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Mr. President:


Concerning the autonomous zone established by the insurrectionists in Seattle, you have the authority to act under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution which states, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;. . ." 


The insurrectionists, by their words and actions, have invaded a section of Seattle, created an autonomous zone based not on Republican principles of government, but rather on a socialistic/Marxist/fascist form.  The Mayor and a majority of Seattle's city council, instead of taking action to prevent the takeover or to subsequently oust the insurrectionists, have not only acquiesced to the invaders, but also shown support for them.  The Mayor could have had the invaded zone surrounded, turned off the water and power to it, prevented food, sanitation, and other aid from entering.  Instead they have sent in portable toilets and sanitation workers to clean up, and allowed food and other necessities to enter. 


This is the very definition of treason - giving aid and comfort to the enemy.  You are within your lawful authority to federalize the Washington National Guard, and order the arrest of the Mayor, those city council persons who support her treason, and the governor if you determine that he is complicit by his inaction.  Let the courts then sort it out while you either isolate the invaded zone until the invaders surrender, or physically oust and arrest them. The invaders should be financially responsible for the damage they have done. Rudy Giuliani may be the perfect person to oversee the operation.


Ben LaRosa - Your Italian conscience from Texas

[email protected]