James O'Brien
The Winter White House at Mar-a-Lago or the Dark Winter White House in DC.
Where would you rather be?
"Former" President Donald J. Trump as always is in the right place at the right time, with the right cards.
And yet, if he is the former President, why are they still trying to impeach him in DC? Do they know he hasn't truly lost power?
And why does DC look more like a military prison camp than the seat of US governance?
The reality is that DC has ever been a captured operation, owned by the Vatican and the City of London, and modeled as an independent city within a city like those two entities, complete with occult obelisk and all.
But now that the 1871 USA Corporation is bankrupt and defunct, what exactly is Joe B*iden in charge of and who is really running the Show at this point? It would appear (on TV) that B*iden is zipping off a record number of executive orders, undoing all that President Trump has accomplished, while putting America Last in his new insane agenda.
And yet B*iden and Company took an independent private flight to the "inauguration," where he did not receive the nuclear football, as is protocol. His whole admin to date has the feel of a B-movie filmed on a Hollywood backlot, with multiple rough-cut edits floating around the studio offices, all in desperate need of a voice over to fill in the missing narrative, like Apocalypse Now.
Castle Rock ... sh*t, I'm still only in Castle Rock... Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the White House. When I was home after my first cloning, it was worse. I'd wake up and there'd be nothing. I hardly said a word to my VP, until I said "yes" to an impeachment. I'm here a week now... waiting for a mission... getting softer. Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker, and every minute Trump squats in Mar-a-Lago, he gets stronger. Each time I looked around, the walls moved in a little tighter.
The White Hats have the D*eep State in the hurt locker now. Messing with their insider trading deals on Wall Street, knowing they have a new Quantum Financial System on-line, knowing the old Federal Reserve and Central Bank system is going the way of the dinosaur in a tar pit.
The new system will be based on gold, much of which has been seized from the Vatican and the Crown. Ye ole Obelisk ain't what it used to be. Sell, sell, sell those 666 stocks while you still can, folks.
Meanwhile, much of the default world doesn't know whether it is currently stuck in the endless re-runs of a former reality show or on the precipice of a new dawn. It has been an instructive lull moment.
The Shadow Government puppeteering B*iden (and he is nothing more than that, an empty vessel) is being forced to reveal to everyone what they represent and what plans they've had in mind for We the People. They have to show their cards.
A crooked, rigged stock market in which corporate entities get government funded bail-outs when their criminal schemes fail. GameStop? Yes, the Game has Stopped.
A Covid-based medical tyranny wherein everyone can be tracked and controlled by submitting to bio-tech injections and "where are your papers?"- style travel injunctions.
A blatantly obvious cratering of small businesses while allowing international big box outlets to stay open and thrive.
"You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, know when to run."
It was (or should have been) clear to all that the weaponized Covid virus was used to crash President Trump's economy and force him out of office, via mail-in ballot election fraud, used in conjunction with the Dominion Voter System.
But it also should have been clear that the Trump Alliance saw this coming a million miles away and planned accordingly for it.
There was a 2018 Executive Order put in place for exactly this occurrence, which works hand-in-glove with the Insurrection Act, which, yes, President Trump did in fact sign, abdicating power to an Interregnum Government controlled by the US Military, with Chris Miller a key figure at the helm, along with Lt General Charles Flynn, brother of General Michael Flynn.
But none of this is true according to the Mainstream Media, owned by the same companies married to the central bank system. If they don't report it, it isn't true. Whatever they report on their controlled outlets is the actual reality and everything else is a conspiracy theory.
Until it isn't.
According to the EO on Foreign Interference in a US Election, and the previous one on Crimes Against Humanity (see child trafficking) all personal and corporate assets can be seized should the guilty parties fall under the aforementioned orders.
So, if the White Hats in US Military Intelligence are holding the Trump cards of a new financial and governance system, along with the power to shut down the entire operation of the D*eep State Obelisk Empire-- with its funny-money based on nothing and its unimaginably dark occult activity of sexual abuse and sacrifice (yes, adrenochrome is real)-- then why would they wait so long to play those cards?
