Obama huddles with Bloomberg as he preps order on guns
Cheryl Chumley
President Obama speaking at the G-20 Summit in Turkey (White House photo)
President Obama went behind closed doors, and off official White House schedule, to meet with former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg – the nanny of city governance who’s helped finance a massive campaign to challenge with National Rifle Association – and discuss gun control.
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“The two discussed ways to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have access to them and what more could be done at the state and local level to help address gun violence in America,” the White House said in a statement released after the meeting.
Obama’s close adviser, Valerie Jarrett, also attended the White House meeting, Breitbart reported.
Bloomberg, who as mayor pushed for bans on Styrofoam, tobacco and trans-fats, has used his post-political office time to drive a $50 million gun-control initiative, billed as a direct opposition to the NRA’s clout on Capitol Hill. So far, his campaign – in part, run through his Everytown for Gun Safety group – hasn’t brought much success.
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But the meeting with Obama, who’s pledged in the wake of several high-profile terrorist and criminal incidents that involved guns to restrict Americans’ access to firearms, could bolster Bloomberg’s nationwide effort.
As the Hill noted, Obama’s been reaching out to several like-minded gun control advocates in recent weeks, including the former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, Mark Kelly, both of whom were invited to the White House to talk Second Amendment regulation.
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Obama’s also vowed to use executive orders, if possible, to enact his gun-control agenda. Jarrett reported a week ago the president has a proposal that’s in its final stage of draft, and will be released soon.
Obama thanked Bloomberg for “his dedication to such an important issue,” Breitbart reported, citing the White House’s statement of the meeting.
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URL to article: http://www.wnd.com/2015/12/obama-huddles-with-bloomberg-to-talk-gun-control/