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Never let a "crisis" go to waste

Dudley Brown - National Gun Rights

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July 18, 2013

Barack Obama is already using the recently-concluded Zimmerman trial to attack your Second Amendment rights.

Last week, he called for a new push to end "gun violence" -- code words for disarm the law-abiding.

And this week, he sent out Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton to make major speeches attacking your right to defend yourself and your family against thugs and criminals.  The gun-grabbers call it your "duty to retreat."

None of this should shock you.  The gun control crowd always uses any so-called "crisis" to restrict your gun rights.

What these new attacks on your gun rights should do is stir you to action.

First, NAGR members and supporters stopped the Feinstein Gun Ban, then we worked together to kill the Toomey-Manchin expanded federal background check bill.

Now, the gun-grabbers are back for "Round Three" of this gun control fight.

That's why it's vital you click on the image below and sign your "Round Three" No Gun Control/No Deals petition AT ONCE!

If you've already signed, please click here to forward this email to family and friends asking them to sign as well.

Your action now will help NAGR flood Capitol Hill with a new round of petitions INSISTING your Congressman and Senators say "NO" to gun control.

-- Dudley

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From: Dudley Brown [[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, July 15th, 2013 1:23 PM

Subject: Bigger, richer, meaner

“A Bigger, Richer, Meaner Gun-Control Movement Has Arrived.”

That’s how one news magazine described the massive mobilization campaign major anti-gun groups have launched all over the country in recent weeks.

'where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Today, there’s no doubt President Obama and his anti-gun allies are gearing up for something BIG.

As you’ll see, I’ve created a new “ROUND THREE” No Gun Control/No Deals petition for your signature.

And I’m counting on you to agree to sign it right away.

Here’s why this is so important . . .

In April, as the fight over gun control finally hit the United States Senate floor, your National Association for Gun Rights literally flooded Capitol Hill with MILLIONS of petitions from good folks like you.

The sheer volume of petitions and calls from pro-gun Americans like you is what saved our Second Amendment rights at the end of the day.

Our numbers proved to U.S. Senators, voting for gun control would mean facing a pro-gun buzz saw at the ballot box when they came up for reelection.

But today, the “Bigger, Richer, Meaner” is launching an anti-gun mobilization campaign of it’s own.

Without your action today, I’m afraid the only petitions sitting on Congressmen and Senators’ desks will be from the gun-grabbers.

You see, for weeks now, I’ve been hearing rumors that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will bring gun control back to the Senate floor either right before or immediately after the coming August recess.

Could it happen?

Well, the Senate has already rammed through its ugly National ID scheme under the guise of “Immigration Reform.”

And in the wake of the highly-publicized Zimmerman trial that just concluded, Obama and the gun-grabbers in DC are already banging the drums for gun control.

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your “ROUND THREE” No Gun Control/No Deals petition IMMEDIATELY.

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You see, at the same time, gun-grabbers are stepping up ALL their efforts, including:

*** BILLIONAIRE New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group, Mayors Against Guns’ 100-day, 25-state bus tour to turn up the heat on Members of the Senate, which is scheduled to run through the end of summer;

This coincides with a three-quarters of a million dollars TV ad buy targeting just two U.S. Senators to change their vote!

*** Former U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords’ Super PAC also launched a tour in six states -- all aimed at swaying vulnerable Senators’ votes.

*** Vice President Joe Biden personally lobbying Members of the U.S. Senate and telling reporters there are already at least “five Senators” who want to change their votes.

I’m sure I don’t have to explain to you that should five U.S. Senators switch their votes, you and I could be staring defeat in the face.

For now, I’ve only told you about the Senate . . .

But the situation in the U.S. House is no less dicey.

For months, both House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor have been signaling they’re open to “considering” new anti-gun schemes.

And after meeting with one group lobbying for more restrictions on Second Amendment rights, both Speaker Boehner and House Majority Leader Cantor REFUSED to take a strong stand.

They’ve also thus far REFUSED to pledge that they’ll honor the longstanding unwritten rule on gun control that GOP leadership have historically abided by.

This rule simply states that GOP Speakers of the House DO NOT bring bills to the floor for votes unless that bill is supported by a majority of the Republican caucus.

The message Speaker Boehner and Majority Leader Cantor are sending here is clear:  “Whatever Harry Reid passes will likely get through the U.S. House.”

That sends shivers down my spine.

That’s why I’m counting on your action.

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You and I both know what’s at stake here.

Expanded or Universal “background checks” (NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION) remains at the top of the gun-grabbers’ priority list.

