Hours After President Trump Threatens Veto – Moderate Democrats Are Turning And Pelosi Is Backpedaling
Americans were stunned when Nancy Pelosi unveiled her $3 trillion “relief” bill. Most of it was made up of Democrats’ “wish list.”
Quickly, House Republicans torched the bill—highlighting how they were totally ignored in its planning. The White House then announced a veto threat—meaning this thing is DOA.
Now even some moderate Democrats are abandoning the bill, according to CNN. As you can expect, Nancy is backpedaling as fast as she can.
From Fox News:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi acknowledged Thursday the long odds of the Democrats’ $3 trillion coronavirus relief legislation of becoming law and suggested the massive bill could be a starting point of negotiations with the White House and Senate.
Well, that was fast! After releasing her “Rooseveltian” spending bill, Nancy Pelosi is now saying it was just a “starting point” to negotiate with the White House and Senate.
Do you really believe that? Who starts negotiations with a massive, $3 trillion price tag? Who starts negotiations by ignoring the other side?
Pelosi reached out to Democrats to send her their wildest dreams. But did she contact Republicans? If she did, it wasn’t much, by the looks of the contents of the bill.
Does a person who really wants to negotiate start out with such a partisan move?
Keep in mind, President Trump tried to negotiate with Pelosi and Schumer many times. How often did she storm out—only to complain in front of the press? I lost count.
This is the same woman that stalled job-saving legislation in March and April. Do we really think she’s interested in “negotiations”?
Or, is she just trying to save face, after her insane proposal was met with the expected resistance?
The country is reeling from a pandemic. Some states are (slowly) opening. Others are still locked down.
Few would disagree we need a plan to get people back to work fast and safely.
Yet, what did Pelosi give us? A plan to fund the most divisive ideas ever, with a huge price tag.
I’m no expert negotiator, but that seems like a bad move.