SORCHA FAAL: “End Of Globalization” Declared After Russian “Golden Death Star” Strikes “King Dollar”
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting President Putin hitting back against the Western colonial powers attempting to cancel Russia, says during yesterday’s nationwide address he told the Russian peoples: “Today, they are trying to cancel the whole of our thousand-year-old country...The so-called ‘cancel culture’ has turned into ‘the canceling of culture’...Russian composers Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and Rachmaninoff are getting erased from concert programs...Russian writers and their books are also getting banned...Such a massive campaign to destroy undesirable literature was carried out last time by the Nazis in Germany nearly 90 years ago...We remember it well from the footage of book burnings on city squares...It’s impossible to imagine such things in our country”.
Shortly after President Putin addressed the nation, this report notes, the Russian phone pranksters Vovan and Lexus, who become famous all over the world for their pranks on celebrities and politicians, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, US Special Envoy Nikki Haley, Senator John McCain, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Ukrainian presidents PetroPoroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky, and many others, released the full video of their call to British Home Secretary Priti Patel, wherein Patel calls Russians “barbarians”, promises to step up spying on Russians in the Britain, and is tricked into calling the pranksters “incredible heroes” and admits that her own country “plays dirty”—then this prankster duo released a call they had with British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, but had to redact the parts wherein Wallace revealed some of this nation’s most vital military secrets—astonishing prank calls the leftist Google owned YouTube quickly blocked to keep the American people from seeing, but saw freedom of speech loving Americans going to RuTube to see them anyway.
In further response to these Western colonial powers attempting to cancel Russia, this report continues, Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev stated: “No one wants any war, much less a nuclear war, which is a threat to the very existence of human civilisation...In this sense, those analysts who say, perhaps somewhat cynically, but nevertheless, that the development of nuclear weapons has prevented a huge number of conflicts in the 20th and 21st centuries, are right...This is true...In fact, it is what it did...So it is obvious that the threat always exists”.
Pushing the world even closer to nuclear war, however, this report details, yesterday it saw Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden suggesting to American combat forces stationed in Poland that they would be soon in Ukraine, with him telling them: “You’re going to see when you’re there … some of you have been there…You’re going to see women, young people standing in the middle, in the front of a damn tank saying ‘I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground”—at the very moment these American combat troops would appear preparing to enter Ukraine it would see Russia launching immediate nuclear strikes against their NATO base in Poland, along with every other NATO base in Europe and every military base in the United States—a known fact that caused the White House to put out an urgent immediate statement saying: “The president has been clear we are not sending US troops to Ukraine and there is no change in that position”—but whose statement comes at the same time the Ministry of Defense (MoD) has linked both Hunter Biden and George Soros to the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, and gravely troubling factual articles are now appearing like “Hunter Biden Helped Secure Millions for DoD Contractor Working on Pandemic-Causing Research” and “Emails from Hunter Biden’s Laptop Prove He Helped Secure Millions in Funding for US Contractors in Ukraine Specializing in Deadly Pathogen Research”.
As to why Socialist Leader Biden traveled to Europe this week, this report explains, was to present an illusion to the American people that the Western colonial powers and their NATO military forces were all in lock-step against Russia and its vital to the world natural resources—an illusion of solidarity desperately needed by these Western colonial powers designated as “unfriendly countries” after Russia declared it would only accept payment in Rubles for its energy, not US Dollars or Euros—an illusion of solidarity quickly punctured by Middle East energy giant Qatar, whose energy minister Saadal-Kaabi factually stated that replacing Russian natural gas on the European market is “not practically possible”, with him noting that “from 30 to 40% of the total volume of gas supplied to the world market comes from Russia”—a statement of factual reality quickly followed by the participants of the European Council meeting yesterday failing to adopt any concrete measures to address the energy price growth, and who could not come up with a unified approach to Russia’s decision to receive payments for its gas only in Rubles—yesterday it saw NATO-member Hungary sending out Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto to openly declare: “Hungary does not want to risk the lives and safety of the people of Hungary and will not allow the supplying of weapons to Ukraine through its territory and will not stop using Russian oil and gas”—a declaration quickly joined by NATO’s second largest member Turkey, whose President Tayyip Erdogan firmly stated yesterday: “In terms of sanctions, we are studying certain UN guidelines, but let's not forget that we cannot put aside our relations with Russia…You know, I explained this a long time ago, because today, if we take natural gas alone, about half of the natural gas we use comes from Russia…Besides that, we are building our Akkuyu nuclear power plant with Russia…We can’t ignore that…When I told this to French President Emmanuel] Macron, even he said that I am right…We have to protect this sensitivity…Firstly, I cannot leave my people to freeze in the winter, and secondly, I cannot completely reboot this industry of ours”.
