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Reposted June 6, 2012


Innocents Betrayed - The History of Gun Control PT 1 :
Innocents Betrayed - The History of Gun Control PT 2 :
Innocents Betrayed - The History of Gun Control PT 3 :
Innocents Betrayed - The History of Gun Control PT 4 :

From one of my favorite groups…Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership!   This is history, whether you choose to heed the warnings of the past or not is up to you. Since WWII the Communist have been moving a warp speed through the UN to control guns. If you don't know about UN Agenda 21 or the UN Small Arms Treaty you really need to get educated now. While this video deals with specific countries the UN wants to do this Globally. This is a long video I urge you to set aside the time to watch and read what the UN has been up to. Just a glimpse of Agenda 21 is to control all natural resources, Food, Fuel, Land, Water and to stop development of land.


I am begging you to watch this!!!


Must watch… there are some graphic images.. but we must never forget!  Please share if you agree that we should always remember.


In this powerful documentary produced by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (, you will learn how governments have historically deprived people of firearms ... and then wiped them from the face of the earth.


This is the true story of Gun control from around the world, especially in the 20th century. It details how governments have ALWAYS BEEN the biggest threat to the safety, security and prosperity of the people. While Americans can see how this could happen in other countries, most can't EVER imaging it being able to happen here because there are so many rights guaranteed by the constitution. But that ONLY when the people STAND UP for those rights, because it's the nature of government to constantly try and TAKE them away from us.


The producers of this film encourage copies of this film to be distributed as far and wide as possible, with the understanding that this permission is granted ONLY for non-commercial use. You can buy a DVD copy of this and other films at and


Our forefathers, weary of the oppressive measures that King George III's government forced upon them, in common declared their independence from England in 1776. They were not expected to be successful in that resistance. The moneyed people had backed England for two major reasons. First, our forefathers wanted a rigid, written Constitution "set in concrete."


"No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms," wrote Thomas Jefferson.


"Americans have the right and advantage of being armed — unlike the citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms," argued James Madison.


As Thomas Jefferson said "Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted into tyranny".



Victoria Baer


4320 Deerwood Lake Pkwy #101-222

Jacksonville, FL 32216

904.982.1734 PH

904.996.1510 FAX

[email protected]

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