Following this brave woman's speech, here are a few thoughts. Be weary folks, in this administration, there will likely be a changing of the guard in the Supreme Court within the next few years. Only one of the moderate justices need retire, die of natural causes or get killed and this President will appoint another anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-2nd Amendment wacko who pretends to believe that in spite of the obvious, the 2nd Amendment was never intended for individuals to own a gun. That change of just one moderate jurist will lead to a shift in the Court towards the final step towards total gun confiscation - federal gun registration. Hitler did it, Lenin did it, Mao did it, and so on.
Universal in ALL tyrannical governments in history, where the governments oppressed and murdered their own people, was the presence of gun confiscation. Simply put, the people were not armed to protect themselves against the thugs in the government. It is not about political philosophies, it is about mafia thugs who infiltrate governments and want to steal everything, and then crush any potential opposition.
Throughout the last several years and during the radical assault on our constitutional rights, you may have been a politically active person, writing your congressman, working to awaken your fellow Americans to government wrong doings, actively supporting a 3rd party candidate, etc... or you may have been sitting there like you were asleep and doing nothing while the elites either used our troops to fight unjust wars, thy stole every American job that could be stolen, they leave our borders wide open for special interests, create unconstitutional agencies that designate average Americans as terrorists, give away hundreds of trillions of dollars by refusing the enforce the law and then bail out the criminals with our children and grandchildren's futures at stake, force upon us unwanted policies like socialized medicine and the "cap and trade" bill, etc... However, the watershed issue for this nation will be the confiscation of guns, and if you allow this government to first register them (unconstitutional), it will certainly lead to government confiscation of the guns. At that point, we will be at the total mercy of men we already know to be traitors, secret society elitists, sell outs and mafia-owned criminals.
Perhaps you believe I am over-reacting as to this issue. Perhaps you believe that what has happened so many times in history, in so many stable and prosperous nations, could not possibly happen here. I pray to God that you are right and I am wrong. However, we definitely do have a federal government that no longer answers to the people, does whatever they want and clearly serves someone other than we the people. If things get a lot worse, and they usually do when criminals get on the corruption fast track, then the politicians will logically have one of two choices. As things get worse, they can either allow themselves to be prosecuted or they can put the screws to us to control us. Remember, we the people are the original armed homeland security, only to be replaced by a federal agency who is now considering us terrorists. What truly is the Department of Homeland Security? Clearly, the Department of Homeland Security was created to protect the politicians from us seeking justice on them for their treason and lawlessness. If not, then why at a time of a war on terror is the border wide open? Think people - think! Arab terrorists are not the concern, lest they would close the border and not be allowing the immigration of hundreds of thousands of people of a Middle Eastern background into the USA. We the people are the concern - we are the threat - we are the terrorists. Just ask Department of Homeland Security Director Janet Nepoliano who called everyone from a returning veteran to a tax protestor, from a gun rights activist to a pro-constitutionalist, from a person supporting a 3rd party candidate to a person of a pro-life stance a terrorist.
How far will the feds go to control us? Simple censorship? Arrests? Concentration Camps (try a google search "American Concentration Camps" to find out regarding that contingency)? That indeed is the $64,000 question.
To everyone, including the sleepers, I hope you have saved all your p*** and vinegar for a great showing at the point of gun registration and confiscation. Refusing to give in to gun control will be the last chance we have to protect ourselves and our nation.
May God continue to bless America and Americans - that is the true Americans who are people of freedom.