FULFORD: Winter solstice to trigger big changes [Short Report]
Benjamin Fulford
With the hybrid world war III raging towards planetary liberation, it is time to think about what victory will look like. As the December 21st winter solstice is upon us, we must imagine a world where love, hope, ambition, charity, friendship and all those good things dominate public and political discourse. Once we are liberated we will be able to decide for ourselves what kind of world we want today, tomorrow, five years from now, a thousand years from now etc. There can be no doubt we are about to enter an era of exponential expansion of earth life, including human life, into the universe. So, please think about what an ideal planet would look like and how we can get from here to there.
Ok, now let us look at how the war to liberate the planet earth is proceeding. Remember, Western humanity has been hijacked by an ancient Satanic cult. The so-called leaders of most Western countries have used lies, murder, bribery and fear to manipulate us to their evil end goal of permanent slavery for most of humanity. Their public discourse is getting increasingly strident and scare-mongering: Russia is about to declare war, China is about to declare war, Iran is about to get a nuclear weapon, Omicron, etc. are going to kill us all, we must vaccinate, vaccines are killing us, etc. You get the picture; we are living in a dystopian reality. What we need to realize though is the increasingly negative invective being spewed out by the corporate propaganda media is a sign of sheer panic and fear amongst the Satanic elite.
In the UK, for example, the military and intelligence community are declaring war against the deeply compromised civilian leadership. Here is some raw intelligence about this from the head of MI6:
MI6 asked me to take over so I am just doing my job. The Queen was far too soft and also deeply compromised by KM so I was asked to take over with an iron fist. These paid traitorous dopes will all hang by the neck. The US NIH SARS WHO-approved prescription [of vaccinations] means in law a criminal conspiracy to commit mass murder, crimes against humanity, war crimes, High Treason all of which is being reviewed in a Military Court Marshal.
This is some of the evidence that will hang them:
In its Week 42 “COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report,” the U.K. Health Security Agency admitted on page 23 that “N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” It goes on to explain that this antibody drop is basically permanent
Read it for yourself… Page 24.
The first head to roll was British Brexit minister David Frost
Top bureaucrats in Ireland and the UK Martin Fraser and Simon Case along with the last six sitting prime ministers will also be hanged, MI6 says. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has also been stripped of all his power, the agency says.
This video of British Police retreating from anti-vaccine protesters is a sign of these changes, according to Mossad sources.
There is also an ongoing hunt and kill operation directed against Satanic child predators in the US, CIA sources say. Here is some of the evidence of their crimes from the recent WikiLeaks release by agency sources who supported Julian Assange:
In an e-mail sent to John Podesta and several of his friends cc’d in 2015, Tamera Luzzatto wrote that children would be Uber’d to their pool party for “entertainment” purposes. The name & ages of three children were listed in the e-mail. These names also popped up on a disturbing password-protected site, run by Luzzatto, called Evie’s Crib. The blog tagline read you could view infants “raw and uncut”. The site also had sexually explicit tab titles and linked to another disturbing site, Jack’s blog, that advertised that unrated versions of naked babies were available to premium subscribers.
Here are the photos and images that corroborate this:
We know that Julian Assange was murdered years ago but something caused agencies to release his files again. We would like to ask our readers to help go through them and find important things to share with the rest of us.
This hunt of pedo-predators is even being reflected in corporate media reports such as the following:
A Nevada criminal complaint against a mom who allegedly pimped out her 9-year-old daughter to longtime CNN producer John Griffin in Vermont discloses disturbing new details about the sick arrangement.
It also reveals that authorities first became aware of Griffin’s depraved proclivities 18 months ago – yet the FBI didn’t arrest him until Friday
Then this came out: “Project Veritas says the person recorded fantasizing about the genitals of an underage girl is CNN producer, Rick Saleeby.”
Now suddenly CNN is closing its offices supposedly because of the non-existent “COVID.”
The next thing we need to look at is the ongoing international cyberwar aimed at cutting off the Khazarian mafia’s control of finance and large IT conglomerates. On this front the capture in Antarctica of EU head Christine Lagarde and Davos head Klaus Schwab has
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