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Charles Miller
Dear President Trump, our President.
Civil Rights v TWITTER et. al.
We, Charles C. Miller and Andre’ Paul Provost Jr., the Beneficiaries to our Presidents fiduciary, surety and guarantors obligations present this Letter of Advice with fully incorporated Outline presented under our acceptance that attorneys for our President will act to protect Civil Rights of Donald Trump.
This Monograph is the How To Sue TWITTER and others of like ilk and make it stick, have massive affect and set a template for any American to access the protections of the Bill of Rights. We are not surprised that your attorneys have not informed you of the laws and procedures available to both the man and the office of President.
When our President acts in person and in official capacity, to execute faithfully the fundamental law of the land, no government servant of any capacity may attack or in any manner whatsoever impair or abridge the Presidents applying the Supreme Laws of the Land. For a public servant to do so is open sedition, certified rebellion against not only the Laws, the United States Government, yet more to the point, breach of fidelity and open attack on the People’s power, to create governments to serve We the People. Oh, public servants, please accept the invitation to define your honor and loyalty!
The WIN is self evident when the statutes are personally read and accepted as fact with out construction by alleged public servants claiming to serve what they misguidedly misconstruct or trespass upon. The “but they won’t let me” mentality dies when the principles, facts, laws, and procedures are understood. The Deep State Divided Loyalty actors are exposed by application of the law starting with the Bill of Rights and the Civil Rights statutes.
When your personal, office of President and DOJ attorneys argue against the principles, facts, laws and procedures incorporated here, they will be identifying themselves as what they are, the cause of the just-us systems murder of the People’s law and access to justice achieving fairness.
Mr. Trump, as Beneficiaries to your administration of the People’s office of President we monitor your statements and actions. This fundamental duty of all citizens to ensure our public servants operate under the People’s law of Constitutions as Amended, Bill of Rights, is sadly lacking.
We on the other hand have continuously served the White House with not only our observations yet advisories and Beneficiaries Letters of Wishes. The Letters of Wishes are demands that the contractual obligations involving the public trust duties of our President to be honored according to the People’s law and your personal promise to serve.
We accept your recent invitation to Advise you and your attorneys concerning securing your personal Civil Rights guaranteed by the People’s First Law of the Bill of Rights.
Our first observations identify the root problem exposing the whole of the just-us system choking the life from the American experiment in self government.
- Mr. President you are surrounded by people who think and act like slaves. These individuals form the uppity servant class that believes they are the exclusive arbiters of how the Master, the People, access the fundamental principles laid down in the formation of our country.
- These uppity characters believe they control how the Masters, the People behave.
- We, Advise, that employment of current public servants and licensed franchised operators to address systemic issues evolving from lack of not only understanding, yet intentional circumvention, of the legal obligations owed to the People by public servants and franchised operations will fail to resolve the problems our country now faces.
- The fundamental cause of the failure will stem from two basic misconstructions.
- First, all public servants and franchised operators, also known as public servants experts and pundits, fail to understand the fundamental legal relationships between governments operating on the American venue and the People.
- The simple reason for this failure is that all these, what we Beneficiaries, Bailors, Grantors and Depositing Creditor’s call them, SYSTEMITES have to rely on for their positions, knowledge, expertise, is the information from the failed system it’s self.
- The controlling fact is that the operational systems of American government has been corrupted one individual at a time over a long period. In some cases the corrupted act from ignorance, in far to many cases from intent. It matters not that the intent is driven by greed, indolence, ideologue, misconstructed belief or custom and practice. At present the corrupted are well organized and funded, too many times and too much by foreign parties. Birds of a feather sticking together seems to fit our current circumstance perfectly.
- The most perfect explanation exposing the truth of the matter may be crude. However, the conclusion is inescapable. Picture the Olympic seized swimming pool with crystal clear and known to be pure water. Now picture a little bitty poop dropping in the pool! How large does the poop need to be to pollute the whole pool?
- How many crooks does it take to steer the People’s governments off the tracks?
- Second, the fundamentals set in place and motion by the founders, particularly the Bill of Rights, are the terms and conditions for governments to gain CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED! With out consent, the People are held subject to government. That subject status is no different than King George’s proprieties released from Slavery to the feudalistic system. The word proprieties is the same now as 1783. Property by any name or identifier is still property.
- Systemites are trained from day one to serve the system that provides their training. Thus, if the system providing the training is deficient or defective the only students it can graduate are deficient or defective.
- One defect in 1865, arbitrary year, compounds in every cycle of training resulting in the fundamentals being forgotten or intentionally buried.
- When security, success, notoriety or exalted position are gathered by serving the needs of a corrupted system the fundamental principles are lost.