In further explaining to the world the complex dimensions of the “Special De-Nazification Operation” ongoing in Ukraine, this report notes, yesterday it saw top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov revealing the factual reality that the United States bombing of Yugoslavia 23-years ago torpedoed the foundation of the world order, with him stating: “Back then, these bombs, in addition to killing civilians, started destroying the system of international relations…It was exactly then that NATO—and when we say ‘NATO’, we mean ‘Americans’—started to bomb the foundation of the world order…It was then that an erosion of all foundations of the world order began, which led to the European security crisis, which we are living through today”—a statement of factual reality quickly joined by the Russian Central Bank revealing yesterday, that immediately after the socialist Obama-Biden Regime overthrew the legitimately elected government of Ukraine in 2014, it began divesting itself of US Dollars and Euros and replacing it with gold, all of which is stored in its vaults on Russian territory, and it deliberately left some foreign reserves in Western colonial banks so the world could see how fast it could be seized—and are factual realities, most certainly, understood by the world’s top money manager CEO Larry Fink of global investment giant Black Rock, whose firm oversees investments equivalent to about half of US GDP, who yesterday declared: “The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades...The ramifications of this war are not limited to Eastern Europe...They are layered on top of a pandemic that has already had profound effects on political, economic and social trends...The impact will reverberate for decades to come in ways we can’t yet predict”.
With the just published American economic article “Russia Just Told You The Ruble is Implicitly Backed by Gold and Bitcoin” revealing: “In order to balance supply and demand in the domestic precious metals market, the Bank of Russia will buy gold from credit institutions at a fixed price from March 28, 2022…After the specified period, the purchase price of gold can be adjusted taking into account the emerging balance of supply and demand in the domestic market”, this report continues, it was quickly joined by other articles like “Russian Central Bank To Buy Gold From Banks At 25% Discount To Peg Ruble to Gold starting March 28th”—reacting in terror this week it saw the US Treasury Department issuing guidance on its website warning that gold-related transactions involving Russia may be subjected to sanctions by US authorities—a move of frantic terror quickly joined by Britain adding a ban on transactions with Russian gold to their list of restrictions placed on the Russian Central Bank earlier this month—and in knowing how Russia is using its gold to strike back at these Western colonial powers, it caused one American expert to exclaim: “That's no moon . . . it's a Death Star aimed at the FED!”.
After Russia exposed for the whole world to see how quickly the United States could outright steal the foreign reserves of any nation it wants, this report notes, the largest American “newspaper of record” Wall Street Journal took quick notice in their warning article “If Russian Currency Reserves Aren’t Really Money, the World Is in for a Shock”, wherein they noted the “risk to the status of King Dollar”, and stated: “Sanctions have shown that currency reserves accumulated by central banks can be taken away…With China taking note, this may reshape geopolitics, economic management and even the international role of the U.S. dollar...What can investors do?...For once, the old trope may not be ill advised: buy gold…Many of the world’s central banks will surely be doing it”—today sees top global economic experts noting the truth: “American or European sanctions are irrelevant in the case of a bilateral gold transfer between central banks”—and to just how effective these Western colonial sanctions are, today sees it being reported: “With oil and gas sales running at an estimated $1.1 billion a day, Russia probably will show a current account surplus of $200 billion this year, slightly higher than its $165 billion annualized surplus during the fourth quarter of 2021”.
In knowing the truth that the “Special De-Nazification Operation” in Ukraine is but one part of the existential war between the power of Russian gold and worthless Western colonial fiat currencies, this report notes, American economic experts are putting out warning articles like “NATO And Russia - Whistling Past Each Other's Graveyards”, that states: “The end result will be a world with a new Iron Curtain…The sanctions will stay in place until there is a full political revolution on either side”, “Make Nazism Great Again?”, wherein it states: “The supreme target is regime change in Russia, Ukraine is just a pawn in the game... or worse, mere cannon fodder”.
Just like the American people are being lied to and deceived about what this existential East-West conflict is really all about, this report concludes, so too are they being lied to and deceived about what the Russian military goal is in Ukraine—a goal the Kremlin has repeatedly explained has nothing to do with taking over Ukraine, destroying its cities, or changing its government—has everything to do with keeping Ukraine out of NATO and destroying its Nazi forces in the Donbass Region that have been armed by the Western colonial powers and have wantonly killed Russian-speaking peoples there since 2014—yesterday it saw the MoD revealing: “Ukraine's air and air defence forces have been almost completely destroyed, and the country's navy has in effect ceased to exist”—because of this near complete obliteration, today it sees the MoD revealing: “In general, the main tasks of the first stage of the operation have been completed...The combat potential of the armed forces of Ukraine has been significantly reduced, which allows us to focus our efforts on achieving the main goal – the liberation of Donbass”—and whose other just issued urgent war bulletins of notice include:
[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
March 26, 2022 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathe