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South American Terrorists

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-From: Fernando Fluguerto
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2009 4:45 PM
Subject: Genocidio de estudiantes !!! ???

   Dear A : some points to clarify the panorama :

 - Costa Gavras (brasilian) made the film "State of Siege" in Uruguay (not Paraguay). A very good film where he shows how the CIA - that is, the U.S. - directed and instructed the south american militars on how to fight the Terrorist Gerrillas. This instruction was given in "La Escuela de las Américas" situated in the U.S. district of Panama.

 - In Uruguay those terrorists were called Tupamaros, and they were defeated by the Uruguayan militars circa 1970. - In Argentina there were two Terrorists groups. One called ERP (Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo) completely marxist, and the other was called MONTONEROS , this last one was originated in catholic-nationalist groups (sic). - The argentine militars by constitutional orders of the argentine democratic government in 1975 initiate war actions against BOTH groups (a big mistake). A real civil war happened in Argentina up to circa 1978. The terrorists were defeated in the militar level (but not in the political level) and there biggest mistake was that following the CIA (that is U.S.) instructions the argentine militars fought a "dirty war". That is using effective but ilegal means of all kind. Just like the U.S. is trying to fight terrorism across the Middle East countries nowadays. (Guantanamo, etc.) - The figure of 30,000 casualties in the terrorist side is a big lie (similar to the six million jews in the Shoah). Even in the "official book" written by the terrorist people called "Nunca más" they mention 8000 casualties. And the true figure must stand between one or two thousand casualties among both terrorist groups. If you need any more details about this subject please feel free to ask.Kind regards.Fernando

 > Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 23:32:18 -0800

> From: a

> To: [email protected]

> Subject: Re: activist reports to me 


> oye entonces, como empezo esa honda de matar estudiantes?

> COSTA GAVRAS filmo una pelicula STATE OF SIEGE con Yves

> Montand, tomo lugar en Paraguay. Ensenaba como el CIA

> mas o menos dirigia la cosa.


> Fue asi en la argentina?

> y a medias, con 15 mil de 30 mil muerto, que no dicia

> alguien en el CIA, oye mano, nos pasamos?