- There is one controlling fundamental principle, fact, law and procedure defining for all time the legal relationship between the People and our People created governments.
- The People are Sovereign. Government is the servant created by the People. Public servants are paid to serve the People first, last and always. The service contract terms are declared in the Bill of Rights. The statutes perfecting the service contract between the People and government servants are on the books.
- Thus, When government servants fail or refuse to recognize the substance which they claim to serve and operate as if the style in which they serve is superior and controlling, the management of human capital, the People, results in a feudal system of subjects feeding the administrating bureaucrats, INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE TO GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS OR NEGLIGENT PUBLIC SERVANTS, SLAVERY.
Slavery by any name, unauthorized regulation or illegal laws is still Slavery.
- The slavery management system currently in control is based on the education systems that teach reading the foundational documents establishing the People’s law from the position of public servant, a voluntary servant, as trained by the system that has produced so many criminally negligent public employees. This ensures the whole point of the People being Sovereign, the object to be served by the subject public servants, is a dead letter issue. What is now being exposed by the systemic failures dividing the People and our country is that when the principles creating the American Dream are not served the dream dies a horrible violent death.
- Mr. Trump your election made you the People’s superior delegate to and of the People in control of the whole of the federal governments enforcement of the laws. Please review the Presidents fundamental powers and authorities in context of the Presidents duties; “he shall take Care of that the Laws be faithfully executed,”.
- The People’s President, Chief Trustee, is holding the People’s property, our trust transferred by vote, moving our personal property of political will, for execution of our contract terms and conditions, Bill of Rights, allowing public service to the People. This means our Law of Constitution as Amended by the Bill of Rights is the deciding and controlling factor for all Presidential acts. The People never recognized nor authorized ‘consent of the governed’ to be interpreted by unelected or corrupted public employees.
When the man serving as President relies on systemites known to be limited by training to serve a thougrorly corrupted system, rather than know and under stand from first hand knowledge, We the People are held subject, second hand, to unelected bureaucrats, the fundamental laws are subjugated to fiat status by servants misconstructions, rather than led by the man We elected.
Mr. Trump you know and understand more about contracts better than any President our country ever had. You gave your promise that the People’s contracts, Constitution as Amended by the Bill of Rights, creating the country, would be honored by you. At Inauguration you promised and agreed to serve the written word the way the People set them out beginning 1776.
MAGA, National Security, KAG, all begin or end with Donald Trumps acceptance and execution of the powers inherent in the People and our office President exercised by direct application our law personally.
Mr. Trump the decision you make determines America’s future. Please do-not allow any of the Divided Loyalty Deep State actors to escape or abscond like thieves in the dark fog. Please do-not descend to the level of these Divided Loyalty attackers of you personally and the People’s law.
Understanding an application begins with the basics. The basics of this present situation concerning lawful regulation of Twitter and other platforms is found in the Bill of Rights and the statutes applying them.
Mr. President, the filing of a lawsuit with the United States District Court in the District of Columbia is a purchase contract for services to honestly apply the law the way it is written. This puts the whole court system in the position of a contract servant not only to the law but to the plaintiff, particularly the Presidents office of the United States. These positions are the perfection of the division of powers between coequal branches serving the very fundamental principles of our republic form government.
Mr. President, simply take the time to read the statutes in order as listed below. Then, the application section will expose to you how simple, direct, and devastating the application of the law by our President personally is to the whole corrupt system currently known as a Deep State Swamp and it’s Divided Loyalty purveyors.
It will only take two hours to cruse these elements. This exercise will exponentially increase your personal understanding of the Bill of Rights, the true authority of the law and the horrendous powers of our Presidents office.
- Title 42 United States code sections 1986, 1985, 1983. Civil Rights.
- Title 28 United States code section 1343. District courts, jurisdiction. NOTE, below venue and jurisdiction information.
- Title 28 United States code section 1346. Intangible rights.
- Definitions of extortion.
- Definition of personal chattel property in the context of the right to access the law.
- Definition of fraud in the context United States Attorneys Manual, Criminal Resource in general and specific sections 910, 911, 912, 915, 923, 925 and 930 relating to Title 18 United States Code section 371 and 372.
- Title 18 United States code section 1961. Definitions. Read in context of section, civil 1343, 1346, criminal 1425, 1427, 1503, 1512, 1951, 1952,
- Title 18 United States code section 1964. Civil remedies.
- Title 18 United States code section 1965. Read in context and specifics of section 1962, prohibited activities related to interstate commerce under sections 1961 and 1951.
- Title 18 United States code sections 242, 241 and 245. Civil rights crimes.
- Familiarize your self with the standard AO 91 criminal information form and the United States attorneys manual CRM 201. Updated January 2020.
