Charles Miller
by Charles Miller
May 23rd 2018
Current events are causing a huge up serge in Patriot groups being newly formed and existing groups to become more active.
This is not a bad thing to happen, yet, at the same time not a good thing either.
Please let me explain why these groups will fail to have much impact.
The fundamentals of the American adventure in self government are never identified by these groups.
With out a basic application of the fundamentals no destination is defined, therefore, there is no real direction.
With no defined direction the very concept of Liberty is never exposed or discussed.
Defining ones journey by someone else’s terms, conditions or operations results in reaching someone else’s destination.
Researching, discussing, arguing the works or actions or omissions of another simply feeds the others position with ones effort.
No destination could ever be reached, even if one is defined, in the current circumstance controlling Patriot groups activities at the moment.
This because no other position is present!
All the talk or written efforts in the world about someone else’s position, acts or omissions will ever reach the destination of individual Liberty.
Of course this short monograph is addressing government corruption, intervention into Americans lives, usurpation of authority, abuse of process, theft of both real and chattel properties and a whole herd of other relevant subjects.
These trespasses on the concepts of self government founding our American experiment in self government are exposed every where we look.
So, the One Question that completely exposes not only the destination yet at the same time exposes the path to reach it, is.
Mr. or Mz. government actor will you identify the authority granted by constitution, either state or federal, to the legislative branch by the People ordaining these constitutions, allowing in any manner the legislative acts to regulate the People whatsoever?
A simple direct read of the legislative powers granted in our constitutions will expose the People are not identified as SUBJECTS to legislative powers.
This single word question exposes the massive waste of time, effort and money when the light finally dawns in the minds and hearts of Patriots seeking true Liberty.
Under no circumstance are we as an individuals granted the God given right to regulate our neighbors, therefore, We the People could never grant power to any government whatsoever to regulate our neighbors.
The simple fact is we live first in a political world. Political bodies or associations are essentially the participation by those involved in the same activities rules of behavior. This is the social compact of alleged civil society.
The real test exposed here could be perfected with conclusive answers coming back to any individual American. The test is to ask your local government servant to identify the source of the authority making their act lawful and in accord with the constitutions.
Then we will all know!
Forced, coerced, threatened, physical restraint or injury through the application of never identified powers or authorities is SLAVERY in both fact and deed. More to the point the open public record created by this simple mechanism provides the finding of fact and conclusion of law resulting in SELF JUDGEMENT BY PUBLIC RECORD. What government servant could survive their own actions being recognized as defining whether they are honest servants or managers of human capital?
Those choosing to keep feeding the beast by only talking about the beast then become the GIVERMENT they deserve. Giving up ones power is a powerful testament defining whether one is a freeman or a SLAVE.
See U.S. v Kozminski 487 US 931 (1988)
Held: For purposes of criminal prosecution under § 241 or § 1584, the term "involuntary servitude" necessarily means a condition of servitude in which the victim is forced to work for the defendant by the use or threat of physical restraint or physical injury or by the use or threat of coercion through law or the legal process. This definition encompasses cases in which the defendant holds the victim in servitude by placing him or her in fear of such physical restraint or injury or legal coercion. Pp. 487 U. S. 939-953.
Who are the servants to We the People? Who pays them? For what purpose? Where do they get the authority to administer the law of constitutions 'We the People' granted? And most important, where do the servants loyalties lay? To themselves or to the People?
When these concepts and documented facts and law become the ONLY focal point for Patriot groups activities the destination of Liberty will be recognized and the map to get there will be exposed as it was in the beginning in 1776.
"Then and only then will the swamp be drained, and America will be on the journey to greatness again."
From: [email protected]