J.D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) Sensing that the time is now to push for complete disarmament of the American people – the very first step necessary to usher in tyranny – Left-wing extremist zealots are going all out in stumping for more gun control, seriously believing that it is the answer to ending all violence and terrorism.
As noted by Intellihub, following the horrific terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif., in which 14 Americans were killed and 17 more wounded, many on the Left – beginning with the propagandist-in-chief, President Obama – have screamed for new gun control measures. This is nothing new; Obama has complained about gun rights since taking office.
As Intellihub noted further:
From a prime-time address to the nation that called for unilaterally banning anyone on a secretive "no fly" list from owning a firearm to major media publications dedicating front page space to editorials that attempt to shame the American people into submission, anti gun zealots have taken their mission into overdrive.
Most of the ranting has followed along the same lines of "logic" – that is, that all gun control advocates really want are "common sense" reforms. But that's beginning to change, and the tenor of the demands is certainly becoming more shrill – and unhinged from constitutionalism and reality.
Why do Left-wingers want our guns?
Now, a Left-wing professor from a major university has gone full-tilt on the tyranny; he isn't calling for more "gun control;" he wants the American public universally "disarmed." [Read his rant here if you want to].
A professor of international relations at George Washington University, Amitai (AM-eh-tie) Etzioni (ete-zee-OH-nee), begins his call for mass gun confiscation by writing about how "good progressives" are really trying hard to save the American people from all gun violence, but horrible, evil conservatives and that problematic pro-Second Amendment organization known as the National Rifle Association (NRA), just won't stop pushing back and insisting we honor and follow the Constitution (like Etzioni did when he used his First Amendment rights to complain about the Second Amendment).
Then he tips the hand that most anti-gun liberals never do publicly: He says reforms like universal background checks and such will never achieve the goal of the pathetically Marxist extreme Left: Total gun confiscation and the banning of personal firearms ownership. So, he argues the Left should simply go all-in for disarmament.
Part of his narrative was based on a false premise – that "mass shootings" don't happen in the civilized nations of the world, especially Europe, despite the two that have occurred in Paris this year alone. The false premise comes when comparing any other nation to ours, in that Americans have a right to "keep and bear arms" enshrined in our founding governing document, while other nations do not:
Most people have no guns in these fully democratic nations and have no way of getting them, legally or otherwise. It is hence at best naive, sometimes disingenuous, to imply that if several gun control measure would be enacted — and somehow enforced — the U.S. would gain what these other nations take for granted. (By the way, Black Lives Matters may wish to take note: In these blessed nations most cops, most of the time, have no guns either.)
The Second Amendment protects ALL our rights
To that last part, yes, the police in Paris did not have firearms when they were gunned down by armed jihadi assailants, but apparently this ironic reality is completely lost on Etzioni. And as for the first part of his statement: Were it true, there would not have been these mass shootings in heavily gun-controlled Paris – right?
He continued with the real intention of his column:
Given that even micro gun control measures will be effectively blocked by the NRA and its allies, and that promoting mini measures as potentially effective is misleading, progressives may as well go for the big enchilada: Call for domestic disarmament.
All this really boils down to is this: Left-wing Marxists prefer the heavy authoritarian hand of government, not the light touch envisioned by our founders. So naturally authoritarianism can only be accomplished by disarming the public.
The founders knew there would be people like Etzioni in the future – because people like him existed at the time of the country's founding, and human nature doesn't really change all that much.
But here's the thing: It doesn't matter how many Americans own guns, or support gun rights or are willing to use a gun to defend themselves and others. The only thing that matters is that Americans have a constitutional right to own firearms, period, and that won't change unless the Second Amendment is repealed (and good luck with that).
People like Etzioni don't understand that one of the bedrock principles behind the Second Amendment is that it protects all our other rights and freedoms.