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Charles Miller

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From: Charles Miller [email protected]

Date: February 17th 2020 at 11:13:53 AM PST

To: [email protected]


Dear Mr. Barr,

Please file this with our last submission under the new case file you assigned.



That request is to create a new Complaint file for investigation is to be considered a formal Beneficiaries Letter of Wishes, to a sub-Trustee serving President Trump and our Country.



We Miller, Westover, and Provost Jr., Beneficiaries to all powers of your Attorney Generals office express our appreciation for the drawing out of so many Insurgents who have posed as honest public servants. 
Those former employees at DOJ have exposed them selves as Divided Loyalty actors. The key element these Insurgents failed to recognize is that they are and were servants, employees to the office of Attorney General. Each of these tortfeasors agreed to be supervised by the BOSS, which is Bill Barr at the moment. Employees construction of their terms of service are not subject to the servants interpretation. The act of attempting to censure the BOSS, outside the Rule of Law, for personal reasons is open Rebellion. 
We understand the difficult position the AGs office is in at the present. 
Thus, we have addressed the root cause of so many misconstructions and confusions in government operations. 
We also understand and accept the admissions and confessions of over 1000 former DOJ employee’s malversation.  
The simple fact exposed by the Insurgents actions is that you Bill Barr are driving their boat when they react as they have to direct application of law to their prior acts.
Please find annexed as fully incorporated, Beneficiaries Letter of Advice and Wishes to our Chief Trustee, President Trump. We are, are right now in process of service of the presentment. We have been blocked from faxing directly to the White House. Email access through the White House web portal has been and is currently being tampered with. Please assign a competent investigation team to these matters. Obstruction of government process, exercising the contract rights to access public officers is a high crime indicating Subversion and Conspiracy, resulting in Obstruction of honest government.

We have been blocked from sending FAX to the White House.

We have been tampered with in our email access to federal public records operating out of the White House Web Portal. 

Our complaints assigned file numbers at US DOJ requiring response in 90 days have died in the Civil Rights Division. WHY?






Served, sent and received, 11:11 am, pacific, 2/17/2020.


Dear Mr. Trump, our President,



We, your loyal Beneficiaries, Miller, Westover, Provost Jr., approach our Trustee, President Trump, with this Beneficiaries Letter of Advice and Wishes.


We are addressing one of the most important and critical issues concerning Security of the United States of America and its United States Government. We, all of us that love our country are the targets of a covert war operated in deception from inside our house called the Republic, The United States of America.


No government can survive internal rot perpetrated by its public servants Insurrection! 


These Letters of Wishes and Advice, are the exercise of the Beneficiaries absolute duty, to supervise of the operation of the Public Trust, known as government, through the People’s Office of President, acting in capacity of Chief Executive Officer performing the function of Chief Magistrate, First Trustee.


Your Beneficiaries approach our Trustee, presenting our Letter of Wishes and provide tools for identifying Insurgents disguised as public servants conspiring through Insurrection, Rebellion or Sedition. We Advise that it is our and a great many other Americans opinion, that public servants for the most part can-not be trusted. 


The sad fact is that this is the perception of most of the People. Perceptions are usually caused by experience or first hand reports from other people. More sad are the facts that the lack of trust is a well earned reputation based on the substance of official government records. Indisputable fact. 


The People know most public servants will take orders to do almost anything in order to keep their jobs. The People also know blaming a few corrupt supervisors for the misfeasance of a whole agency is ludicrous beyond understanding. No agency could of ended up as corrupted as DOJ, FBI, State, etc. with out the culture of corruption being in control top to bottom. When one is standing in a cess pool there is no escape from being part of the sewage.


The perfect example of the culture of corruption is the now well documented operations of Wells Fargo. DOJ, FBI, State Department fit the example perfectly.


Are these corrupted agencies providing government services to the People savable? 


If so, should they be salvaged or dismissed and replaced? If saved, how? These are the Presidents decisions. The BOSS gets the hard decisions and the glory or grief. 


