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Charles Miller

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by Charles Miller

[email protected]

Dear Mr. Donald Tump, Office of President of the United States,


The People’s Solution to Divided Loyalty Congress:


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As Beneficiaries of all our governments powers, and having the high obligation to inform our President of the People’s Property Rights positions, Miller, Westover, Provost Jr. present our Letter of Wishes.


The American People Wish, our President, Donald John Trump, to apply the People’s Common Sense to the current intentional confusions controlling a Divided Loyalty Congress.


Simple is as simple does is usually the best course of action to clarify confusions, particularly manufactured confusions serving a harmful, private, never disclosed agenda.


You, Mr. Trump are our President.


You, Mr. Trump, are the Chief Law enforcement Officer for our United States Government.


You, Mr. Trump, are the Commander in Chief over the United States Governments Military.


You, Mr. Trump, are the CEO, the boss, of the Executive Branch of the United States Government.




Issue orders from each of the positions listed above, to the specific branches and agencies identified above, through the bureaucratic Chains of Command.


Order every Executive Branch Officer or employee, Military Officer or Enlisted individual having any information known to be relevant to the bogus, void and illegal Impeachment Hearings in Congress, to present themselves to the Hearings to provide evidence.


Specific individuals known, to be involved in or associated to, relevant substantial acts related to or leading to Congress’s current confusions, should each receive direct orders on White House Stationary signed by our President.


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A public statement should accompany each order, informing that as the President, in all official capacities, you have no choice, you are required as the highest duty of our President, to ensure the People have access to all relevant facts related to the Impeachment Fiasco.


More to the point, the Rule of Law and honest government process returns to the land.


These acts show not only the People, yet more to the point, the Divided Loyalty Deep State actors the true power of the Law.


These acts expose that an honest man who promised to serve the People’s Rule of Law by Constitution is our President.


These acts prove to all the special class of government servants, systemites, of all flavors or kinds that every one is subject to the fundamental Laws as the declared highest policy of all government acts, as stated in the Bill of Rights.


These acts provide the Court of Public Opinion, the People, Americans, the information on which to pass judgement.


These acts utterly destroy the confusion narratives of the Divided Loyalty actors disguised as government servants, media, corporate, technology, judicial activists seeking to destroy the People’s governments by destruction of the Executive Branch. Particularly an Executive Branch lead by Donald Trump openly seeking and acting to root out corruption.


Show the People the integrity, the commitment, the loyalty to principles and fundamentals, the sheer fortitude, the People perceived in you causing your election.


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Please, Please, provide the Divided Loyalty Congress Critters the opportunity to turn away honest government officers and employees from providing sworn testimony to a Congressional Investigation. It matters not at that point whether the Hearings for Investigation are bogus or legitimate.


In the likely event the Deep State Divided Loyalty posers in Congress refuse to accept public servants testimony, directly offered, the judgement becomes a foregone conclusion. The crooks in Congress will certainly understand that concept.


The Simple Fact is one Simple Act, calls all accounts due in the open public forum.


This duly served Letter of Wishes, defines how We the People operate our own lives and rightfully expect our governments to act.


Issue the Orders. Define what honest government process actually is.


Define your Presidency right now!


We, all of us real Americans understand right from wrong, good from evil, lawful due process from secret star chamber proceedings.


What We do-not understand is why self declared honest government servants fail to tackle action against Seditious, Open Rebellion, Felons corrupting our way of life. Nor should We ever seek to understand that kind of dishonesty.


We do understand,TORT of negligence, a high crime qualifying for felonies.


So, Mr Trump, you have a choice to make.


We as a People, the Beneficiaries of all the powers and authorities of our Office of President, watch and wait for you to act on your own by issuing lawful orders to seek the truth, as our Surety should.


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Those ordered to present themselves to the Hearing Master, Schiff, must present in writing to the official Congressional record keeper, the appropriate Committees official records. "Creating government records is critical."


All affected officers or employee affected by the orders needs to present their boni fides, documentation of oath, contract, acceptance, proof of payment as a public trust servant and position.


Each must be advised that the only authorized testimony as to the first hand personal knowledge of facts citing actual personal events or records reviewed.


Each must be advised that their personal beliefs, feelings or interpretations concerning factual events are not only a breach of trust, breach of contract that may rise to felony charges and loss of all accrued employment benefits, retirement and possible prosecution.


Each must be advise that it is a crime to refuse a direct lawful order from superiors and a crime not to report crimes.


Each must be advised that discretion exercised by any and every government officer or employee is required to have a valid Statute or Executive Order allowing specific discretionary acts to be taken.


Each must be advised to recall individual fidelity pledge, oath of office, particularly the state of mind required to enter government service.


Issuing the orders, or even contemplating doing so in the public forum, causes reactions in both Loyal government and Divided Loyalty operations .


The reactions indicate clear paths to possibilities of resolutions demanded by the People!


Charles Miller


[email protected]