SORCHA FAAL: New World Order “Resistance” That Defeated America In Afghanistan and Iraq Moves To Liberate Syria
Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An insightful new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Russian and Ukrainian negotiators have agreed that a permanent ceasefire in Ukraine’s war-torn Donbass region must be observed “unconditionally”, following nerve-wracking eight-hour back and forth talks held as part of the Normandy Format, which also includes France and Germany, but excludes the United States, says quick to follow was Donbass region military commander Deputy Chief Eduard Basurinof of the Donetsk People’s Republics Militia gravely reporting: “According to our intelligence, the Ukrainian General Staff under the guidance of US advisers at the Ukrainian Defense Ministry is putting final touches to a plan for an offensive operation in Donbass…The date of aggression against the people’s republics will be set when the attack groups have been created and the operation’s plan approved by Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council”.
A grave report, this report documents, near immediately joined by leftist CNN war propagandists claiming that Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden told Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, during what they described as a “did not go well” phone conversation, that: “A Russian invasion is now virtually certain once the ground freezes...Kyiv could be sacked and Russian forces may attempt to occupy it...Prepare for impact”—after which it was reported: “The White House has pushed back on a CNN report about Thursday’s phone call between US President Joe Biden and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, calling it “completely false””—then saw it being reported: “The hashtag #ReleaseTheTranscript trended on Twitter in the US as opponents of President Biden reacted to a controversy surrounding his Thursday conversation with Zelensky. CNN’s source in Ukraine claimed that the talks didn’t go well, and that Biden had a hard time convincing his counterpart that a Russian invasion of his country was imminent”.
In an obvious diplomatic stunt from Washington to try and isolate Moscow by appealing to Beijing, this report notes, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken then phoned Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and lectured him on what he described as Russian aggression on Ukraine—a lecture made comical because Secretary Blinken had just warned China about its aggression on Taiwan—and in quick response saw Foreign Minister Wang urging Ukraine to follow the Minsk Protocol established by the Normandy Format, saw him joining Russia’s opposition to NATO expansion, after which he lashed out at Secretary Blinken on a number of issues, accusing him of interference in China’s internal affairs, deliberately undermining the Winter Olympics, and demanding that the Biden Regime comply with the One China policy on Taiwan.
After being stung by China’s blasting rebuke, this report continues, Secretary Blinken then had his State Department issue a warning saying that the Russian Ambassador to the United States would be expelled unless the Kremlin issued visas for some unknown “body guards” to supposedly protect America’s ambassador in Moscow, that is one of the safest cities in the world—a lunatic socialist threat immediately responded to by top Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who stated: “The threat is serious…Yet in general it is better to address the Foreign Ministry for comments on this matter”—and in response to all of these lunatic Biden Regime threats, it saw Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warning: “As far as the threats of introducing sanctions are concerned, the Americans were told, including at the level of presidential contacts, that this package, accompanied by the total disconnection from the financial-economic systems controlled by the West, would be tantamount to the severing of relations”.
Security Council Members in this transcript discussing these issues note that the socialist Biden Regime continues to whip up fairy tale war hysteria propaganda about Russia invading Ukraine and China invading Taiwan in order to keep hidden from the American people the unconditional demand the Russian Federation placed before the United Nations Security Council that states: “The United States, which occupies al-Tanf and part of north-east Syria, must withdraw from the lands it occupies illegally and stop looting the country, from which it transfers tankers transporting oil that had been extracted from its lands”.
In yesterday’s historic session, this report notes Russian Deputy Permanent Representative Dmitry Polyanskiy to the United Nations issued the warning its Security Council members: “We demand the immediate withdrawal of all foreign forces, who are illegally deployed...It is clear that the United States does not deal with the fight against terrorism even on a domestic level, let alone on a global scale...In areas where the United States is directly involved in oil theft, an environmental catastrophe is unfolding, and at the same time, the United Nations does not provide any assessment of what is happening”, then saw him stating for the official record: “We must say that what happened at the US-occupied territory of Syria is the result of our colleagues making overtures to the terrorist elements in the Syrian Arab Republic...You learn nothing from history. Nor do you learn from your past mistakes…We warned repeatedly what this sort of indulgence to terrorist elements may lead to”.
Also addressing this historic session yesterday, this report continues, was Deputy Permanent Representative Zahra Ershadi of Iran to the United Nations, who factually stated: “As per the United Nations Security Council resolutions, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria must be respected…The Syrian government has a legitimate and inalienable right to counter terrorist activities on its territories, and any action taken to combat terrorism must be coordinated with the Syrian government”, after which he described last week’s attack by ISIS terrorists on the Kurdish-run Ghwayran jail in Syria’s northeastern province of Hasakah as a wake-up call that once again showed that the foreign-sponsored ISIS terrorists remain a significant threat to regional security and stability.
