The loophole which allows the South African government to confiscate 300,000 guns comes from the controversial Section 24 and Section 28 of the Firearm’s Control Act.
“Section 24 of the Act requires that any person who seeks to renew a licence must do so 90 days before its expiry date Section 28 stipulates that if a firearm licence has been cancelled‚ the firearm must be disposed of or forfeited to the state. A 60-day time frame was placed on its disposal, which was to be done through a dealer.”
Subsequently, if gun owners did not renew their firearms licenses in a timely fashion, as prescribed by law, they must forfeit their firearms to the nearest civilian authority, namely, their nearest police station.
The law impacts primarily white people as they constitute the majority of owners of registered gun owners in the country. This is highly reminiscent of what Hitler did to the Jews, in which he first disarmed them and then slaughtered them.
Opponents to this action claim that this is definitive gun confiscation through the principle of incrementalism (ie “inch by inch it is a cinch”). Therefore, this is clearly a gun-grabbing move, but far worse is coming.
When one considers the present political climate, characterized by passive governmental sanctioned mass murder of white South African farmers, one must conclude that far worse is on the horizon. And as the readers will see, the problem is not just confined to South Africa.
For Every Reaction Is an Opposite and Equal Reaction
The inhumane practice known worldwide as Apartheid, ended in 1994 and the country’s power structure shifted from an exclusive white-controlled government and society to the polar opposite 24 years later. Now the cycle of racial bigotry has swung fully back in the opposite direction.
The Common Sense Show has previously reported that the South African National Assembly, led by the extreme socialists and anti-white ANC, has voted to amend the law and allow uncompensated land seizures of white’s lands. Don’t laugh if you don’t think it could not happen here. Led by the forces of John McCain and Ted Kennedy, the globalists, through their CAFTA agreement attempted to steal my land, and that of 300 of my neighbors without compensation. so they could put an international corridor through my rural community without having to pay for the land and to fairly compensate the owners. This propelled me into an eight year legal fight in which we had a difficult time securing legal representation, because almost all of Arizona’s lawyers were afraid of John McCain.
This event, accompanied by my role of being the media to protest this action, is what launched my media career. So, if people say what is happening in South Africa cannot happen here, think again, I have lived it. Oh, and by the way, during those eight years, I was shot at while broadcasting my radio show (police report filed) and was run off the road without provocation.
The ANC and Ocasio Cortez Have a Lot In Common
The South African socialist party, otherwise known as the African National Congress (ANC) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) parties are leading the charge stealing the land of white farmers, by any means necessary. The justification is to right the wrongs of the Apartheid injustices from the past. I guess the ANC has not learned that two wrongs do not make a right.
Did you know that Ocasio Cortez, the new face of the radical leftists comprising the Democratic Party leadership is calling for the complete government takeover of all businesses, the elimination of private property and abolishing the border and ICE?
We see the same arguments in this country from groups like La Raza which called for the appropriation of eight states in the Southwest and create an independent nation known as Aztlan. This would be accompanied by the expulsion of all white European descendants.
The parallels between South Africa and America are frightening. And that fear reaches an apex when it comes to South Africa’s intention to confiscate land and guns. These arguments are appearing in America.
“Todos los Europeos son Illegals desde 1492”
(“All Europeans Illegal since 1492”)
La Raza’s plan to divide America by removing the American Southwest and creating AZTLAN, which is also Soros backed. The radical groups associated with this insane idea are strongly affiliated with CALEXIT. Welcome to South Africa, American style!
The above quote is reflective of a view that was embraced by the Obama administration in which the former President was intent on importing millions more immigrants regardless of their country of origin, their legal status, their possible terrorist affiliations, and Obama refused to allow ICE to screen these new “refugees” which come from places like Somalia, Syria and several other countries with strong terrorist ties and a history of hating the United States and its American residents.
Aztlán is the name for the mythical place of origin of the Aztec people. In the politics of illegal immigration, Aztlán has come to represent that part of the U.S. that the Reconquista movement intends to reclaim for an expanded Mexico, or the creation of a new nation devoid of white European descendents.
The goal of creating Aztlán is the dream of another radical organization, the Moviemento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlán, which translates as the “Chicano Student Movement of Aztlán,” more commonly abbreviated to the acronym known as MEChA.” There are several local high school and college chapters which advocate for the breakup of the United States and a return of Aztlan to Mexico while expelling the European interlopers.