- The Criminal Information ratified by the President can-not be challenged by either the Judicial or Legislative departments because only the Executive holds the Authority and Power to execute the law.
Principles first, facts second, law third, procedure fourth. Identifying these elements expose root causes and solutions. Procedure first controls systems.
When dealing with systems and trained systemites, reverse the flow so that the opportunity is available to recognize the substance.
All systemites deal in procedure exclusively!
Identifying the contract, parties to the contract, property and property rights covered by the contract exposes the substance to be moved through fundamentals works every time!
Set Up.
The People of the United States of America; ex rel.
Donald John Trump;
Office of the President of the United States.
Jack Dorsey;
Does 1 to 500 as of yet unidentified;
Stockholder Beneficiaries, 1 to 10,000,
as of yet unidentified.
Purchase of Civil Action Purchase Contract is for Application of Original Judicial Power based on Acceptance of obligation owed by the Government of the United States to provide Citizens access to the Courts of the United States, for enforcement of rights, Remedy and Relief on TORTS committed by public franchised, regulated interstate commerce participants while acting outside authorized privileged or powers.
Jurisdiction arises under Title 42 United States Code, § § 1985, , 1985, 1983; the contract, Constitution for The United States of America, Article III Original Judicial Power, section 2; Article I section 8, Article 2 section 3; Article 6 section 1; Article 7 and others as may appear hereinafter in particular the Bill of Rights inclusive a may appear herein after; Statutory jurisdiction found by reference to United States Code sections; and;
a. Article III original Judicial power as properly delegated from Congress Assembled found by reference at District of Columbia Code, title 11 § 101;
b. Venue is correct as found by reference at District of Columbia Code title 13 section § 423; 4 USC 72;
c. All legal relations between the parties records reside at the Seat of Government.
Plaintiffs, require under contract for services Declaratory Judgements required by Civil Rule 57, in order that all assumptions or interpretations of the Constitution, its Amending and controlling Bill of Rights do not color execution of the laws and the Courts obligation to provide remedy and relief settling the law, facts and principles governing the Supreme Law of the Land and legal relations between parties.
Plaintiffs Demand Remedy and Relief, as follows, as a right of law and execution of duly purchased contract for honest services to be provided according to due process and the Rules of Court.
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare whether the President of the United States holds full powers and authorities to execute the Constitution as written inclusive of the controlling Bill of Rights and apposite statutes upon any party doing interstate business or subject to federal jurisdiction.
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare whether the Constitution for the United States of America as written and Amended is in full force and effect at the present moment, has been since 1789.
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare whether the Bill of Rights amending the United States Constitution is in full force and effect as written and attached to and controlling the application of constitutional authorities and powers since 1791 to the present as the People’s first Supreme Laws of the land.
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare whether every act taken by the United States Government carries with it the terms and conditions of the Bill of Rights, in particular licensing, regulating and franchising business in interstate commerce, generally, and specifically at issue herein and herewith.
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare whether the defendants jointly or severely knew or should have known that accepting the licensed, franchised regulated position authorizing business in interstate commerce carried with the privilege, the full force and effect of the Bill of Rights and statutes enforcing same requiring defendants to honor and obey the law of the Bill of Rights.
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare whether the defendants jointly and severely knew and should have known that tampering with, prohibiting, or abridging in any manner or by any means whatsoever, any Americans right to free speech, freedom of press and now of publish via World Wide Web, free association via World Wide Web, privacy and security in papers and effects during access to the World Wide Web provided by the defendants, is tampering, prohibiting or abridging federal Civil Rights, a Civil Rights Crime, a TORT.
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare whether the defendants jointly and severely knew and should have known that corporate structures or beneficiaries thereto are not immune from jurisdiction of the United States enforcing Civil Rights laws on behalf of the American People, particularly the President of the United States.
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare whether the Criminal Information presented by plaintiff Donald John Trump, from capacity of a federal officer, President of the United States, attaches the defendants with federal jurisdiction requiring a plea of nolo contendere, guilty or not guilty
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare whether every American is affected by the out come of this Civil Action Contract, qualifies for joinder as plaintiff under Civil Procedure Rule 19, for protecting every citizens rights to access and receive benefits from full and complete recognition, application and execution of the People’s First Law of the Bill of Rights.
- Declaratory Judgement: FRCVP Rule 57 Application of Civil Action Contract.
The Court to declare what law or theory of law, Constitutional power, statute, or regulation provides defendants TWITTER or Jack Dorsey, immunity, limitation of liability, protection of personal or corporate assets from attachment, when public record proof of fact and law by both preponderance and beyond reasonable doubt legal standards are met, exposing Civil Rights Crimes against the Plaintiffs.