Though Kurdish-led militia forces initially claimed they had regained control of this ISIS prison, this report notes, today American combat forces are fighting a fierce battle against ISIS barbarians to take back control—a fierce battle whose ISIS jail break cause of was masterminded by NATO-member Turkey, that with the aid of the Americans uses these ISIS barbarians as a tool to for chaos and war, like just erupted on the border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan this morning—and today sees more than 10,000 prisoners belonging to ISIS from 57-countries under the control of Americans in their illegally held territory of Syria they refuse to try and/or repatriate to their home nations.
To counter this growing threat, this report details, Russia has built up a vast armada of warships in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Syria, that will soon be joined by the thousands of Russian marine infantry forces and their armored equipment that have now entered the region—is a military buildup whose goal to liberate Syria and its war weary citizens from America is concurred with by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who after his three-hour war strategy meeting with President Putin in Moscow last week, then addressed the full assembly of Russian lawmakers in the State Duma telling them: “The strategy of domination has now failed, and America is in its weakest position”—saw him factually stating about the Americans: “The most important goal of their agenda is to weaken independent governments from within, which is pursued through economic sanctions, destabilization, the promotion of insecurity, and false narratives of events; in such a way that they try to change the place of the oppressor and the oppressed in public opinion”—after which he accurately noted that the single “concept of resistance” used by the independent nations Iran, Russia and China “brought about the failure of the policy of military occupation and forced the United States to flee Iraq and Afghanistan”.
In quick response to President Raisi, this report notes, American neocon war propagandists from the Hudson Institute released their open letter “Why Russia And China Build Up Iran” urging the socialist Biden Regime to wage war against Russia, China and Iran, and saw them stating: “Though vulnerable, Tehran is the ideal Middle East partner in an alliance to destroy the U.S.-led order...In sum, China and Russia are building up Iran…Both need a partner in the Middle East devoted to “Resistance” to undermining U.S. power...Why is the Biden team going along for the ride?...Washington’s approach should be more strategic...Among the members of the global alliance dedicated to destroying the American-led order, Iran is the most vulnerable...The job of the U.S. is to defang it”.
This transcript sees Security Council Members noting that the “American-led order” using its military force and economic sanctions “strategy of domination” to achieve global hegemony has caused nothing but wholesale destruction, mass bloodshed and unimaginable human misery—and stands directly opposed to the independent “Resistance” new world order fast emerging, best exampled today by China bringing war torn Syria into its largest in human history Belt and Road global infrastructure trade bloc project—a move towards peace joined by the World Health Organization appointing Syria to its executive board, Interpol readmitting Syria to its network, Algeria and Egypt pushing to reinvite Syria to Arab League membership, and other Arab nations having gestured toward a peaceful rapprochement with Syria—today sees it being reported: “The United Arab Emirates is at the leading edge of an effort in the Arab world to bring Syria in from the cold”—and in response to these moves towards peace, this week it saw Socialist Leader Biden approving a staggering $2.5-billion weapons deal for Egypt in a direct affront to the millions of Syrian peoples in desperate need of food, shelter, clothing and peaceful lives entirely caused by America’s demonic “strategy of domination”.
The conclusion section of this transcript sees Security Council Members humorously noting the Pentagon defending its preparations for a fairy tale Russian invasion of Ukraine yesterday—is humorous because America couldn’t even defend Ukraine if it wanted to, because the Pentagon is a shell of its former self neither manned nor equipped to fight a war against Russia or any other comparable nation state—sees this transcript noting Security Council Members actually broke out laughing when discussing the just published leftist New York Times war propaganda article “How Russia Has Increased Its Military Buildup Around Ukraine”, wherein it uses a map of red-circled Russian military bases that have existed in the same exact place for decades to comically “prove” Russia has massed forces to invade Ukraine—and in using actual intelligence instead of comical maps to see if Russia is preparing to invade Ukraine, is why one top NATO official stated the truth this morning: “To invade such a large country with such military forces like Ukraine, you need military capabilities other than those that have been currently deployed”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
January 28, 2022 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.
[Note: Many governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagree with in believing that it is every human being’s right to know the truth. Due to our mission’s conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit us, and others like us, that is exampled in numerous places, including HERE.]
[Note: The WhatDoesItMean.com website was created for and donated to the Sisters of Sorcha Faal in 2003 by a small group of American computer experts led by the late global technology guru Wayne Green (1922-2013) to counter the propaganda being used by the West to promote their illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq.]
[Note: The word Kremlin (fortress inside a city) as used in this report refers to Russian citadels, including in Moscow, having cathedrals wherein female Schema monks (Orthodox nuns) reside, many of whom are devoted to the mission of the Sisters of Sorcha Faal.]