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It Could Happen Tomorrow

Dudley Brown

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As you may have noticed, I relay all Dudley Brown's notices and alerts.   I hope you will be willing to give Dudley some good support in this request.  I will call also in the morning, even though Repr. Jim Costa and I have clashed.  The last time I spoke to him, I told him about Public Law 87-297 being the primary basis for all these bad gun laws. I explained to him how the United Nations has been behind the total gun grab --including the plan to take over our national armed forces for their world army.  But he would not listen.   He said he did not believe what I was telling him even though I had a copy of the law in my hand.  I tried to speak out as a member of his audience that day, but our left wing mayor had the chairman stop me while I was explaining it to Costa and the audience.  Later in the hall, he told me that he would not believe it,  and that he was in support of the United Nations.   I looked at him - straight in the eye -- and said: YOU NEED TO BE REPLACED!  He won't listen to anybody  who tries to wake him up. Sure makes one sick to witness what these so-called "representatives" are trying to do to our republic. We can only be a republic if we are an armed population  -- the people at large.  Well, I will call his office anyway despite it all tomorrow. 

  We really aren't a republic any more since they merged the military and the civilian law enforcement system together under one head. That is the framework used in establishing a dictatorship, and is never allowed in a republic.    In a republic, a sharp line always exists that separates these  two systems from each other.  The sharp line is no longer there.  The two systems are now merged together and they call it the  Homeland Security Dept.  A major and essential principle in Constitutional government has been broken.   It has broken the republic!  "Representatives"  were hired to protect our rights, our liberty, and  our republic. But they aren't doing what the job calls for.  Actually,  I think the biggest  blame should go on the state governor in every state. This was a national thing, this Page 340 trick.   What does the governor of a state think he (or she) is seeing when they consider the Homeland Security Dept.?

 Surely, he (or she) understand the rules -- and can see that they are building a militarized government by merging the civilian police with the military.  The governor is supposed to protect our rights and the security of a FREE STATE.   Have they chosen to forget the old state motto:  "Salus populi suprema lex esto."?   It means: The SAFETY of the state is the highest law!"   In California, our current governor is the same Jerry Brown who let Page 340 continue in the Master Set of State Standards and Goals, when California was the  "pilot state for the nation".  Even when he was told about  Page 340  -- the presence of a counterfeit authorization (his office sneaked it into the record)  --supposedly had an O.K. from the people to approve of our privately owned hand guns to be prohibited.     That is counterfeit because the 340th page was entered into the official records without any approval by the people.  That page is the basis upon which they will call in all the guns at some point in time. -  How could the people be giving their "permission" to be disarmed, when they never knew that a counterfeit authorization was sneaked into the record under their name?  (to allow complete prohibiting of all hand guns).  Well, I hope Dudley gets to see a copy of this, my addition to his e-mail.     -    Bernadine

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: It could happen tomorrow!
Date: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 16:16:11 -0700
From: Dudley Brown <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: Second Amendment Committee <[email protected]>

Second Amendment Committee,

H.R. 822 could be taken up for a vote as early as tomorrow morning.

From the beginning, I have been warning you about H.R. 822 turning into a Trojan Horse.

Unfortunately, I'm being proven right more quickly than I ever imagined.

I've been afraid that this bill would be amended to include "reasonable" gun control measures that would, in fact, turn out to be disastrous federally mandated infringements on our rights.

The response to this was an assurance that, should the bill be amended, it would be pulled by its sponsors.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but it already has been amended.

Prior to leaving the Judiciary Committee, H.R. 822 was amended to include the following changes:

  • A "study" to control firearm sales over the internet;
  • Eliminated provisions for states' rights;
  • A "review" in one year -- providing a perfect opportunity for more changes.
Keep in mind, these changes have been made by a Republican-controlled committee that is part of a Republican-controlled House.

What happens when it gets to Harry Reid's Senate?

In addition to the accepted amendments, numerous others have been proposed such as:

  • Inclusion of REAL ID as part of H.R. 822;
  • Banning national carry for anyone under 21 years of age;
  • Anyone labeled as a "terrorist" would be denied carry rights;
  • Requirements for all individuals to provide 24 hour notice to any state he or she would be traveling to.
I haven't told you the craziest part, yet.

One amendment proposed would have changed H.R. 822 to allow Washington, D.C. to be included in the list of places one would have reciprocity.

Guess what?

Republicans voted it down!

I guess that D.C. v Heller case didn't mean all that people said it did, huh?

I need you to call your Congressman right now.

Tell them that this is not the answer to better gun laws.

Tell them that this bill will only make things more complicated and, in the end, hurt gun owners.

Call Rep. Jim Costa at (202) 225-3341.

This is important.

Call them as soon as possible, because this could happen tomorrow morning.

Tell Rep. Jim Costa to vote no on H.R. 822 and to keep the federal government out of your concealed carry laws.

-- Dudley

From: Dudley Brown [[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 1:54 PM

Subject: Urgent action needed

Second Amendment Committee,

Last week I told you some well-meaning, but in my opinion very misguided pro-gunners are working to pass a bill that could turn into a Trojan Horse for more gun control.

I was talking about H.R. 822, the so-called “National Reciprocity Act,” which could open the flood gates of gun control.

I’m calling it the National CCW Registration Act.

While the idea that all states should recognize a concealed weapons permit is sound public policy, the use of the anti-gun federal bureaucracy to implement it is simply foolish.

