, the same Attorney General who was responsible for the deaths of innocent American citizens at Ruby Ridge, is on Capitol Hill lobbying for gun control.

Leaked documents now reveal Barr is pushing for the same “Toomey-Manchin” gun registry originally supported by President Obama.2

That’s why I’m counting on you to please sign your “NO GUN CONTROL, NO DEALS” Petition to President Trump TODAY.

And once you have signed your petition I hope you will make a generous contribution of $100, $50, or at least $20 today to help us fight this onslaught before it is too late.

[email protected]