What MECHA calls for, is what the ANC calls for in South Africa calls for, the eradication of a particular group of people.
No matter how the ANC socialists explain it away, the redistribution strategy of the South African government is pursuing will not be implemented passively. Ultimately, it must be carried out by force as does the La Raza philosophy.
The history of gun confiscation is one of repeated cases of tyranny. As the ANC is attempting to disarm the white population in South Africa, Obama set the stage for the same thing to happen in America.
Below is an image of a United Nations document regarding gun confiscation. The full text follows the printed image.
“The issue of military grade weaponry in the hands of civilians looms ever larger in the face of the global implementation of 22/Agenda 21 by member nations. In particular, the United States of America has an estimated 500 million weapons in the hands of its civilian population. This is not just a static problem, it is a massive dynamic problem for the process of confiscation as there will be those who refuse to surrender their firearms.
“The conclusion of discussions by the CWCSG led to the adoption of a proposed agenda to begin the process for introducing to member nations a framework by which they can begin codification of national laws to disarm civilians within their borders through a graduated process.
“Within the discussion framework, we have identified several problem areas that must be addressed, they are:
“1. Classification of military grade weapons to be made illegal for possession.
“2. Creation of programs to provide reasonable compensation for voluntary surrender of said arms.
“3. Codification of laws to begin the restricting and strict licensing of concealable firearms.
“4. Codification of laws to begin the restricting and strict licensing of hunting grade firearms.
“5. Codification of laws to restrict the sale of, and possession of ammunition and components to manufacture ammunition.
“6. Finally, codification of laws to completely makes (sic) any and all firearms illegal to own, possess or use outside of military and law enforcement usage.
“7. Creation of a United Nations Police Taskforce with the specific mission of assisting member nations with the collection of weaponry from civilian hands.
“The CWCSG will submit its findings and final recommendations once we have created the codification framework for member nations for a full review by the Office of the Secretary General.”
The above represents the American/UN style of Sections 24 and 28 of the South African law which permits gun confiscation by any means necessary.
If one examines the first five steps of the plot, it is easy to ascertain the pattern of gun confiscation that the UN will attempt to follow. I do not believe that the UN has to completely implement steps 1-5 before moving to enforce steps 6 and 7. Therefore, even though the UN has not completely implemented the first five steps across the country, have done enough to usher in Steps 6 and 7 in this United Nations disarmament plan. Steps 6 and 7 are listed below:
“6. Finally, codification of laws to completely makes any and all firearms illegal to own, possess or use outside of military and law enforcement usage.
7. Creation of a United Nations Police Taskforce with the specific mission of assisting member nations with the collection of weaponry from civilian hands”. (EDITOR’S NOTE: THIS WOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED UNDER THE KIGALI PRINCIPLES THAT OBAMA SIGNED BEFORE LEAVING OFFICE. THIS WOULD PUT THE UN ON OUR STREETS TO COLLECT OUR GUNS).
Under the heading, “Hiding in plain sight”, the United Nations has been advertising for the following position for the past several years:
Posting Title: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer, P4
Department/Office: Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Duty Station: New York
Job Description: A minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience in disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration or related area. Experience working within peacekeeping, peace-building or development programmes operations is desirable. Experience with small arms control, conflict/post-conflict crisis management, economic recovery is desirable. Experience coordinating multiple partner agencies, funds or programmes is desirable.
There is even more fuel to throw on this raging fire as we consider the fact that, at the behest of former President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry illegally, and in direct violation to the Constitution of the United States, signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. The UN Arms Trade Treaty contains all 7 provisions listed above in the Disarmament Commission of the United Nations.
From countries such as Nazi Germany, Communist China, Fidel’s Cuba to Stalinist Soviet Union, aspiring demagogues have used gun confiscation to disarm the future intended victims. An unarmed population will put up little resistance against the imposition of genocide.
In South Africa’s, farmers and their workers are already suffering ongoing attacks against their property and random and wholesale murder. One could only imagine what it would be like for these persecuted farmers once they are stripped of their right to self-defense.
For many Americans who have enjoyed historically unprecedented gun rights, South Africa’s gun control experience may srmote, but keep in mind, we signed the UN Small Arms Treaty
History Speaks, Will America Listen?
What happens when people give up their guns? Look at this chart from the University of Hawaii Democide Project. Keep in mind that Deka-meggamurder means tens of millions (ie 219 million people). Megamurder means millions of people murdered by government.