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Charles Miller

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by Charles Miller

[email protected]


October 31st 2019

As sent to White House via web portal @ 2:37 p.m. Pacific, with receipt received.


Dear Mr. Donald Tump, Office of President of the United States,

Our President and the Law of Constitution. 1 of 2.

I, Charles C. Miller, hold full and perfect legal, political and commercial standing to report to my President when the Constitutional Republic is at risk. As Beneficiary to your office my Letter of Wishes herein should be accepted as an order to the Trustee and Surety to act.

Please advise all the People that Congress Assembled, or as is currently abandoned, does- not hold Jurisdiction to act to investigate for impeachment, the man in the Office of President, when the allegations do-not identify the basis of investigation as cited specifically in the Constitution.

No allegations of Treason, Bribery, High Crimes or Misdemeanors, specifically identified by facts subject to Congresses own Statutes, causes the current bogus proceedings to be Fatally Defective, admission of a public record criminal act. With no valid allegations in writing there is no valid or lawful process Congress could engage.

We, the People are totally disappointed that our President, Republican Members of Congress Assembled, refuse to act by sticking to the letter of the law as written in the Constitution.

If your advisors have failed to inform all Republicans that Fatally Defective procedures in Democrat’s process are the Treason and High Crimes contemplated by the drafters of the Constitution, they are not only incompetent, yet more, a danger to Republic.

There is no excuse for not demanding a Jurisdiction Declaration from the Democrats.


2 of 2

No-Jurisdiction specified in the Constitution = No-Jurisdiction to act = Personal acts outside the protection of the law = individual personal acceptance of attachment for civil and criminal liability!!!

Democrats in Congress Assembled have all Republicans dancing to their tune. The Democrats tune is confusion of the issues, lie, cheat, steal, posture, pose, deceive, for one goal.


The Democrats know all you Republicans will fail to simply return to the law as written in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution it controls.

The law as written does not respect party affiliation, persons in public trust office, old boy or money connections, nor any other position acted our which conflicts with the law of the Bill of a Rights and valid criminal statutes.

Three Republicans filing AO 91 Criminal Complaints at the USDC, D.C., charging even one of the many felonies already in the public record, crushes all the ARGUMENTS of both Democrats or Republicans.

The sad part is that every government actor, legitimate or poser, is required by law to Report Crimes. 18 USC 4.

When will you Mr. Trump lead with the law as promised?

Either the law controls or men and B.S. controls. Which is it?

The explosive Demand for the Democrats to produce the Authority in the Constitution to proceed calls to account all Members of Congress for the fidelity to the law of Constitution as promised, and paid for upon assumption of public office.

Charles Miller

[email protected]