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AWR Hawkins

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Democrats who lined up to push gun control after the shootings in Virginia Beach, Tree of Life Synagogue, and Parkland, remain conspicuously silent as 40-plus individuals are shot weekend after weekend in Chicago.

To be clear, the lost lives at Virginia Beach (12 killed), the Tree of Life Synagogue (11 killed), and Parkland (17 killed), are not to be downplayed in any way. Yet they also ought not be exploited. Nevertheless, Democrats line up for camera and microphone time after these attacks–or go on a Twitter binge–in hopes of using the events to push even more gun control.

These same Democrats remain almost unanimously mum as gun control fails to curb the mayhem and bloodshed in Chicago. Even thought he death numbers in Chicago are without equal.

Think about it–The Chicago Tribune reported 437 murders in Chicago in 2011, 506 in 2012, 420 in 2013, 416 in 2014, and 468 in 2015. Breitbart News reported 800 fatalities from shootings in 2016. And the devil is in the details, as there were nearly 4,400 shootings — fatal and non-fatal combined — in gun-controlled Chicago during 2016.

And consider the more recent past. At least 56 were shot, four fatally, in gun-controlled Chicago during the weekend of June 28–30, 2019. Breitbart News reported that at least 66 were shot, five killed, over Fourth of July Weekend 2019. And at least 41 were shot, nine fatally, over the weekend of July 12-14, 2019.

Gun control is inhumane. And ignoring the failures of gun control in Chicago, while trying to exploit other attacks around the country for the purposes of more gun laws, is beyond the pale.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at [email protected]