Can We Just Retire the Democrat Party?
The Democrat Party must be betting all their chips on the Postal Workers Union, because they can’t produce a candidate worth electing in a fair election.
Conservative news sources are calling it a “bombshell” report, but is it really surprising to anyone that Hillary made up the whole Russia thing? The corruption and complete lack of morality on the part of the Clintons has been common knowledge since the 1980s. After “Arkancide”, how can anyone be shocked at her email scandal or her attempt to lie about Trump?
Meanwhile, the people telling Joe Biden what to say next so he doesn’t embarrass himself (too much) can’t even come up with their own material. Here’s Sloppy Joe stealing blatantly from Boris Johnson in the UK. This isn’t new either, of course. Joe Biden has been plagiarizing other people’s speeches, especially from across the pond, since the late 1970s.
This is why Trump is so popular: he’s got something real to offer. He runs up against the vast bureaucracy of empty-headed leftist automatons in the bloated US government, but he has more original ideas in a single day than any of his competition have had in 30 years.
Trump may be in his 70s, but he doesn’t look it. Normal people look forward to retirement. Leftists refuse to step down from the Supreme Court out of hateful spite, so we end up with a major political party whose public face, from Chuck and Nancy to Biden and Clinton, all look like they just emerged from a mummy’s tomb.
If the Left cared about America, they’d have something to offer Americans. Ronald Reagan left the Presidency in 1989; it only took until 2016 for us to get Trump. Jack Kennedy was assassinated in 1963… what have the Democrats given us in that time?
It’s time to put the great American Jackass out to pasture once and for all.