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Dudley Brown - National Gun Rights

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March 21, 2013

Here's a quick update on the gun control bills currently making their way through Congress.



As you know, the biggest danger to gun rights is Obama's "Plan B" alternative -- a triple threat designed to sound more "reasonable" to the public than a total gun ban.


But don’t be fooled, there’s nothing reasonable about it.


This alternative has three components:  fictitious “gun trafficking” legislation, so-called “mental health screenings” and “expanded background checks.”


First there's Rep. Scott Rigell's H.R. 452.


More properly called the Forced Gun Owner Registration Act, it's counterpart in the Senate, S. 443, just cleared the Judiciary Committee.


That means it could be up for a vote on the Senate floor and over to the House any day.


And then there's S. 374, Sen. Chuck Schumer's gun control bill, which also just cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee.


This bill is far worse than I previously thought.


Not only does it FORCE states to report private mental health records to the Feds, it also requires handing them a record of EVERY firearm given, sold, or traded in America.


And of course, while some claim the bill is dead, the Feinstein Gun Ban (S. 150) also made it out of committee.


 I don't have to tell you these bills are an all out assault on the Second Amendment.


But I've got a plan to defeat them and every one of their clones in Congress:  S. 453, S. 54, and S.480, Sen. Lindsey Graham's "Gun Control Compromise" Bill.


That's why it's so critical you and I raise the $400,000 necessary to launch my Targeted State Program.


We've already raised over $185,000 towards that goal.


Will you chip in just $10 or $20 today to push us that much closer?


And if you haven't already, please read my email below for all the details of this massive plan.


Thank you for your support.


-- Dudley


From: Dudley Brown [[email protected]]


Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2013 6:39 PM

Subject: Already, politicians are falling for it . . .



Imagine President Obama -- flanked by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner -- smiling for the news cameras as he signs yet another "grand deal" into law.


But this time, it's gun control on President Obama’s desk.


That NIGHTMARE is exactly what you and I face right now.


Please realize, you and I are staring straight at the most critical phase in our battle to save our Second Amendment rights RIGHT NOW.


I’m talking about the gun-grabbers’ "Plan B" alternative -- it’s a triple threat designed to sound more "reasonable" to the public than a total gun ban.


Already, too many politicians are falling for it.


And Patrick, I need your help to fight back.


Just days ago, I instructed my staff to pull out all the stops on a massive nationwide grassroots lobbying program.


Because of the outpouring of support NAGR has recieved over the past few months, much of the program is already paid for.


But right now, I'm about $400,000 short to launch my full plan:  Direct mail.  Phones.  Email.  Hard-hitting internet, newspaper, radio and even TV ads.  The whole nine yards.


Will you please help me raise the remaining funds over the next seven days to put the full plan into action?


I'm counting on you to go above and beyond at this critical moment and make an emergency contribution by chipping in just $10 or $20 today.


Your generous support will help the National Association for Gun Rights put every crucial part of this plan into action.


Here's a link to our TV ad calling out Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia for supporting gun control.


With your contribution, we'll expand to at least 6 more states where I expect a possible sell-out on gun control:


Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska, Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, Sen. Max Baucus of Montana, and Sen. Tim Johnson of South Dakota.


click here to
see the TV ad!


Make no mistake.  Right now is crunch time.


On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate’s Judiciary Committee met yet again, passing an expanded background check bill.  Last week, they RAMMED through the Leahy Gun Trafficking Bill.


That means two of the three major bills the gun-grabbers want are now on the move in the Senate . . .


Each anti-gun bill is a key part of the gun-grabbers' three-pronged attack, which includes:

*** Expanded or even universal "background checks" (GUN REGISTRATION).


With these "background check" forms, President Obama and his pals can register, track and trace every firearm in America. In fact, it’s the ONLY way they can enforce their universal "background check" scheme.


Do you really trust President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder enough to hand them every tool they need to create a national gun registry?