- Show Cause Order:
The Court to issue under Seal of the Court, SHOW CAUSE ORDER, requiring defendants TWITTER, Jack Dorsey, to produce on the record any and all records, contracts, statutes, federal regulations, or any other public or private record indicating in any manner whatsoever, TWITTER or Jack Dorsey, are not required to accord each and every American they provide service to, American consumers, the full rights and protections of law declared in the a Bill of Rights when the services provided by defendants move through interstate commerce.
- Show Cause Order:
The Court to issue under Seal of the Court, SHOW CAUSE ORDER, requiring defendants TWITTER, Jack Dorsey, to produce on the record any and all records, contracts, statutes, federal regulations, or any other public or private record indicating in any manner whatsoever TWITTER or Jack Dorsey, are not required to provide access to and protection of the Bill if Rights to all clients services, American consumers, touching on interstate commerce as a mandatory prime condition of doing business in interstate commerce.
- Show Cause Order:
The Court to issue under Seal of the Court, SHOW CAUSE ORDER, requiring defendants TWITTER, Jack Dorsey, to produce on the record any and all records, contracts, statutes, federal regulations, or any other public or private record indicating in any manner whatsoever TWITTER or Jack Dorsey, are not subject to federal law beginning with Civil Rights guaranteed by United States law, particularly the Bill of Rights.
- Show Cause Order:
The Court to issue under Seal of the Court, SHOW CAUSE ORDER, requiring defendants TWITTER, Jack Dorsey, to produce on the record any and all records, contracts, statutes, federal regulations, or any other public or private record indicating in any manner whatsoever TWITTER or Jack Dorsey, are not subject to federal federal laws, regulations and policies guaranteeing all Americans the benefit of the protection of the Bill of Rights, particularly when operating in interstate commerce.
- Show Cause Order:
The Court to issue under Seal of the Court, SHOW CAUSE ORDER, requiring defendants TWITTER, Jack Dorsey, to file sworn affidavits declaring ignorance of the facts and laws establishing every American has and holds as an absolute right, access to and protection from the Bill of Rights, required to be provided by defendants, as known obligations to all consumers of defendants services while operating in interstate commerce, in particular remedy and recourse through due process, established by this Civil Action Contract to provide access to and legal protections required by the the Bill of Rights, as moved under purchase contract for honest services from the Courts of the United States.
NOTE: This section calls the whole legal services industry, judicial officials in particular, and the administration of law by every public servant to account, to declare and define what they serve, to be proved by personal action. The exhibiting of fidelity to personal pledges, employment contracts duly executed with consideration accepted, under known law defining terms and conditions of public servants obligations. Securing Civil Rights for every American is the only defense against negligence charges. This point is particularly relevant in the context of the Office of President and the egregious trespasses on the man Donald Trump.
Mr. President, above you now have the template set out by current law, facts and principles through due process court procedures for dealing with Civil Rights Crimes and civil law protection from future damage.
Our questions below to every attorney associated with our President, the Peoples White House and the federal government attorneys is why all their operations, failures to prevent Civil Rights violations, do not exposes negligence or incompetence of a very high order.
Mr./Mz Attorney, law enforcement officers, why, have none of you jointly or severely acted to apply and enforce the statutes, both civil and criminal, upon TORTFEASORS and FELONS creating their personal, public, undeniable records admitting and testifying to Civil Rights violations?
Do any of you have a valid defense against the claim of negligence?
Mr. Trump, the People will no longer tolerate this special class of Americans taking payment for honest services and not performing according to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, statutes, employment contracts.
Mr. President, your Beneficiaries Wish our Trustee, as our and the People’s, surety and guarantor to faithful and proper execution of law, to demand all government attorneys and law enforcement officers to explain them selves to the President, particularly Mr. Barr controlling law enforcement from the position of Attorney General.
If the People’s President fails to lead the execution of the laws protecting the People’s Civil Rights, the public servants will never act properly and completely, as is proved conclusively by the records of their prior failures to act. These characters are too busy protecting their special class and playing politics for their own benefit. What other excuse could there be?
We, the Beneficiaries to the powers of our President do -not believe and are not aware of any evidence, that could cause us to believe, there are any attorneys currently associated to the White House or DOJ, competent to complete this Civil Action properly. The facts show that the training systems for public servants, impair the simple straight forward application of the laws to the point causing the protection from the law to be denied every American, particularly our President. Please, some one prove us wrong!
President Trump, please consider taking the relevant sections of the above outlined Civil Action and presenting it to Jack Dorsey. Then have the White House counsel contact Mr. Dorsey to find out his decision concerning respect for the Bill of Rights. Or, if he chooses to be the defendant. This is the exercise of due process. The opportunity to be informed and respond. Seems like TWITTER subject matter to us.
Charles Miller