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Dudley Brown, National Gun Rights

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Feb. 20, 2014

Anti-gun politicians in Pierre are pushing HB 1229, which would strip law-abiding South Dakotans of their gun rights under the guise of "mental health."


Read my e-mail from last night and take action right away!


Call your State Representative at 605-773-3851 and urge them to vote NO on HB 1229 and to stand up for the Second Amendment in South Dakota.

To find out who is your State Representative, click here.

HB 1229 could be up for a vote as early as today, so please act now!


For Liberty,


Dudley Brown



From: Dudley Brown [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2014 7:29 PM

Subject: They're at it again...

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Dear Patrick,


They’re at it again...


Anti-gun politicians in Pierre are trying to strip you of your rights.


You see, earlier today, 11 members of the South Dakota House Judiciary Committee voted to pass HB 1229.


This bill would strip law-abiding people of their gun rights under the guise of “mental health.”


According to the National Institute of Health, nearly half of all Americans will suffer from a “mental health” issue at some point in their lives.


The vast majority of these are non-violent issues like eating disorders or mild stress.


House Bill 1229 would give unelected bureaucrats power to strip non-violent people of their gun rights, FOR LIFE.


Don’t let the politicians fool you, this bill does nothing to keep guns out of the hands of truly dangerous people.


Under House Bill 1229, South Dakotans who get treatment once a month will be reported to the NICS gun registry as ineligible to purchase a firearm.


And once a person is in the NICS registry, it is virtually impossible to get out!


Many politicians are claiming HB 1229 provides for removing people from the NICS registry. This simply is not true.


The Obama administration is deliberately stonewalling requests to remove names once they are in the registry.


After registering law-abiding people in NICS, HB 1229 offers a completely ineffectual method for getting out.


The federal government will go right on ignoring removal requests, and the good people caught in the system under this bill will have little or no hope of having their gun rights restored.


So don’t let the politicians blow smoke in your face. House Bill 1229 is a direct assault on your gun rights.


It could be brought up for passage full vote in the House as early as tomorrow.


That’s why it is so important for you to call your State Representative at 605-773-3851.


To find out who is your State Representative, click here.


Respectfully urge your State Representative to vote NO on HB 1229 and to stand up for the Second Amendment in South Dakota.


Please take action today!


For Freedom,



Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President


P.S. If passed, HB 1229 would strip law-abiding South Dakotans of their gun rights, with virtually no possibility of getting them back.


Please leave a message for your State Representative at 605-773-3851.


To find out who is your State Representative, click here.


Please take action today!




The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is


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