Challenged in court
Dudley Brown
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of NAGR members like you, Constitutional Carry continues to sweep the nation.
In fact, three states have already passed Constitutional Carry legislation in 2019 alone to make the Second Amendment the only “permit” necessary to carry a handgun for self-defense.
But now, powerful anti-gun lobbyists and lawyers are trying to upend all of the hard work of NAGR members and supporters so they can build case law against Constitutional Carry in states across the country.
In Oklahoma, where Constitutional Carry is set to go on the books in just a few days, anti-gunners are challenging the law in court to prevent it from taking effect.
This case could have a major impact on Constitutional Carry laws across the nation!
That’s why the National Foundation for Gun Rights is watching this case very closely.
The anti-gunners behind this lawsuit have made it clear they’re prepared for a long drawn out legeal battle.
That means you and I need to gear up to fight back now!
As you remember, NAGR staff were deployed to deliver petitions to the Governor and State Legislature earlier this year and also helped get more pro-gun Oklahoma residents in the fight with door-to-door activism in key legislative districts.
And after months of encouragement from gun owners, the Senate sprang into action by quickly sending the Constitutional Carry bill to Governor Stitt’s desk for a signature, making Oklahoma the 14th Constitutional Carry state.
We simply cannot allow the Gun Control Lobby to undo the progress we’ve made in passing this fundamental American right.
That’s why your continued support is absolutely crucial as the anti-gun Left begins their assault on Constitutional Carry in the courts.
Your National Foundation for Gun Rights will never stop fighting until Constitutional Carry is the law of the land in every state across the country, but unfortunately, the anti-gun crowd challenging us in the courts are backed by some of the deepest bank accounts in the country.
With your help we can shut down these anti-gun hacks bankrolled by gun-hating elitists George Soros and Michael Bloomberg once and for all.
For Freedom,
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Foundation for Gun Rights
P.S. Despite the constant anti-gun rhetoric coming out of Speaker Pelosi’s Congress and the national media, Constitutional Carry is on the move and sweeping the nation.
Three states -- Kentucky, South Dakota, and Oklahoma -- have already passed this landmark law restoring our Second Amendment rights in 2019 alone to become the 13th, 14th, and 15th states to do so.
And Constitutional Carry bills are filed in many more states across the country to be voted on in as early as 2020.
But now the anti-gun crowd is challenging Oklahoma’s Constitutional Carry law in the courts, and if they succeed it could have widespread ramifications for Constitutional Carry laws across the country.
National Foundation for Gun Rights supporters have stepped up big in the past to help us defend our gun rights in the courts, but we need your help to shut down their latest attempt.
The National Foundation for Gun Rights Inc. (NFGR) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to NFGR are fully tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. A