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Horror and genocide: The true legacy of gun control


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Even such a huge number cannot convey the horror

You've never seen anything like "Innocents Betrayed."

170,000,000 That's the number of civilians that have been murdered by their own governments in the 20th century alone. 170,000,000 men, women, and children who were defenseless to protect themselves.

170,000,000 victims .... of gun control. But a mere number cannot convey the horror.

This story has never been told in a documentary film. You never received the facts in public schools, and likely not in the private schools. Neither do your kids know.

See the Proof

Sit and watch. You'll see the photos, the footage, the people, the faces. You'll read the laws and hear the proclamations. You'll witness just enough horror to understand how easy it is for armed killers to slaughter the disarmed, the powerless, the innocents.

"Innocents Betrayed" presents the entirely true accounts of how civilian disarmament made possible the killing of millions. The point is made sharply, clearly, unforgettably. It's the factual counterpoint to the lies in Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine."

[Warning: This film contains extremely graphic images and should not be shown to young children.]

See the Proof

Sit and watch. You'll see the photos, the footage, the people, the faces. You'll read the laws and hear the proclamations. You'll witness just enough horror to understand how easy it is for armed killers to slaughter the disarmed, the powerless, the innocents.

"Innocents Betrayed" presents the entirely true accounts of how civilian disarmament made possible the killing of millions. The point is made sharply, clearly, unforgettably. It's the factual counterpoint to the lies in Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine."

[Warning: This film contains extremely graphic images and should not be shown to young children.]


We in the United States have the incredible luxury of our Founding Fathers' wisdom and keen awareness of what happens when government becomes the enemy of the people. They knew that the process of rendering citizens defenseless is what allows dictatorships to come into power.

Most sensible people innately understand the argument: A disarmed populace is easier to control.

But as the best instruction always does, "Innocents Betrayed" does not just tellshows you, in searing images you'll not soon forget.

By the time you've watched the final interview, you will have a visceral appreciation for the Second Amendment. Most likely, you will want to share that feeling with as many fellow citizens as possible to ensure we in the U.S. never allow ourselves to be disarmed.

After seeing "Innocents Betrayed," you will feel a newfound love and appreciation for each firearm you own - because a single gun is so very powerful against the alternative.

  • Consider the case of Rwanda in 1994, when hundreds of thousands were killed with knives and farm implements. In one instance, a single gun left by a departing soldier was used to protect 5500 people for a full week.
  • Or in California, where two children were chopped up by a madman with a pitchfork - because the family's handgun was locked away as required by law.
  • Without the legal right to self-defense, civilians can be subdued by any simple-minded class of thugs and by the crudest of methods: tools, knives ... even box-cutters.

The message is simple: Disarmed people are neither free nor safe - they become the criminals' prey and the tyrants' playthings.

Professor R.J. Rummel, one of the world's top authorities on genocide, said: "Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth."

He estimates that governments murdered 170,000,000 people in the 20th century. That amount averages more than the terrorist death toll of September 11, 2001 - every day for 100 years.

Photos, footage, facts and figures in the the film make a powerful case that civilians should never relinquish their power to governments, no matter what promises those governments make. From Turkey to Germany, from Guatemala to Uganda, the film shows the disastrous effects of civilian disarmament.

Seeing the horrific effects of civilian disarmament, it is hard to understand how anyone would want a country that arms its government agents but disarms its citizens. Those who favor "gun control," for example, should explain why they want to discourage private firearms ownership. All of the "sensible gun laws" operate to make private firearms ownership more difficult, inconvenient, expensive, embarrassing or legally risky. "Gun control" advocates never propose expanding the number of decent people who own firearms.

Shatter the Myths

What disarms the citizens? The idea of "gun control." It's the idea that only the government has the right to possess firearms, and that citizens have no unalienable right to use force to defend against aggression.

Somebody says: "Only the police and military should have guns; private citizens don't need them." Your response: Play the DVD. Show what happens when the government alone has all power.

Somebody says: "It's sensible to license guns and register their owners." Your response: Play the DVD. Show how licensing and registration were key elements in disarming populations, leaving them vulnerable to methodical slaughter.

Somebody says: "America should follow the lead of the rest of the world— strict 'gun control.'" Your response: Play the DVD. Show how the "rest of the world" lost 170,000,000 innocent, non-combatant men, women and children. Millions died because they were defenseless ... just look at the pictures ... see the numbers ... look into the eyes of the victims.

As "Innocents Betrayed" graphically shows, concentrating power in the hands of government while reducing the power of the people sets the stage for unbelieveable human misery. Violent crime remains a serious problem that harms thousands of people, but victim disarmament kills millions. The right to armed self-defense is the solution, not the problem. "Gun control" -- the idea that decent people really do not need and should not have firearms -- must be rejected as both immoral and dangerous.

See the horrific consequences of gun control. More importantly: Show this documentary to your family and friends (mature viewers only).

Click here to get your copy of "Innocents Betrayed."

You may also be interested in this documentary about the importance of the freedom to own firearms.

"Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense" - (DVD)

Charl Van Wyk was just an ordinary Christian man until July 25, 1993 -– the day that would become known as the St. James Massacre. It was on this date that Van Wyk shot back at the terrorists who were attacking an innocent congregation gathered in prayer, and saved many lives in the process. More than just a remarkable story of courage under fire, Shooting Back deals forthrightly with the consequences of his actions that day, while addressing the concerns that plague so many God-fearing people in these lawless times:

  • Should we carry arms?
  • When is it appropriate to defend ourselves and our families?
  • What can we do when our God-given right to self-defense is legislated away from us?
Click here to watch the

"Shooting Back: The Right and Duty of Self-Defense" trailer.

Gun owners: Here is one of the best deals you'll ever find!


Five products on one DVD every shooter must have:

1. Reference guide that presents over 50,000 models of Firearms, Airguns and Ammo from 425 manufacturers worldwide!

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  • Over 27,000 high-resolution color pictures in resolution up to 6636 x 1492!
  • Up to 12 pictures per model! Zoom in to the see smallest details!
  • Guns are presented in different finishes, stock types and stock materials!
  • Exclusive U.S. and EU custom guns with price tags up to $1,000,000!
  • Interlinked ammo and gun database. Check the stopping power of each gun with one click.

2. Schematics Library with over 1,550 gun schematics with parts lists from 130 manufacturers!

Search for a specific gun schematic by manufacturer, then choose the model and zoom in to see the smallest gun parts and print out any schematics

3. FFL Locator – Database of over 60,000 gun dealers in the USA with phone numbers and addresses. When you need a gun dealer find them by type of license, by state and by ZIP code.

4. 500 Printable Targets – Print as many as you like! Shoot as many as you like! Choose from a great selection: game animals, silhouettes, crosshairs, sight-ins, fun-to-shoot objects, etc. Both black & white and color targets!

5. US-EU Ammo Caliber Chart - No more hassle trying to figure out which EU ammo caliber is which US ammo caliber. We’ve figured it out for you, from US to EU and EU to US - works both ways!

Click here to learn more.

The Essential Second Amendment Guide - (Hardcover)

Right now, your constitutional right to keep and bear arms is under attack by politicians, bureaucrats and the gun-hating media. And they won't stop until they ban every rifle, pistol and shotgun you own.

The Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees your right to keep and bear arms. You have a right to own a gun for defense of family and home. You have a right to own a gun for hunting, shooting or collecting. You have the right to own a gun to break the chains of tyranny. Our Founding Fathers said it. Our Constitution guarantees it. Our courts affirm it. Our laws protect it.

Fight back now with this classic "Essential Second Amendment Guide" by the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre.

Click here to learn more.

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