THE HOLOCAUST RETURNS: EU wants to abolish Nuremberg Code, reconstitute medical fascism with forced covid “vaccination”
Ethan Huff
It is about to be a very dark winter for Europe (and probably the rest of the world, too) now that the European Union has decided to impose total medical fascism on Europeans.
As we reported reptilian European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen is talking about forcing Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” on all of Europe, which some are calling a reconstitution of 1940s medical fascism and the abolishment of the Nuremberg Code.
Ursula’s husband Heiko, by the way, is the director of the United States-based biotechnology company Orgenesis, which just so happens to specialize in medical research that involves “cell and gene therapies.”
In other words, Ursula and her husband get filthy rich the more injections are jammed into people’s bodies, against their will if necessary. And now Ursula is planning a major expansion of her bank account with proposed mandatory jabs for all of Europe.
“Mr. Heiko von der Leyen organizes the scientific experiments, and then his wife Ursula advocates for forced vaccinations for all citizens within the European Union; and the removal of the prohibitive Nuremberg Code,” reported Sundance from The Conservative Treehouse.
“This would be a twisted and sick plot within a science fiction movie; however, it is very real.”
Fake “Omicron” variant being used to usher in final solution for “covid”
Some European countries are already adopting Ursula’s plan, including Austria, Greece, Germany and Lithuania. Others are sure to join in the coming days.
Austrians have until February 2022 to comply with the mandatory jab program there, while Greece is already fining unvaccinated residents every month that they remain in non-compliance.
In Germany, a nationwide lockdown of the un-jabbed was announced, with leaders adding that there will soon be mandatory jab policies that restrict unvaccinated Germans from participating in society.
If all goes as planned, Germans will have until March 2022 to get fully vaccinated or else have no more place in German society.
“These European leaders are insane,” says Sundance. “There is no better time than right now for Russia to invade Ukraine, and for the American people to tell our elected officials it’s none of our business.”
“If returning to the era where fascist government fiats are acceptable to the people in Europe, then let them fight or fall – we have our own axe handles, tar and feathers to carry.”
All it took for this latest round of madness to commence was the introduction of the fictitious “Omicron” (Moronic in anagram form) variant to be announced by the mainstream media on Black Friday, the very same day that the fraudulent stock market took a major tumble.
All of this was foretold in the Holy Scriptures, just to be clear. One commenter at The Conservative Treehouse pointed to Matthew 24:2-51 as a reference outlining all that is coming, and soon to come, to pass.
For believers looking for the escape, we can reference passages like Luke 21:36 and Revelation 3:10 for reminders about our blessed hope.
“Starvation is a war crime,” wrote another commenter at The Conservative Treehouse about the prospect of unvaccinated people no longer being able to shop for food. “They may want to rethink their grocery store edict. That is unconscionable and must not stand.”
“I looked up Orgenesis … publicly traded – stock at 2.92/share – lost over 35% so far this year and has no periods showing it was profitable,” wrote another. “I suppose the wifey can help turn that around.”
“They (tptb) should just skip right to the end-game variant and call it Zyklon-B,” wrote yet another.
Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) medical fascism is spreading like a virus. To keep up with the latest, visit Fascism.news.
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