*** Anti-"Gun Trafficking" legislation.


By imposing outlandish penalties on Second Amendment supporters for selling or giving firearms to "prohibited persons," this bill is designed to allow ATF agents to terrorize Second Amendment supporters into screaming FOR a national gun registry.


Since the list of prohibited persons includes many veterans and other law-abiding people, the only way for law-abiding gun owners to protect themselves is to ensure that every firearm transfer is first "approved" by the federal government with a national gun registry;

*** "Mental Health" restrictions.


Have you ever served in the military or experienced a traumatic family situation like a death in the family? If you’re prescribed anything at all -- or even if you complain of stress to the wrong person -- that could be enough for you to lose your Second Amendment rights.


Former Surgeon General Steven Galson estimated that 46.4% of Americans experience some sort of mental illness during their lives!


To the gun-grabbers, disarming half of America for life with a simple mental health database within a year or two’s time sounds like a dream come true!

And, of course, each one of these bills will end up being loaded down with dozens more anti-gun amendments before it’s all said and done!



So won’t you please agree to chip in just $10 or $20 TODAY to help me reach our $400,000 goal?


The stakes could hardly be any higher.


If I don't have the funds to launch this full program by next Friday, we very well could lose this battle . . .


here to see the TV ad!


And I’m sure you agree, it’s time every one of these senators felt the outrage from Second Amendment supporters within their states!


At the top of our list are SIX key U.S. Senators in BOTH parties who are up for re-election in 2014.


They include Mark Begich (D-AK), Mark Pryor (D-AR), Max Baucus (D-MT), Tim Johnson (D-SD), Susan Collins (R-ME), Mark Kirk (D-IL).


Of course, these six senators will be most vulnerable to our pressure.


But there’s another handful whose votes will be key, as well, who are already playing footsie with the gun-grabbers, including Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Kay Hagan (D-NC), Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), and -- of course -- President Obama’s Senate ringleader Joe Manchin (D-WV).


These are the "inside players" most likely to cut a "deal" and hand President Obama the gun-grab he so desperately wants.


But how much I can do depends solely on how much we raise.


That's because -- without your generous financial support -- I just won’t be able to turn up the kind of pressure it will take to win.


So you and I must spring into action NOW.


click here to
see the TV ad!


Just a couple of weeks ago, Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Congressman Scott Rigell (R-VA) got their first tastes of exactly the kind of political pain the National Association for Gun Rights members like you can inflict.


Within hours of NAGR TV ads running in West Virginia, Senator Joe Manchin released an angry and poorly done response confirming every one of our attacks.


Since then, his staff has refused to even allow members of the media to ask him questions about gun control!


Likewise, Congressman Scott Rigell’s office quickly responded to our attacks in local TV media, refusing to even address the substance of NAGR’s attacks!


You and I have struck a nerve!


Gun-grabbers in BOTH parties are getting the message we’re sending . . .


Now I want to do that in at least a dozen other places across the nation.


If they stubbornly refuse to protect our gun rights, there WILL be consequences.


As I mentioned, I’ve authorized a massive program designed to really turn up the heat.


Using mail, email, internet ads, and hard-hitting TV spots, you and I will show our top targets we mean business!


This program is PROVEN to work.


But I simply must raise $400,000 by next Friday to put it all into action.


So won’t you please agree to chip in just $10 or $20 IMMEDIATELY?


There’s not a moment to waste.


Please agree to your most generous contribution TODAY.


For Freedom,

Dudley Brown

Executive Vice President

P.S. Once a deal is struck, you and I may not have much time to fight back.


I’ve already instructed my staff to pull out all the stops -- including mail, email, radio, internet ads and hard-hitting TV spots.


Much of the program is paid for, but I need to raise at least $400,000 in the next seven days to put everything we’ve planned into action.


So please chip in just $10 or $20 IMMEDIATELY!


Thanks in advance for your support.

click here to see the TV ad!



The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation.  The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. Box 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404.  They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is


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Dudley Brown