We believe that not only are the agencies salvageable, yet more to the point, each is a tool to be used to begin to restore the trust of the People in the government’s, both state and federal 


Thus this presentment at this time in the context of current events, particularly your Beneficiaries herein, presentments over the last few weeks.


We, Wish, our Trustee, Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America, Chief Magistrate of the United States review the facts of official public record. Identify and Define for your self the massive number of Insurgents committing felonies. 


Then, please ask yourself, as we have, to identify the root issue causing the Double Standard in judicial and prosecution operations. Please identify the root cause allowing a blatantly illegal Impeachment as carried out. Please identify the root cause why not one government actor, of any capacity, ever mentioned the Civil Rights felonies committed against the Executive Branch, the Office of President, our President and the man Donald Trump. Simply put, the denial of the protection provided by the 5th and 6th Amendments by a government entity or actor is a Civil Rights felony, a Rebellion. 


How high does the crime need to be before it’s identified and addressed properly?


We believe our President will find as we have that the root cause is Divided Loyalty. These two words expose the root problem while at the same time exposing the solution. 


Below please find the LINK to a published article defining the problem and providing the solution in one move.;read=133216


Our President, is the chief executive officer, over the whole of the executive branch of the United States, and is the ultimate authority over the acts of the officers and employees operating as government servants. Our President is also the Chief Magistrate charged with executing the law as written. The Chief Magistrates position holds full and complete authority to make findings of fact and conclusions of law, particularly when applied to executive branch operations.


Consent of the governed is the key element to be placed on the record and delivered to every executive branch public servant. 


Not one of the People will consent to be governed by Divided Loyalty posers disguised as honest public servants. This is because without the Rule of Law being in transparent control over the servants We all know We will be treated as second class citizens, nothing more than surfs ruled by mere men managing human capital. Involuntary Servitude to the special class of government actors identified by their special protections is the result of Divided Loyalty Insurgents operating their covert Rebellious agendas. 


When the Chief Magistrate issues a Finding of Fact Conclusion of Law that the People have lost confidence and trust in operations of government, the President must act to protect both the People and the honest public servants. 


An invitation from the President to public servants to declare publicly their loyalty to the Rule of Law creates a two fold solution to government corruption. 


First, honest public servants publicly pledging their undivided loyalty to the People’s law is a redemption for any mistakes that may have been made prior to the pledge. A clean slate is created for those performing honorably. This also provides the platform for reporting of criminal behavior inside the agency, and being respected and listened to for doing so. The culture of hidden corruption is broken by the light of loyalty to the Rule of Law.


Second, those Insurgents hiding under color of office will be identified if they fail to re-pledge their loyalty. Given that Insurgents are liars by nature, the re-pledge to hold no defenses for charges of public corruption, is the consent to waive legal protections available through the network of disguised fellow tortfeasors. Following the tracks of Insurgents then becomes the spotlight on the operations denying the People’s office of President the protection of the law required for consent of the governed.


Removing Divided Loyalty actors in public office is the first step to restoring the People’s trust and confidence in government. The massive number of People publicly supporting our President proves the People’s trust in our President. 


Trumps Army made up of loyal Americans needs a mission that serves the Rule of Law, our President, We the People, while honoring honest public servants. Together we stand, Divided Loyalty we fall.


The real power is the People seeing our President act as the BOSS, demanding honesty from executive branch servants from top to bottom across the board.


Please oh please, let the door open to the attacks challenging the simple direct request for honest public servants to identify them selves and their loyalties to the People, the Rule of Law and their Country. 


The Linked documents above are from the People’s position as creators of government, the Depositing Creditors to all political, legal and commercial powers administered by the People’s governments.


Our Presidents position as Trustee over the Rule of Law requires different language than the People use. The principles, facts, law and procedures are the same.


We, Miller, Westover and Provost Jr., Beneficiaries Wish to assist our President in identifying loyal public servants. Call on us and all the People to our duty, and we will perform.


MAGA in full motion is a real probability when the People know who the loyal public servants are, and conversely, who the Insurgents fomenting open Conspiracy to Rebellion, Sedition and Insurrection are. KAG is the result.


Charles Miller