March For Their Limelight: The Little Narcisshits
Tucker Carlson
An army of child soldiers groomed by their media handlers and sent into battle under the Soros banner are descending on deep blue cities today to march for their limelight. The playbill says it’s about gun control, though, so a few words of wisdom for this callow mystery meat generation:
Guns are not the problem; people, culture, and policy are the problem.
Authorities missed the warning flags cropping up like kudzu about Nikolas Cruz multiple times. The FBI got 39 tips to investigate this guy, and they followed up on ZERO. The local police called to the scene hung around outside the school browsing porn on their phones, afraid to go inside to neutralize the shooter because that’s not their job or anything. And Ann Coulter stuck the biggest shiv in this steaming pile of leftoid anti-2A agitation when she rightly noted that Gay Mulatto’s “school-to-mass-murder pipeline” policy recommendations were directly responsible for mentally unhinged killers like Cruz slipping through the gutted school and law enforcement disciplinary nets, to do as he pleased. (Coulter advises Republicans to beg the Democreeps to bring up their “school to prison” initiatives; they will not take her advice because they love the smell of losing in the morning.)
Per 100,000 US residents, the rate of mass shootings was higher in the 1920s and 1930s than it is now; yet few back then were marching to repeal the 2nd Amendment or for draconian gun restrictions. Today, the Left mounts impressive shows of noodle-armed force against the First and Second Amendments, predominately because the internet has globalized local news and because anti-Gentilic jews didn’t yet control the information gateways in the 1920s-30s. Americans had freer minds ninety years ago, unpolluted by rank innumeracy or media sensationalism and propaganda.
As America becomes more brown and black and less White, she will become more violent. Blacks and browns have violent criminality rates that range from two to eight times higher than the White American rate. FBI stats don’t lie (though give it time, I’m sure the Derp State is working on a fix to that). This will spill over into mass shootings, where the hard and fast numbers already prove that nonWhites are disproportionately represented.
Then there is the problem of broken families (Nikolas deJesus Cruz was the product of a broken family) and fatherlessness. 26 of the 27 deadliest mass shooters came from fatherless homes.
Do you want to reduce mass shootings? Ban moslem immigration. moslems commit mass murder at a rate far exceeding their share of the total US population.
We live in a Gynarcho-Tyranny. Boys aren’t properly socialized into manhood; instead, they are forced into disavowing their toxic masculinity and embracing their feminine side. This thwarts the natural male development process, producing a breeding ground at the extreme margins for psychotic boys to lash out by taking up arms. If boys aren’t allowed to compete in the natural way for dominance, their suppressed urge can explode with deadly violence. Add Big Pharma to the mix — we drug our boys because their natural boyish rambunctiousness is ill-suited for the modren prison school system run by and for women and girls — and it’s no wonder most mass shooters are later discovered to have been taking a cocktail of SSRIs.
Further, cosmopolitan and geographic rootlessness pushes some boys at the margins over the edge. Transplants are unmoored from nourishing social, familial, geographic, and yes ethnic grounding. Open borders adds a constant source of transplant churn to society that doubtless contributes to mass shooting events. But the (((media))) doesn’t want to hear about this, because they prefer their host nations shaped in the image of their diasporic rootlessness.
So there ya go. Banning bump stocks isn’t gonna stop mass shootings. All that does is whet the Left’s appetite for more restrictive bans. You will never compromise with the Left; you can in the end, only lose, unless you fight back and “turn back the clock” on their inhuman agenda.
I am a big supporter of both 1A and 2A, because without 2A we don’t have 1A (cf: Britain). I’m not a gun nut (I hunt infrequently and enjoy target shooting), but I know when the civil war SHTF (and no one can honestly guarantee it won’t….did you predict President Trump ten years ago?) I want my kin and countrymen armed against a despotic, embrowned federal government. When you strip away the right of free citizens to own guns, you fundamentally change the nature of the relationship between government and the governed, and not in a good way.
Again, look to Britain for a vision of a disarmed citizenry future: a White British man was just thrown in jail for humorously teaching his pug to seig heil on yidtube, while pakistani moslem rape grooming gangs are permitted to operate unchecked for decades in bucolic towns throughout merry dead England.
Make no mistake, the March For Their Limelight is the first nationally organized feeler to accustom the populace to repealing the 2nd Amendment. Agitprop will be in high gear today; women will be pushed to tears with a cavalcade of sob stories. Challahwood fruitcakes are naturally attracted to a movement of narcissists, identifying strongly with stupid, pissy brats hogging the camera reciting shitlib boilerplate to a doting jewitan media, hoping to distract from their sexual perversions.
Only a nauseating little despot like David Hogg can deep six this whole operation by getting on camera and cursing and stamping his wee feet to the tune of “It’s a Soros World After All”.
What America needs isn’t guncontrol.exe, it’s Punk Control.
Speaking of twig-armed pillow biter scions of FBI hillary suckups, the real point of this post is to discuss the phenomenon of le crooked face. It’s everywhere you look.
What’s causing this efflorescence of crooked faces in Shrillennials? Theories abound. Fluoride. Soy. BPAs. Estrogens in our water supply from urinated birth control pills. Chemicals and preservatives in our packaged foods and goods.
I think it’s genetic mutational overload. Greg Cochran has talked about this, and I believe it’s related to the catastrophic drop in sperm levels and quality in men throughout the industrialized world. (I also think it’s related to the increase in manjaws and snarly attitude among Western women.) The natural culling mechanisms of unviable conceptions and infants have been thwarted by modern medicine, allowing degenerate freaks to live to reproductive age. Over generations, crooked genes proliferate, until phenotypes assume the crookedness of their underlying genetic enfeeblement.
Basically, we’re chinless-deep in the “Weak men create hard times” part of the civilizational cycle.
And David Hogg, you are one weak manlet.
As we all could have guessed, this anti-White man, anti-2nd Amendment march was funded by wealthy New York and Challahwood jews.
Follow the money.
It’s a strange political fact, but nearly every major anti-gun group has been a front group. The NRA is maligned 24/7 and yet it’s completely obvious whom it represents. Despite the efforts to tie it to everyone from firearms manufacturers to the Russians (if you can’t tie any random Republican thing to the Russians these days, you won’t be working at the Washington Post or CNN for very long), it represents its five million members. Anti-gun groups tend to represent shadowy networks. […]
The March for Our Lives permit application was filed by Deena Katz, a co-executive director of the Women’s March Los Angeles Foundation. This wasn’t just a little bit of professional activist assistance.
The application lists Katz as the “Person in Charge of Event”.
Katz is a former Dancing With the Stars and current Bill Maher producer. She’s also the former owner of Talent Central, a Los Angeles talent agency, The leaked application lists her as the president of the March for Our Lives Fund. […]
March for Our Lives is funded by Hollywood celebs, it’s led by a Hollywood producer and its finances are routed through an obscure tax firm in the Valley. Its treasurer and secretary are Washington D.C. pros. And a top funder of gun control agendas is also one of its directors.
None of this has much to do with Parkland. The mass shooting by a mentally ill man who should have been committed and arrested long before he carried out his massacre was a political opportunity.
Now that opportunity is being exploited to the hilt by a professional class of political activists.
I’ll be brief here. “Gun control activism” is spearheaded by jews who wish to disarm White Gentiles. Don’t believe me? Take it from the whoreson’s mouth: