Trump Orders Largest Health Care Fraud Takedown In History While Clinton Plays With Demons And Woke Pope Goes Insane
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A riveting new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the zeitgeist (spirit of the times) surrounding the nuclear-arms-control talks between the Russian Federation and the United States scheduled to start a few hoursfrom now in Helsinki-Finland, says first to notice is that even though President Donald Trump has been assailed with momentous events that would cripple into indecision even the strongest of world leaders, he nevertheless presided over a government that last week stunningly announced its “Largest Health Care Fraud And Opioid Enforcement Action In Department of Justice History” which saw 345 medical professionals being captured and arrested for stealing from the American people $6-billion in precious health care resources—not a single word of which was told to the American people by its fake news leftist mainstream propaganda media establishment, who’ve devoted all of their time and resources to protecting socialist Democrat Party leader Hillary Clinton—a protection of Clinton’s crimes so repugnant, yesterday it caused top Republican Party intelligence committee lawmaker US Congressman Devin Nunes to erupt on a live television and state: “This is over!...We want every damn bit of evidence every intelligence agency has….Or it’s maybe time to shut those agencies down…Because at the end of the day our liberties are more important than anything else we have in this country and they have been stampeded over by these dirty cops and the Democratic Party and the media who fails to report on it”.
A more than justified eruption by Congressman Nunes about the cover-up of Hillary Clinton’s crimes—that followed Hillary Clinton making an announcement about her upcoming podcast—an announcement made beyond shocking, because in the photos showing her making this announcement, the computer she was broadcasting from was sitting upon a stack of her books, one of which is the 2018 book “Erotics” by artist Lucio Bubacco that features handmade glass devils in explicit, sexually erotic poses.
And while wondering why Hillary Clinton would even possess a vile book depicting demons in sexual poses, sees her now being in league with satanic forces alongside Pope Francis—who yesterday went “full woke insane” by publishing his third encyclical letter called “Fratelli Tutti” (translates to “Brothers All” in English)—wherein aside from Pope Francis calling for the abolition of all world borders, he wholly adopts the Communist Chinese manifesto by saying such things like “the fragility of world systems in the face of the pandemic has demonstrated that not everything can be resolved by market freedom” and “all forms of private property can only be considered a secondary natural right”—that explains why in the days just prior to Pope Francis releasing this letter, Communist Chinese supporting socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden launched an ad campaign highlighting his Catholic Church faith—but whose true and terrifying consequence of can be found in the recent warning article “China Is Already Breaking Its Vatican Deal” that states: “At a time when much of the rest of the world is starting to wake up to the repression, mendacity, and dangers of the Chinese Communist Party regime, the Vatican is getting even deeper in bed with it…And at a time when that regime is intensifying repression of religion—including Catholics—in China, Pope Francis is renewing an accord with Beijing that has yielded no benefits yet save for President Xi Jinping and only disunity and suffering for the Catholic Church”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to this report, while the American people wrestle with the decision if they’re going to turn their government over to the demonic forces masquerading as the socialist Democrat Party, confronting the leaders of the Russian Federation is how soon war will erupt with the United States should these godless socialist demons ever gain power—a war whose certainty is assured, will include massive nuclear strikes being made upon both Russia and America—but that will see the citizens of America being unaware that they were the ones who caused their own destruction.
An unawareness of their own destruction, this report explains, the American people are sleepwalking into solely due to their inability to know what facts and truth are anymore—best exampled over these past few days as while the leftist New York Times, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times assigned their top reporters to update their obituaries for President Trump—while the leftist Vanity Fair magazine went stark raving mad and wrote: “Trump had heart palpitations on Friday, a possible negative side effect of Regeneron antibody treatment…His fever reached 103…And a G7 ally wonders if he’ll appoint Ivanka president instead of Pence”—while leftist comedian Chris Rock vilely said “Trump Is in the Hospital with COVID — My Heart Goes Out to COVID” and leftist Hollywood filmmaker Michael Moore disgustingly cheered “My Thoughts and Prayers Are With Covid-19”—and while yesterday all of these leftists erupted in rage because President Trump made a surprise visit to his supporters—none of these sleepwalking into destruction American people know the fact that the World Health Organization has already determined that the coronavirus is less lethal than the last three major US pandemics—and were major pandemics no one in America was locked down to prevent the spread of.
So truly blinded to facts and reality have these sleepwalking to destruction American people become, this report details, they don’t even notice that of their nation’s 6,146 hospitals having 924,107 fully staffed nursing beds and nearly 90,000 intensive care beds, as of yesterday, on 4 October, they had in them only 29,942 coronavirus patients—5,944 of whom are currently in intensive care—and only 1,488 of whom are on ventilators—numbers that pale into insignificance when measured against the 400,000 people in American hospitalized with the influenza virus during the 2019-2020 flu season, that no one called their nation to be locked down to protect—and wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because scientists have already determined that lock downs don’t even prevent the spread of the coronavirus—which is why the Michigan Supreme Court just ruled to end their State’s tyrannical socialist Democrat Party lockdown, and in ruling, saw this high court quoting famed 18th Century French Judge Charles de Montesquieu (whose ideas of separate powers of government created the US Constitution), who said: “When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty”.
If ever awakened from their mindless slumber, this report continues, the American people would quickly discover that the socialist Democrat Party and leftist media induced fear and hysteria over the coronavirus has nothing at all do with health, as its only use to these demonic forces is to manipulate and try to steal for themselves the 3 November election from President Trump—which is why they constantly scream about the number of people infected with the coronavirus, but never tell the American people the truth that hardly anyone ever gets hospitalized for it—best exampled today by the leftist New York Times saying in bold red thatthe US has 7.4-million coronavirus cases, but nowhere will you find them telling the truth that only 29,942 of these coronavirus cases are in the hospital, and like President Trump, the vast majority of them will quickly recover and go home—and while these demonic lying forces constantly also scream about how many people have died from the coronavirus, they fail to mention the indisputable fact that all of these deaths would have occurred anyway, as the only ones who actually die from this disease are already seriously ill and nearing death.
The main consequence for these sleepwalking American people willingly allowing these demonic socialist forces to plunge them into coronavirus fear and hysteria, this report notes, it that it has made them so terrified, they’re afraid to leave their homes and vote in the 3 November election—which is exactly what the socialist Democrats and leftist media planned for so they could flood America with so many mail-in ballots it will throw this election into complete chaos—chaos being planned for by the Department of Justice and FBI, that are rapidly planning for the possibility of Election Day violence and voting disruptions—as well as the National Guard having just designated military police units in two states to serve as rapid reaction forces so they can respond quickly to any potential civil unrest around the country during this election, too.
Civil unrest, this report further notes, likely to occur in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania where it may take many days, perhaps weeks, counting mail-in ballots as all efforts to speed this process up have failed—and have all failed due to rulings made by radical socialist US Federal Judges trying to make this election as chaotic as they possibly can—but whom are being vigorously fought back against by forces loyal to President Trump, that in the past week alone, have achieved major election process victories against these socialist federal judges in North Carolina, as well as them achieving major victories in Maine and Texas—though most critically to be noticed, is the United States Supreme Court having now weighed into this election mess by agreeing to hear the Arizona election case—that was immediately followed by the United States Supreme Court agreeing to hear other such election cases from various States—and about which one top US legal expert is now explaining the significance of:
As a general rule, the Supreme Court will often step in to decide a case of national significance when two Circuit Courts of Appeal come to opposite decisions on the same or similar issue.
It seems that we may have now reached that point in terms of judicial interventionwith the rewriting of state election laws via the granting of “preliminary injunctions” and/or issuing “declaratory judgment” on the merits.
We also have state court decisions altering legislative codes by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, and via a “consent decree” suspending state election laws in a Minnesota state court.
We are now just one month from the election. The Court begins its 2020-21 session tomorrow. I expect we will see some filings for relief on these subjects this week.
There is a hint from a Supreme Court decision back in April where this is all likely headed.
In Wisconsin, a federal judge extended the deadline for receiving absentee ballots during the primary election cycle by a period of six days. No one objected to that extension in the early days of state “lockdown” orders to address the outbreak of the COVID 19 virus. But, five days before the scheduled election, the same judge clarified the order to state that ballots postmarked on or before the extended day for receipt of ballots could be counted even though that violated Wisconsin election law which required that they be postmarked no later than Election Day, and no party in the case had asked for the Court to grant the additional relief. The Supreme Court reversed that provision of the district court’s order, writing as follows:
Nonetheless, five days before the scheduled election, the District Court unilaterally ordered that absentee ballots mailed and postmarked after election day, April 7, still be counted so long as they are received by April 13. Extending the date by which ballots may be cast by voters—not just received by the municipal clerks but cast by voters— for an additional six days after the scheduled election day fundamentally alters the nature of the election… This Court has repeatedly emphasized that lower federal courts should ordinarily not alter the election rules on the eve of an election…. The District Court on its own ordered yet an additional extension, which would allow voters to mail their ballots after election day, which is extraordinary relief and would fundamentally alter the nature of the election by allowing voting for six additional days after the election.
The four liberals on the Court, including the late Justice Ginsburg, dissented from this order and would have allowed votes to be cast and counted after the deadline imposed by state law in Wisconsin, basing their judgment on the complications of the COVID 19 pandemic.
So, you can see where the lower court judges are finding their “justification” for rewriting election rules more to the liking of plaintiffs who — in every case I’ve looked at— are Democrat party interest groups.
I expect the five conservatives on the Supreme Court have not altered their views from April as expressed in the text above.
For reasons left best explained by future historians and mental health experts, this report concludes, the socialist Democrats suddenly changed their coronavirus hysteria tactics a fortnight ago—best exampled by crazed leftist hero quack Dr. Anthony Fauci suddenly saying “there is no reason why we can’t vote in person” and the Biden campaign suddenly announcing that it’s beginning door knocking after criticizing the Trump campaign for doing the same during the pandemic—sudden moves more than strongly suggesting that the socialist Democrats mail-in ballot voting plot is starting to unravel, but whose voters are now so terrified of leaving their homes to vote these demons are panicking—panic that’s now accelerating after new poll results show President Trump is ahead of Joe Biden nationally, in swing States and in the Electoral College—and when viewing these results, saw famed leftist pollster John Zogby saying a few hours ago: “Contrary to my own observations, it looks like the President has not been hurt by his debate performance nor his hospitalization...His 47% performance is actually one point higher than his vote percentage in 2016”—a hospitalization of President Trump for the coronavirus that’s led to such remarkable headlines being written such as: “MUST SEE: Massive MAGA Parade in New York City – Chants of “Four More Years!” In Support of President Trump”—“Prayers for President Trump from Christians, Bikers, Catholics, Sikhs and Others Lead to a Miracle in Maryland”—and “You Know It’s From Trump Because There’s Meat on It!” – AWESOME! President Trump Buys HUNDREDS of Pizzas for his Supporters Outside Walter Reed Medical Center”—though most hilariously to notice, is that even in the midst of all of this chaos and turmoil, President Trump has found a way to make money by having his unofficial White House gift shop sell to the American people “Trump Defeats COVID” commemorative coins.
October 5, 2020 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]