GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS -How an Armed Citizenry Deters Tyranny and Atrocitie
GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS Trailer 1: https://youtu.be/5DWsz6Q_m2w
GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS Trailer 2a: https://youtu.be/uO8wtKTflQw
GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS Trailer 3: https://youtu.be/MQ-AhCxWzXY
Thirteen Words Paperback – 2013 by Edwin Vieira Jr : https://www.amazon.com/Thirteen-Words-Edwin-Vieira-Jr/dp/096717595X
How an Armed Citizenry Deters - Tyranny and Atrocities
Why are we seeing mass shootings in our schools, churches and public places? Why are psychopaths driving trucks in to citizens along public walkways? Why do our experts – sociologists, criminologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and even the clergy -- have no answers as to what’s causing a rash of mass killings?
It’s almost as if the powers-that-be WANT mass killings to occur. After all, were there no threats, no terrorism, no mass killings -- what role would the state have to play? Isn’t the primary purpose of government to PROTECT its citizens? If so, how come governments have killed over 174 million of their own citizens in just the past century alone?
If this is what has happened under the charge of National governments, what kind of damage could a World Government do?
GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS asks the question: Are Globalists using mass killings to forward their agenda? By perpetrating mass killings, or failing to stop them are Globalists -- hell-bent on World Government -- trying to “justify” some sort of global police state?
The U.S. Founders saw this coming. That’s why they gave WE THE PEOPLE the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment, through the individual right to keep and bear arms AND the State Militia System, provides the elements necessary for a free state – not some police state envisioned by the Globalists.
GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS explains how and why “good guys with guns” are the only way mass shootings in schools, churches concerts and other public spaces can be stopped.
GOOD GUYS WITH GUNS explains how and why the gun-control lobby, supported by the Mainstream Media, is facilitating the Globalist Agenda, an agenda of planetary disarmament.
As Wayne LaPierre of the NRA says, “only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.” Maybe WE THE PEOPLE should stop listening to a “gun-control lobby” and Mainstream Media that makes no sense. Maybe it makes sense for more “good guys with guns” and less “gun-free zones” to solve the problem of terrorism and mass killings.