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Dudley Brown, National Gun Rights

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Feb. 17, 2014

President Obama and billionaire anti-gun activist Michael Bloomberg are pushing gun control in South Dakota.
And local anti-gun politicians in Sioux Falls and other towns across the state are only too willing to help create a patchwork of “gun free zones.”
That’s why I hope you’ll read the email below from NAGR's state affiliate, South Dakota Gun Owners.
SDGO Executive Director Ray Lautenschlager is leading the fight for legislation to protect South Dakota from Bloomberg and Obama's anti-gun agenda.
Please read his email and sign the petition to put yourself squarely on record against big-city gun control.



And if you've already signed, thank you for your effort in the cause of freedom.
For Liberty, 
Dudley Brown
From: Ray Lautenschlager [mailto:[email protected]]


Sent: Friday, February 7, 2014 8:51 AM

Subject: Did you hear?



February 7th, 2014 

We have good news for law-abiding gun owners in South Dakota!

The South Dakota Firearms Protection Bills have been introduced as House Bill 1253 and Senate Bill 133.

This legislation is designed to stop anti-gun politicians and bureaucrats from outlawing self-defense on the city level.

Local politicians and bureaucrats have been pushing to create a patchwork of so-called “gun free zones” and other anti-gun restrictions designed to ensnare law abiding gun owners.

The Firearms Protection Bills would stop them cold, closing a current loophole in state law.

HB 1253 and SB 133 would also keep President Obama from enforcing his anti-gun agenda in South Dakota.


The Obama Administration is pushing un-constitutional Executive Orders to strip away the rights of law-abiding South Dakotans.

They’re pushing especially hard to strip veterans of their gun rights, even in South Dakota.

Please click here to sign the petition for the Firearms Protection Bills to STOP this anti-gun assault.

Sadly, anti-gun politicians in South Dakota are actually helping President Obama and billionaire playboy Michael Bloomberg force big-city gun control in South Dakota.

Right now Republican leadership in Pierre is caving to the pressure.  

Capitol insiders warn that the leadership in both the state House and Senate are working to kill HB 1253 and SB 133 in committee.

They want to ensure these important bills don’t see the light of day for a full vote!

That’s why I need your help.  Please click here to sign the petition INSISTING your legislators stand up for gun rights.

Unless we take action, anti-gun city-level politicians and bureaucrats will continue working to outlaw your right to self-defense.

With pressure from Bloomberg and the George Soros-backed South Dakota Municipal League, officials in Sioux Falls are just waiting to enforce so-called “gun free zones” which will ensnare law-abiding gun owners. 

If they succeed, other towns will follow suit with their own “gun free zones” in numerous public places.

Far from being gun-free, these zones disarm only the law-abiding while doing nothing to stop armed criminals who have no respect for the law.

But the facts have never stopped the anti-gun crowd.  That’s up to you and me.

And with President Obama promising that he will “go around Congress” to push gun control, we MUST defend our gun rights in South Dakota.

Take a stand today by signing this petition to STOP big-city gun control in South Dakota.

Thank you for taking action today.

In Liberty,

Ray Lautenschlager

Executive Director

P.S.  The South Dakota Firearms Protection Bills have been introduced as House Bill 1253 and Senate Bill 133.

These pro-gun bills will stop anti-gun politicians and bureaucrats from outlawing self-defense on the city level.



They will also STOP Obama’s anti-gun agenda, who says he is going to “go around Congress” in order to enforce his gun control.

Sign this petition today to STOP Bloomberg and Obama from pushing their big-city gun control in South Dakota.


[email protected]