By White House (Samantha Appleton) (The Official White House Photostream [1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
The United Nations is preparing for another General Assembly and now is a great time to look over the organization's long list of failures. The organization has seen little success and yet still receives massive amounts of funding from the US. The United States pays for 20% of the UN’s operating budget and 25% of the UN’s peacekeeping budget. Here are the failures that YOU are paying for:
Read more at https://trumptrainnews.com/articles/here-are-the-biggest-un-failures-in-recent-history#6DsjGk4bBpPkhZCp.99
1.) Climate Resolution
- 2019-09-17
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
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By Tom Raftery [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
The United Nations pushes the same climate change rhetoric that the Democrats push but to an even greater and more ineffective extent. The UN has countries sign agreement after agreement but they never enforce them, this is why Trump has pulled the US out of these nonsensical agreements.
Read more at https://trumptrainnews.com/articles/1-climate-resolution#p6IGUKbiq1mFzuV5.99
2.) UN Arms Treaty
- 2019-09-17
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
Defence Images via Flickr
The UN put forth several arms treaties in an effort to lower worldwide gun crime, most of the arms treaties were completely ineffective and did nothing but waste time and money. One of the more recent treaties hurt the US and the Constitutional rights of US citizens.
This arms treaty was one that trampled the 2nd amendment.
Read more at https://trumptrainnews.com/articles/2-un-arms-treaty#hsHYCYrMGesamYPv.99
3.) Helping Lebanon
- 2019-09-17
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
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marviikad via (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) Flickr
The UN’s mission was to secure the country and ensure the government was able to keep control over the possible terror threats in the region
The mission was a total failure.
Hezbollah, the Iranian backed terror organization, has only become more powerful and now threatens the security of more countries in the region.
Read more at https://trumptrainnews.com/articles/3-helping-lebanon#J5tmeiDXkthdkqrU.99
4.) IPCC
- 2019-09-17
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
Thomas Sørenes from Tacoma, Washington, USA [CC BY 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
The IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is the UN’s main group when it comes to fabricating climate change policy. This group has been caught red-handed manipulating data to keep climate change alarm alive.
The IPCC was caught manipulating data to hide information that showed that the climate was not actually changing.
5.) Khmer Rouge
- 2019-09-17
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
istolethetv via Wikipedia Commons
The UN enabled the genocide in Cambodia during the late 70s, and had it not been for the intervention of neighboring Vietnam many more would have been killed. The Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia was a socialist regime that was recognized as legitimate by the United Nations, the regime killed 25% of the population in a genocide. Vietnam interviewed and spared many that were to be killed in the future.
Read more at https://trumptrainnews.com/articles/5-khmer-rouge#UtgoIx7Ybk8JyR4P.99
6.) Nuclear Weapons
- 2019-09-17
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
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Peretz Partensky via (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) Flickr
The UN has tried and failed to keep nuclear weapons under control. Many countries have access to these weapons of mass destruction despite the UN issuing orders to stop the spread of these weapons.
Read more at https://trumptrainnews.com/articles/6-nuclear-weapons#CeQWWBczOH1u01J2.99
7.) Sri Lanka
- 2019-09-17
- Source: TTN Staff
- by: TTN
Adam Jones via Wikipedia Commons
A civil war in Sri Lanka destroyed many lives and resulted in many displaced people.
UN intervention made this issue much worse.
The UN-designated a region of the country as a safe zone and many who were already displaced moved there to get away from the hail of bullets raining down every other day. This safe zone quickly became the battleground for the rebels and government. Those in the area only suffered more due to the UN’s utter incompetence and inability to secure an area.
Read more at https://trumptrainnews.com/articles/7-sri-lanka#zjA5egDtYiFA2XBE.99
8.) Child Abuse
- 2019-09-17
- Source: TTN Staff
sanjitbakshi via(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/) Flickr
Where the UN creates footprint reports of child rape and molestation rise. There are many documented cases of UN peacekeepers sexually abusing children in the area they are supposed to protect. The peacekeepers typically lure the children in and give them small sums of money, candy, or food so that they can claim it is child prostitution as opposed to a crime.
To make matters worse the top brass at the UN refused to fully acknowledge that this was going on. Doing this or condemning these actions was off the table for the UN because they thought it would discourage nations from joining the peacekeeping forces.
Read more at https://trumptrainnews.com/articles/8-child-abuse#SheMsxGmTbLUFROQ.99