The truth is, the new world is coming, and is in fact already here, but the transition is designed to be smooth and peaceful for the general public to the greatest extent possible.
In order for it to be smooth and peaceful, a significant amount of activity must take place behind the scenes, before the final cards are laid down on the green felt of the world poker table.
It would not be ideal for the US Military, now that President Trump has stepped aside, to suddenly publicly announce that an internecine war is active and many individuals in the corrupt DC system (compromised as they are by foreign entities like the CCP) are still at large and in desperate need of arrest at this very moment.
The Antifa/BLM riots and other false flags would then violently re-launch and whatever key arrests are outstanding would be all the more difficult to accomplish.
In a word, it would be chaos, which is the exact opposite of the orderly transition of power we are looking for. And the transition of power is from the old captured operation (stacked to the gills with blackmailed agents and rigged to max by the shadow government) back to We the People.
As it was in the beginning, so shall it be again.
When the power returns to We the People and the Destiny of the United States of America is fulfilled, the dream of the Founding Fathers and Mothers will play out on the world stage as something akin to a miraculous intervention joining hands with the birth of a Golden Age.
The Medical and Energy technology that has been hidden and stifled by the old world order, will then be unveiled. Though it is entirely based on working science, and individuals we have even heard of like Nikola Tesla, it will have the initial feel of something out of a science fiction novel.
Perhaps there is an element of science fiction to it, because some of the tech comes from galactic sources. It should come as no surprise that We are not Alone in the Universe.
You could also make the case that there is only One of us here. One Intelligence awake within the multiplicity of every living being. That said, think of the vastness of space. We are not the only game in town.
And this was not just another 4 year election. This incredible unfolding drama, often characterized as the Great Awakening, has attracted attention from far-and-wide, galactically speaking. They have come to see how Humanity will handle the transition. It is a birth moment of sorts, and it is not an occasion to be missed.
If this seems like an overblown fantasy, because the world as we know it is still ticking by in ordinary mundane fashion, that is largely because we are living in the fine grain of the moment, day to day and hour by hour. However, if this historical moment were condensed into screenplay format, and then writ large on the world stage, it would be viewed in an entirely different manner.
We are currently in a transition phase of world-altering importance. What exact timeframe it occurs in, we cannot determine while we are living it, yet you can be sure that from a higher perspective, there is most assuredly a Plan and the Plan is unfolding in all appropriateness.
God has always had a Plan for the United States of America, as a salt and light to the world. In the Story to date, it may appear that Team Lucifer has won the Game. B*iden is supposedly the President and the D*eep State has everything needed to institute their New World Order. Sovereign Nation States will soon be a thing of the past, now that the last beachhead of the US has been captured and put out to pasture in a CCP electronic cage.
Not so fast, sucka.
Did you think that the Greatest Political Story Ever Told wasn't going to have a false ending or two? That would be criminally negligent screenwriting.
Team B*iden might have "won" the January 20th game, but how will they do with the rest of Time?
They will be "Doing Time" is how they will do. And still some will hang from the gallows they built for others.
Which path do you choose this day?
Do you want to live in the old world or the new?
Which do you prefer: The Winter White House at Mar-a-Lago (Sea to Lake) or the Dark Winter House-- a fenced-in military cage in Obelisk DC?
The Time is Up for those that are corrupt.
The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.
"Today’s ceremony has very special meaning because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington DC and giving it back to you, the people.
For too long a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.
Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed.
The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country.
Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation's capital, there has been little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land
That all changes starting right here and right now because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you. It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America.
This is your day. This is your celebration. And this – the United States of America – is your country. What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the People became the rulers of this nation again.
There should be no fear. We are protected and We will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. And most importantly We will be protected by God.
The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.
We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow." - 2 Term President Trump's Inaugural Address
Know this: God has not abandoned the United States of America.
The Shining City Upon a Hill will shine brighter than ever before.
The Best is truly Yet to Come.
And though we may have imagined what a new world might be, it is far better than what we have imagined, because indeed, we will not just imagine it...
We will live it.
Where We Go One, We Go All.