After all, the ability to CONFISCATE firearms from the American people -- the gun-grabbers’ ultimate goal -- rests on knowing who owns which guns.

That’s the real purpose of these “background checks.”

Without a database of gun owners, this scheme would be largely unenforceable.  There would simply be no way for our federal government to know if any citizen had broken the law.

These “background checks” were a key part of the so-called Toomey-Manchin “compromise” and is central to the newly-drafted U.N. “Small Arms Treaty,” which could come before the Senate as early as this September.

But there’s another threat out there that I’m afraid is growing by the day.

That’s so-called “Mental Health Restrictions,” which is really code for handing federal bureaucrats the ability to STRIP law-abiding gun owners of their Second Amendment rights on a whim without trial or due process.

And the gun-grabbers believe the groundwork has already been laid to classify as many Americans as possible as mentally unstable, including:

>>> News reports that nearly 30% of the nearly 900,000 Iraq and Afghanistan War vets treated by the Department of Veterans Affairs have been diagnosed with PTSD!  This is in addition to the hundreds of thousands of vets who have already been “rewarded” for serving their country with the loss of their gun rights;

>>> New estimates by the World Health Organization that roughly one in five American youngsters will have some sort of mental health problems every year;

>>> Estimates by U.S. Surgeon General Steven Galson that 46.4% of Americans experience some sort of mental illness during their lives!

To the gun-grabbers, disarming up to 50% of the American population within a year or two’s time by declaring them “crazy” without ever going through a trial sounds like a dream come true!

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But sadly, from day one of this fight, the NRA has been pushing for a national “mental health database.”

You and I both know madmen and criminals don’t get their guns legally.

Like the Newtown killer, they often steal them.

Not only that, but one recent news article, discussing a similar scheme explained that both gun rights activists AND mental health professionals were coming out in droves against it, stating the “proposal could discourage people with mental illness from seeking treatment.”

You see, under the gun-grabbers’ “mental health database,” if you’ve ever been prescribed anything or gone through a traumatic experience and complained about it to the wrong person, you could lose your gun rights immediately.

Over the past several months, “proxy wars” have been fought in state legislatures all over the country on this issue.

Recently, in Florida, Governor Rick Scott signed a new “mental health” bill into law -- against the wishes of Second Amendment supporters, but with the backing of anti-gun Democrats and the NRA.

I’m afraid a Congressional showdown could only be weeks away.

So it’s time for every Second Amendment supporter to ask themselves a simple question . . .

Do you trust President Obama with your gun rights?

Do you trust any President with the power to strip law-abiding American citizens of their gun rights without adjudication or trial?

After the IRS harassment of Tea Party groups and the administration’s wiretapping and targeting of reporters who dared criticize them, I don’t think it’s ever been any clearer this would be a recipe for disaster.

If you agree, I’m counting on you to sign your “ROUND 3” No Gun Control/No Deals petition IMMEDIATELY.

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And, if you can, please agree to ch, as well.

Your National Association for Gun Rights doesn’t have New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s millions.

If we’re going to continue to stand toe-to-toe with the gun-grabbers, I MUST be able to count on the support of good folks like you.

But if $20 is too much, will you agree to chip in $5 or $10 TODAY?

Every dollar you give will help your National Association for Gun Rights turn up the heat on Members of Congress to oppose radical schemes like the U.N.’s “Small Arms Treaty,” so-called “Background checks” (NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION) and new “mental health restrictions.”

The truth is, each and every one of these fights could come to a head in just a matter of weeks!

Already, NAGR is running TV ads in Pennsylvania. I’ve authorized a new slew of Internet ad campaigns in ten states.

But I must do more -- email, mail, newspaper ads and even more TV.

I just don’t have the funds to be able to launch such a massive program right now.

So I must count on you.

Won’t you please sign your “ROUND 3” No Gun Control/No Deals petition and chip in $5 or $10 IMMEDIATELY?

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The storm clouds are gathering.  The storm is brewing.

You and I must be ready to fight back.

Please act today.

For Freedom,


Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President

P.S. There’s no doubt President Obama and his anti-gun allies are gearing up for something BIG.

The U.N.’s “Small Arms Treaty,” expanded “Background Checks” (NATIONAL GUN REGISTRATION) and new so-called “mental health restrictions” could all rear their ugly heads in just weeks!

Without your action today, I’m afraid the only petitions sitting on Congressmen and Senators’ desks will be from the gun-grabbers.

Won’t you please sign your “ROUND 3” No Gun Control/No Deals petition and chip in $5 or $10 IMMEDIATELY?

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The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

Not produced or e-mailed at taxpayer expense.

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