During a rally with supporters in New Hampshire, President Trump promised unequivocal support for the Second Amendment. "We can't make it harder for good, solid, law-abiding citizens to protect themselves," President Trump argued. "We will always uphold the right to self-defense, and we will always uphold the Second Amendment." He also made clear his stance that "It's not the gun that pulls the trigger. It's the person that pulls the trigger." Unlike the Left which just wants to confiscate guns, President Trump is focused on improving mental healthcare resources and getting to the root of the problem in the wake of the Dayton and El Paso mass shootings. We don't expect any gun-grabbing bills to get signed into law in the near future.http://ct12.conservativealerts.info/read/archive?id=96362&mid=94108303&e=bellringer%40fourwinds10%2ecom&x=f464c3fc