What the…? The UN head of global communications says America has no right to protect its own borders and that migrants should be permitted to cross if they want
JD Heyes
For the better part of Western existence, most people have understood one basic principle of statehood: That countries are sovereign, and as such, they have a right and even a duty to protect the integrity of their borders.
That means if necessary, they can and should build barriers, pass laws against illegal entry, and enforce those laws against anyone caught breaking them.
But we’re in what talk show giant Mark Levin calls a “post-constitutional” period in the United States, where “statists” and big government Leftists shun the long-held principles of sovereignty, independence, and liberty in favor of a Marxist free-for-all world they seek to control.
Since the United States is the world’s sole impediment to the kind of authoritarian nightmare these people want to impose on the globe, their objective is to destroy our country by any means possible. One way they believe they can do that is by inundating us with tens of millions of people who don’t know or share our history, values, traditions, and culture — to water us down into a conglomerate of nationless people who have no loyalties to anything other than their own immediate welfare.
That helps explain why a United Nations official would dare to suggest that America and Americans have no right to block people from entering our country if they want to come here. (Related: UN official actually ADMITS that ‘global warming’ is a scam designed to ‘change world’s economic model’.)
As noted by Summit News, U.N. global communications chief Melissa Fleming wrote on Facebook that “the right to seek asylum is enshrined in Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights & was made binding by the 1951 Refugee Convention.”
As such, she added, “It is never a crime to seek asylum in another country even if one enters a country irregularly.”
Notice how she couldn’t bring herself to use the word “illegally.” Because, again, there is no such thing as ‘illegal entry’ into a country in her mind.
And Flemming is an American, by the way.
She is also the spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the very organization anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said should take over control of the U.S.-Mexico border late last month.
The world will explode if America ever falls
“We should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way,” Omar said. “So, we have to bring in the United Nations high commissioner on refugees, an agency that has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.”
The thing is, the U.S. isn’t just any other country. We are a superpower charged with the responsibility, by our law and treaties, to protect nearly half the globe from the prospective tyranny of the other half.
It’s why so many people want to come to the U.S. in the first place: We are not a tyrannical government (yes, even under President Donald Trump — insert heavy sarcasm here).
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) says the *United Nations* must be brought in to handle the immigration crisis on America's southern border
Omar, who was accused this week of having an affair with a married man, lectured the audience about the "moral high ground"
But the problem is, realistically, even America, with our monster economy, cannot take in the whole of the impoverished world. There simply aren’t enough resources to do so, not enough jobs, and not enough opportunities. And besides, our government’s first responsibility is to maintain the Constitution and provide for the American people — then, if we can, help others.
Having the U.N. dictate our border and asylum policies is akin to surrendering our sovereignty — no nation, even much smaller states, wants to do that.
As long as America remains powerful, wealthy, and (relatively) free, then half the world will continue to live free of the yoke of tyranny. But should we ever fall, the world will explode in conflict.
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