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Aug. 15, 2012

LaPierre blows whistle on U.N. gun grab

Only 150 copies left – first come-first served


WASHINGTON – National Rifle Association leader Wayne LaPierre, also a New York Times bestselling author, has written a book exposing the U.N.'s secret plan to impose gun control inside the U.S., despite the Constitution.


It's called "America Disarmed: Inside the U.N. and Obama's Scheme to Destroy the Second Amendment." However, there are only 150 copies left for public dissemination of this devastating, timely, election-eve, whistleblowing book prepared especially for NRA members – and they are all in the WND Superstore.


The books are all autographed by LaPierre – and the book will not be reprinted. So it is not only represents a vital briefing on a matter of national urgency, it is also an instant collector's item.


"When these books are gone, they are gone for good," said Joseph Farah, founder of WND Books, which published the special edition meant for NRA members. "About 50,000 copies have already been distributed through the NRA in time for the 2012 election. There's no more time left for a massive distribution of this timely work. So be one of the 150 who grabs the last copies."


Maybe you think LaPierre's nightmare scenario can't really happen.


But it is happening right now – before our eyes, downplayed in the media. The effort behind this is long-term. Even if the U.N. and Barack Obama don't get their way this year, the wheels are in motion when the moment is right.


This explosive book by LaPierre takes you deep inside the U.N. and President Barack Obama's plan to wheel a Trojan Horse "Arms Trade Treaty" into the U.S. and trample your right to own a firearm.


In "America Disarmed" you will learn exactly how the U.N. plans to impose gun control in America. You'll also discover the corrupt anti-gun organizations that do the U.N.'s bidding, and the inner workings of the anti-gun cabal President Obama has assembled for his administration.


The cornerstone of our freedom is the Second Amendment. Neither the United Nations, nor any other foreign influence, has the authority to meddle with the freedoms guaranteed by our Bill of Rights, endowed by our Creator, and due to all humankind.


If you care about your Right to Keep and Bear Arms, then you need to read this book and arm yourself with the facts so you can fight back!


LaPierre has served as the executive vice president and chief executive officer of the National Rifle Association of America since 1991. For two decades, Wayne has led the NRA through a period of unprecedented membership growth and political clout in defense of our Second Amendment rights. As the principal spokesman for NRA's four million active members, he is regularly quoted, debated and interviewed on the nation's most influential television networks, cable programs, radio shows and in national and global newspapers and magazines.


Get one of the last copies of this book to be distribute and learn the secret plan to disarm America – autographed and available exclusively at the WND Superstore while supplies last.



View all of Wayne LaPierre's books:








SAFE: How to Protect Yourself,


Your Family and Your Home



By Wayne LaPierre


This year, hundreds of thousands of American families will face natural and man-made disasters, including floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and more.


If you want to take the right steps to prepare and protect the things that are most important to you – your family, your home, your financial future – then you owe it to yourself and your family to read this book.







The Global War on Your Guns



By Wayne LaPierre


They want all of them-now-and they've found a way to do it. In fact, the U.N. is so cocksure it can commandeer the Second Amendment that it chose the Fourth of July, 2006, to hold its global gun ban summit in New York City. If you think there's no way an armed U.N. platoon of blue helmets can knock on your door to take your guns, this book just became your next must-read.


Wayne LaPierre's The Global War on Your Guns takes you inside the U.N. plan to destroy the Bill of Rights by attacking the one right that makes any right possible, the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.





Guns, Freedom and Terrorism



In "Guns, Freedom and Terrorism," National Rifle Association executive vice president Wayne LaPierre provides a fact–filled volume and tackles a number of subjects surrounding gun rights, including: arming airline pilots, animal rights extremism, media bias, gun-show prohibition, self-defense, and others. His convincing arguments will cause even the most adamant gun-control supporter to consider the values our forefathers fought to protect – liberty, self-government and justice.