Can I count on you to take action RIGHT NOW? Rep. Lamar Smith is the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee that will hear H.R. 822, the National CCW Registration Act.

I need you to call House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smithand make clear that you want to keep the government’s hands off your permit and that you are opposed to federal intrusion into the concealed weapons permit process.

Once the federal government is in the business of setting the standards for concealed carry permits, it’s only a matter of time before they start using that power to restrict our rights.

Now you may hear arguments that this bill doesn’t do that, and maybe that’s true... for now.

Even worse, once this bill starts moving, anyone can amend the bill with anything... and no legislation can bind a future Congress in any way.

That doesn’t count what Obamacrats in the Department of Justice might dream up as the “regulations” to carry out the legislative “intent.”

Gun owners have enough trouble with Republican-run Executive branches implementing the law improperly. Does anyone really think the Obama Administration is going to treat gun owners fairly?

I know many of you are frustrated that you can carry in some states but not others -- I’m frustrated, too.

I carry concealed every day, everywhere I go, and have worked to expand the ability of citizens to carry in dozens of states.

I believe I should be able to carry concealed -- without a permit -- in all 50 states. That’s what “bear arms” means. Believe me, that’s a long-term policy goal for the National Association for Gun Rights.

But mark my words, H.R. 822, the National CCW Registration Act, will become nothing more than a Trojan Horse for even more federal gun control.

I understand that many who support this bill sincerely just want their right to carry respected -- but cannot due to the fact that their state or another won’t do the right thing.

But the devil is truly in the details... and the details are where H.R. 822 gets sticky.

This bill isn’t just about the right to carry for self defense -- it’s a battle over the role of government and the ability to restrict our Second Amendment rights.

Once gun owners let the Obamacrats start mandating whether states recognize permit reciprocity, they will want to mandate what it takes to get and keep those permits.

We’re talking about:

  • More onerous standards to acquire a permit, so that only FBI agents can pass muster (look at New York’s permit system);
  • Higher fees;
  • More training requirements;
  • A demonstration of “Need” for a permit;
  • More frequent renewal periods;
  • Federally-mandated waiting periods;
  • A national database of all permit holders, accessible by Attorney General Eric Holder;
  • An extensive, federally-created list of Criminal Safezones, where only criminals will carry and where law-abiding gun owners are vulnerable;
  • The list of potential problems is endless.
I need you to call House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smithat (202)225-4236 and make clear that you want to keep thegovernment’s hands off your permit and that you oppose federal intrusion into the concealed weapons permit process.

I haven’t even mentioned that this legislation would shred the Constitutional Carry provisions that are on the books in Arizona, Alaska, Vermont and Wyoming.

It doesn’t stop with just concealed carry. They’ll co-opt the bill to expand the national Brady Registration Check system to block military veterans with PTSD or individuals with misdemeanor convictions from even OWNING firearms -- much less use them for self defense.

I don’t believe the intentions of the bill sponsors are intrinsically bad -- they’re just naive and misguided.

Many statists in Washington will co-opt H.R. 822 as part of their grab for more federal power and less individual liberty.

Even now, the statists in Congress are trying to adopt a National ID card, complete with biometric data that they’ve forced the states to conform to their mandated drivers license “standards.” The National Association for Gun Rights has been part of a group of liberty-minded organizations which have passed state legislation forbidding cooperation with a National ID card.

While many in the institutional gun control lobby will tell you this is a step forward for CCW permit holders, make no mistake, the National CCW Registration Act is a misguided attempt to protect our rights. It’s like asking the fox to guard the hen house.

They will use this bill as the foundation to create a federal database of CCW permit holders. And then they can link it everywhere the Feds have database connections -- state police, doctors and insurance companies under Obamacare, and Medicaid/Medicare.

I’m sorry, but I refuse to entrust my liberty and privacy to a “trust us, they won’t do that” approach to dealing with Obama, the gun-grabbers or frankly most politicians of either party in Washington.

I need you to make some noise, right now!

Here’s what you can do to help

  1. I need you to call House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smithat 202-225-4236and make clear that you want to keep thegovernment’s hands off your permit and you are opposed to federal intrusion into the concealed weapons permit process.
  2. Once you’ve called Chairman Smith, please consider chipping in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun Rights continue to fight the anti-gunners in Washington.
It’s imperative that we stop H.R. 822 -- the National CCW Registration Act -- before it gathers steam and support.

Liberal Republicans and so-called “conservative” Democrats are looking for an easy “pro-gun” vote to give them cover before the next election.

A Trojan Horse gun control bill like H.R. 822 is exactly the kind of legislation that will get support on both sides of the aisle in Washington D.C. And remember, the Democrat-controlled Senate has to pass it before it gets to Obama... so this bill will only get worse.

That’s why you and I have to make noise, now!

Please call House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smithat 202-225-4236and relay the message that gun owners oppose H.R. 822, the Trojan Horse gun control bill. Make clear that you want to keep the federal government’s hands off the state-run CCW permit system.

Thank you for joining me in this important fight against the National CCW Registration Act.

   For Freedom,


   Dudley Brown

   Executive Director

P.S. Please call House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smithat 202-225-4236and make clear that you want to keep thegovernment’s hands off your permit. Tell him you oppose federal intrusion into the concealed weapons permit process.

Once you’ve called Chairman Smith, please consider chipping in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun Rights continue to fight the anti-gunners in Washington.

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O. 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is

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From:  [email protected]