Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Excuse the brevity of this entry, but there’s not enough time to detail all the evil that’s unfolding right now. Suffice it to say that Obama is right now attempting to start a raging war before he leaves office. There are two types of attempts he’s making: 1) War with Russia, and 2) War against the American people. He’s also hoping to be part of a successful Marxist coup on January 20, but that’s very unlikely to go anywhere.
Obama is trying to start World War III before Jan. 20
Check DrudgeReport.com and Breitbart.com to stay up to speed on this. Paul Craig Roberts also has extremely important insight on what’s shaping up (he was part of the Reagan administration), and my own contacts inside the bureaucracy are signaling that Obama is “setting landmines across the bureaucracy” to function as sabotage trip wires that will blow up in President Trump’s face.
Barack Obama — who is quite literally a “sleeper cell” agent who has been trying to destroy America from day one — is now attempting to provoke Russia into military conflict. He has now begun expelling Russian diplomats from the USA as a cover story for the democrats’ completely fabricated “Russian hacking” conspiracy theory regarding the hacking of email accounts belonging to Jon Podesta and the DNC. (It was actually an inside job achieved by a Bernie Sanders supporter.)
Fortunately, it looks like Russia is mocking Obama for his incredible stupidity and not taking him seriously anymore. If cooler heads prevail in all this, Obama will be out of office in roughly 20 days, and a new President Trump will restore sane, stabilizing relations with Russia.
But until Jan. 20 comes, make no mistake that “traitor” Obama is trying to provoke Russia into an escalating conflict with the USA. This is deliberate, insane and deeply criminal. I’m already hearing whispers of desires to see Barack Obama arrested and charged with criminal acts of treason against the United States… yet it is doubtful that any such charges could really be leveled against a former President whose actions took place while he was in office (so don’t get your hopes up).
Nevertheless, it is increasingly apparent to an expanding number of people that Obama is an active traitor who has deliberately given aid to America’s enemies while destroying trust among America’s allies. (Just two words prove the assertion: 1) Iran. 2) Israel.)
DrudgeReport.com suffered 90 minute blackout due to DDoS attacks
Also today, the DrudgeReport.com website, which has remained a highly effective thorn in the side of the Obama regime, was taken offline for 90 minutes by a coordinated DDoS attack believed to have come from the U.S. government itself.
“A tweet from conservative media icon Matt Drudge’s verified Twitter account Thursday night appeared to accuse the government of interfering with his website, DrudgeReport.com, just hours after the Barack Obama administration announced new sanctions against Russia over election hacking,” reports IBtimes.com.
“Is the US government attacking DRUDGE REPORT? Biggest DDoS since site’s inception. VERY suspicious routing [and timing],” the tweet to Drudge’s 457,000 followers read.
Natural News warned it will be targeted for take down before President Trump is sworn in
A few weeks ago, InfoWars.com personnel received a threat that claimed their site would be taken down in a government censorship purge. Now, that same threat has been made to Natural News via channels I’m not yet ready to make public.
The threat asserts that many of the websites falsely labeled “Russian propaganda” by the fraudulent Washington Post story have been targeted for government take down action before President Obama leaves office — all while Obama signs hundreds of pardons to protect the criminals associated with the DNC and the Clinton crime family.
Right now, sites such as DrudgeReport.com and RT are being “probed” in what are called “DDoS stress tests” to determine the level of DDoS traffic needed to bring down each site. This result is calculated into the “full assault plan” which will distribute government cyber attack resources across all the targeted sites in the most efficient manner, dedicating only the amount of DDoS traffic needed to bring down each site. This tactic, by the way, is something I’ve heard called “DDDoS” or “distributed-distributed denial-of-service” attack. It’s conducted at a scale that can only be achieved by nation states such as China, North Korea or the USA. In this case, it’s the USA, under Barack Obama, that would be engaging in cyber war against the independent media.
In effect, we may be looking at a situation where Barack Obama uses the full resources of the corrupt sectors of his regime to wage cyber warfare against independent journalism in order to halt the only remaining free press from warning Americans about what Obama is actually doing.
Natural News readers should prepare for our website to be subjected to heavy attacks, coordinated DDoS waves, and possibly even attempted DNS hijacking or (Obama) government confiscation of our hosting servers.
In case our DNS is taken over, you can access NaturalNews.com directly from any browser by typing in the following IP address:
You should write this down, physically, on a piece of paper and tape it to your monitor. If you ever notice that “NaturalNews.com” is not responding, try the IP address instead.
If Drudge, InfoWars and NaturalNews all go down, it means WAR has begun
Furthermore, if NaturalNews.com is deliberately taken down, you should interpret this as a sign that Obama is initiating a government war against the American people, and you would be wise to lock and load in preparation for the kind of Second Amendment activation that was designed to save the Republic from tyranny.
To be clear, yes, I am explicitly stating that a coordinated attack against independent media by the criminal Obama traitor should be interpreted as an act of WAR against America… the final stage of Obama’s long train of subversion to transform America into a Marxist police state under totalitarian control. Personally, I think he will fail in this effort, but like most radical leftists, he’s insane enough to try it! (FLASHBACK: Obama’s Department of Homeland Security purchases 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, including sniper rounds.)
We are now entering the most dangerous time for America since World War II
I fully realize that to the uninformed, these warnings may sound unbelievable, but to those working inside the system right now as part of the “counter coup” operation to save America from Obama’s last, desperate effort to destroy this nation, what I’m writing here is very well understood and widely known to be true. Those of you reading this from inside the FBI, CIA, DHS and NSA know exactly what I’m talking about. If you’re on the side of America, I send you prayers for your strength and courage in protecting America for the next 20 days or so, after which things will significantly calm down.
If all goes well and the patriots inside the bureaucracy succeed in their mission, you will never know anything happened at all. There will be no take down of independent media websites, no war with Russia and no successful coup on Jan. 20. That is our desired outcome. We seek a peaceful transition of power to the Trump administration, where highly experienced and patriotic cabinet members will begin the arduous process of unwinding the Obama poison pills, time bombs and trip wires he has planted “across the bureaucracy.”
But make no mistake: Obama is an active, conscious traitor to America, and he’s not going to go away without sabotaging everything in sight on his way out. His targets absolutely include free speech websites that refused to surrender to his anti-American rhetoric and subversive actions. All legitimate free press publications in America — and their editors — are now at extreme risk for the next 20 days.
Check NaturalNews.com throughout each day. We are now publishing new stories several times throughout the day, and we’ll keep publishing as long as we are able. If we stop publishing or go offline for an extended period of time, you should quite rationally assume the worst.