Oil and Mining Firms Exploit Indigenous Peruvians (with video)
Jaso Paz
The leader of the indigenous movement Alberto Pizango has been charged with sedition. The authorities miss the point. Pizango has never played a central role in the movement, it has been a spontaneous response to the threats posed to their land, and by extension their lives, by President García's plans.
Stop Big Oil and Mining Exploitation of Indigenous Peruvians
Over one year of declared opposition and advocacy, 65 straight days of civil disobedience, two days of bloody confrontations with the police and military, and the government of Peruvian President Alan García still won't meet with AIDESEP, the coalition of indigenous community organizations at the forefront of Peru's movement to resist the exploitation of vast Amazonian resources. In fact, the government has chosen to charge the coalition's leader, Alberto Pizango, with sedition, causing him to seek asylum in the Nicaraguan embassy. Freelance journalist Ben Powless reports from inside the Peru's Amazon Basin that this approach neglects the true nature of the movement. Pizango has never played a central role in the movement, it has been a spontaneous response to the threats posed to their land, and by extension their lives, by President García's plans. Powless reports that those plans, which were set in motion by the enacting of free trade agreements with the US and Canada, are in violation of numerous international laws, since they allow the government to develop land held by indigenous nations without prior consultation and consent.
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Ben Powless is an independent journalist and photographer based out of Ottawa, Canada. He is a regular contributor for the Canadian news website, Rabble.ca. He has been an active member of the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition since its inception. He is heavily involved with the Indigenous Environmental Network. He also sits on the board of the National Council of the Canadian Environmental Network, as well as the Youth Advisory Group to the Canadian Commission for UNESC
Author's Website: www.israel_and_beyond.blogspot.com
Author's Bio: Born a month before Pearl Harbor, I attended world events from an early age. My first words included Mussolini, Patton, Sahara and Patton. At age three I was a regular listener to Lowell Thomas. My mom was an industrial nurse a member of the AFL/CIO. My dad was a painting contractor. We shopped at the Working Man's Store. Dad's reading matter was the Old Mole the house organ of the Socialist Workers Party. I played the saxophone and became a young fan of Charlie Parker, Lester Young and Duke Ellington. Naturally, I gravitated to the Civil Rights movement. After college to avoid the draft, I joined the US Army Reserve. Alas, this came to crowd control, which was a euphemism for busting radical potheads. When I ducked out of this duty, my commander bundled me off to a unit doomed to go to Vietnam. Ironically, my old unit went to Vietnam and the new one stayed home. I studied economics in graduate school where I watched America go mad with war. Afterwards, I joined the rat race for a decade. When Ronnie Reagan became President, I took up residence in Israel. The 11 books listed below describe my adventures in Israel. The articles reflect additional thoughts that expand on the author's ten volumes Genesis Begins the Millennia. The work begins in 1995 with a fictional account of ordinary Israelis absorbed with everyday events. There are extraordinary happenings the characters gradually recognize as portents of the Messianic Age. Volumes four and five show why the Messiah decided to delay His arrival. Volumes six through ten [Tradebombers] begin six weeks before the 9/11 World Trade Center tragedy.