The Essential Second Amendment Guide




By Wayne LaPierre


The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees your right to keep and bear arms. You have a right to own a gun for defense of family and home. You have a right to own a gun for hunting, shooting or collecting. You have the right to own a gun to break the chains of tyranny. Our Founding Fathers said it. Our Constitution guarantees it.



When a man-made disaster like the Arizona massacre happens, Americans look for answers.


How can such tragedies be averted – or at least minimized?


How can such attacks be prevented or discouraged?


How can we reduce the carnage tolls when people are driven to mass murder by political or religious fanaticism or psychological disorders?


There is common-sense, tried-and-true biblical and constitutional prescription.


It's found in a one-of-a-kind book written by an extraordinary man who found himself in the unenviable position of being caught up in the largest and bloodiest terrorist attack ever perpetrated on a church.


The simple answer is provided in the title of the book by Charl Van Wyk – "Shooting Back."


But there's much more to the story than armed self-defense. "Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense" is a book about bring prepared for the crisis – spiritually as well as physically.


Charl Van Wyk, a South African missionary, implores Americans to recognize that it is time for such preparedness here.


Van Wyk's close encounter came in 1993 when he found himself in the midst of what became known as the St. James Massacre – a packed Sunday evening church service in South Africa attacked by Islamic terrorists.


"Grenades were exploding in flashes of light," he wrote. " Pews shattered under the blasts, sending splinters flying through the air. An automatic assault rifle was being fired and was fast ripping the pews – and whoever, whatever was in its trajectory – to pieces. We were being attacked!"


Some of the attackers later confessed their aim was to wipe out everyone in the church that night – about 1,000 worshippers.


They assumed they would be met with no armed resistance.


But Van Wyk, a trained military man as well as a Christian pastor, was carrying a .38 revolver that night. And when he had the opportunity to secure his own safety in the mayhem, he began returning fire.


While he was outgunned and outmanned, the surprised terrorists fled the scene, pursued only by one armed Christian with a handgun.


While 11 churchgoers were killed in the attack and 53 others wounded, most of congregation was saved from what would have been near-certain death had one man not been prepared to defend himself and others.


"When last did you hear of a multiple-victim shooting taking place on a firearm range, in a police station or at a gun show, or wherever many firearms are found anywhere in the world?" asks Van Wyk. "You haven't. That's because criminals prefer unarmed victims, or soft targets. No wonder they love gun control – it makes their work so much easier and their working environment much safer."


In Christian circles, van Wyk concludes, there is an additional imperative to be armed for self-defense.


"The Apostle Paul wrote in a letter to Timothy, 'But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially of those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever,'" notes Van Wyk. "Provision includes providing security. In fact our Lord Jesus taught, 'If you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.'"


Quoting Jesus again, Van Wyk added, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and 'your neighbour as yourself,'" he said. "Are we loving our neighbor when we stand by and do nothing when he is being murdered or a woman is being raped?"


In his book "Shooting Back" van Wyk not only documents the notorious and bloody attack, but offers the first in-depth exploration of the biblical case for armed self-defense.


That account also has now been translated into a video documentary – the first ever produced by WND's new video division.


You can also purchase the book and the video together for a reduced bundle price.


"This book is the single best work of its kind, combining a dramatic, real-life story with an in-depth Bible study on armed self-defense," says Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND. "We're living in increasingly dangerous times in America in the 21st century. We need to learn the lessons other Jews and Christians have learned the hard way through criminal victimization and state-sponsored genocides. There is no substitute to preparedness – and that means spiritual preparedness as well as physical."



Click here to learn more!





Home/Personal Defense Shotgun – NEW!


The shotgun is one of the most potent self-defense weapons available if you understand its role in personal and home defense and how to make the best use of its advantages. Home/Personal Defense Shotgun explores how to choose the right shotgun and ammunition, its proper use and applications, shooting techniques and range drills to maximize your defensive capabilities.






Complete descriptions of each of the DVDs are below, and you can purchase each of the five at outstanding discount prices from the WND Superstore. However, the bundles are an even better deal, and probably you will want more than one of the videos. So please note:



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