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Charles Miller

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Dear Mr. Donald Tump, Office of President of the United States of America,


As Beneficiaries and Surety protected individual Americans, Miller, Westover and Provost Jr., Wish, our President, point out the obvious.

The Democratic circus continues to feed the People second hand left overs. We are force fed bureaucratic compost packaged as a Rose. The testifying bureaucrats obviously believe, as Mr. Schiff does, that their second hand, second guessing of a duly elected President is more valuable than honoring their own obligations to serve the law through honest performance owed to the People and our President.

On the other side of the ring we have Donald Trump, declaring that the People are trusted to see the process of government actually works.

We are trusted by our President to recognize the Democrats compost under the packaging.

The fundamentals in these two positions are clear.

The Democrats need a managed population, force fed by the MSM-GOOFACED-TWITAZON TECH CONSPIRACY to support their illusions of power, control and grandeur, to survive.

President Trump and his much smaller team call upon the People to Trust their own eyes and ears for making their own decisions. We as Americans are called by our President to exercise our powers and authorities according to our own conscience and the knowing of right and wrong.

What We are witnessing in the Congressional Circus is a Socialist control mechanism attempting to capture and destroy the fundamental principle of individual liberty, the right to choose, recognized by the Rule of Law.

Trump is betting on We the People.

The Democrats are betting on stale secondhand compost covering up the real questions.

It’s our choice. Live under compost, or, the right to choose.

In our world there’s only two kinds of People. Those standing up and those bending over.

Sent 11:15 am, 11/14/2019

Charles Miller

[email protected]