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Richard Boyden, Freelance Journalist, Founder and PResidetnof Aperation Morning Star

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FW:  May 21, 2013

(May, 2009)

Jewish Racism and The Genocide of American Indians

Recently I was searching the news visiting one of my favorite sites, "Israel National News", an online Internet publication out of IsraeI. I noticed a shocking article stating that Columbus was in fact a Jew and not a Christian Gentile. As I read the information, I immediately readjusted my understanding of "American History" as pertaining to American Indians and Jews and how Jewish Racism starting with Columbus, was one of the primary sources of the political, economic, and physical genocide of American Indians.

Being Jewish on my Grandfather’s side, having lived in Israel, and as a former radio talk show host, I many times focused on issues related to Israel including interviewing Holocaust survivors.These were Jews who were victims of Nazi Racism. Even though my Jewish roots were not "official" due to the fact  I have no immediate "matrilineal" connection to my heritage, I am acutely aware of the Spiritual calling and role of Jewish people in their relationship with God and mankind. Because of this part of my life, I was aware of injustice and racism on a level that allowed me to understand more fully the genocidal history of American Indians and sadly enough, the role of Jewish people in this tragic history.

From my college days, I have at one time or another been directly involved with American Indians through my involvement with and working for various Indian organizations, as well as teaching investigative journalism at Haskell Indian Nations University, living on a reservation in South Dakota, as well as interviewing dozen’s of prominent Indians from various tribes and backgrounds as a radio talk show host in Kansas City. I also became aware of the obvious and blatant involvement of Jews in the genocidal history of American Indians in contrast to their spiritual calling to right the injustices they have experienced from 1492 to this day and this "American Holocaust" history is discussed by Lilian Friedberg a Jewish scholar who wrote an article called Dare to Compare: Americanizing the Holocaust.

In further readings, I discovered another shocking fact that contributes to American Indian Genocide to this day and that is the fact that the first whiskey distilleries started in America were established in Newport. by a Jew named Nicholas Lowe and that whiskey was a "Jewish tool" to take advantage of Indians in "commerce". Also, the first slaves were not African, but Indians taken by Columbus to Europe. Most all of the slave ships used in transporting African peoples to America as slaves, were Jewish owned.

I found a story on a Jewish "bounty hunter" named Sigmund Shlesinger, a Jewish immigrant from New York City, working in Kansas on Cheyenne lands near Sheridan Kansas. He gleefully participated in the mass murder and genocide of American Indians, participated in hunting down American Indian families in their homes and attacking them. His Jewish racism targeting American Indians included making sure they were murdered, terrorized, and deported in a massive ethnic cleansing. "Scalpt 3 Indians which were found 15 feet from my hole consealt in grass…for the purpose of collecting bounty." (American Jewish Archives, Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati)

More recent are news articles published in the Wall Street Journal, written by a Jew named Kaplan, glorifying the various military campaigns of Indian killing, as something to be proud of. Michael Medved, a Jewish talk show host, states that there was nothing close to a "Holocaust" of Indians as compared to Jewish history. He called Indian Nations "Struggling Stone Age Societies".


Then there is the scamming lying works of a Jew named Abramhoff who’s resume was pure exploitation of Indian Tribal casino monies. Abramhoff used the "F" word to describe American Indians. He considered them a "lower form of existance...they are just plain stupid...Morons."


And on Indian Reservations here in South Dakota, H. R. Block (Bloch), a Jewish owned tax service, is engaged in racist "predatory lending" and making hundreds of thousands of dollars off of unsuspecting Indians by offering "quick high interest loans" in the name of "getting your refund sooner". Block was sued for doing the same among poor Blacks but has a "green light" from the government to exploit American Indians.


The highest prices for food and groceries are found in two Jewish owned stores on the Pine Ridge and Rosebud reservations…20-30 % higher as compared to off reservation stores. Single Indian mothers needing pampers and wipes for their babies have to pay $2 to $4 more per package. Formula is overpriced compared to Wal-Mart. These mothers earn in some cases less than $400 dollars a month. Is this not racism and economic exploitation of American Indians by Jewish Racism?


The point I am making, is that as I have studied, observed, and witnessed Jewish contact and involvement with American Indians, it has been from the beginning to this day, solely for the purpose of using and exploiting for the purpose of making money off of American Indians. This includes the theft of the Black Hills, the billions in gold stolen from the Black Hills and the ignoring of this by the Jewish segment in America. Jews also have ignored the "loss" of billions of dollars in "trust monies" owed to American Indians by the same United States government. But of course, they want their lost and stolen assets from the Holocaust paid back. How hypocritical.


I also have experienced only one response from Jewish people in responding to the efforts of the charity I am president of, Operation Morning Star. There have been over 30 newspaper articles, various television spots, and numerous attempts on my part to get assistance from Jewish people. Only one congregation responded in 14 years, no philanthropic organizations, no "rich" Jewish families or individuals. Yet I see the same helping other races and cultures in this country and world wide. Why is that?

Last year I called the local Jewish Community Center in Kansas City and informed them of the fact the play they were showing there, the Wizard of Oz, was written by L. Frank Baum. I informed them that Baum was a hater of American Indians after the order of a "Hitler" and as a "prominent" newspaper editor in South Dakota, he called for the total extermination of American Indians.


The response from the Jewish Community Center was that of no concern which for me, was a confirmation that for the majority of Jews in America, "the only good Indian is a dead Indian" You can see Baum's play shown in many Jewish Community Centers throughout the United States.

To my knowledge, there have been few if any attempts on the part of Jewish people whether it be lawyers or organizations, Synagogues, let alone "rich" Jews, to be involved in reparations, economic development, let alone legal representation in personal and collective efforts to assist American Indians in the area of justice. Correct me if I am wrong.

One blatant example is in the use of racist language to identify various ethnic groups. It is not politically correct or acceptable to use the words "kike", "wetback", "sambo", "gook", "n----r", or ."rag head" among others. BUT it is perfectly acceptable by non-American Indians to use the word "REDSKIN".


This racist word has it's historical record of "bounty hunters" needing to present PROOF that they murdered a "REDSKIN". Such proof came in the form of "mutilated body parts" such as testicles, breasts, scalps, etc. so that a they could collect their "blood money". Any outcry from any element of the Jewish segment of society? B'nai B'rith? Anti-Defamation League? Prominent Jewish lawyers or Government officials? Say "Washington REDSKINS"! What about "Washington NIGGERSKINS"?

Three weeks ago in Rapid City, I met with Orli Gil, Consulate General for the State of Israel. On that day, there was an article in the Rapid City Journal discussing her interaction with prominent citizens and politicians from South Dakota. I noticed that there was not one individual representing any Native American organization or Nation. So I chose to call her office in Chicago and a meeting was arranged with her.


During our discussion I asked her if Israel would be willing to contribute some of her expertise in an area of "economic development", similar to how Israel has assisted other Nations and Peoples. She brought up the subject of developing a "aqua-culture" project to raise and process trout commercially. I agreed that such a project would be one that could do two things. One provide food and the other, a business enterprise.

To my dismay, at the end of our meeting she made a very disparaging statement. She stated that Israel needed to be concerned about the "reaction" of those who might be critical of such an undertaking. I was shocked! My response to her was, why should Israel be concerned about the reactions of any group or Nation when during the European Holocaust, no one did one thing to stop the extermination of Jews. She had no answer.


But Israel and American Jewish organizations have been and are actively involved in providing economic aid, development, and technical assistance to all other races, cultures, and nations who are in need, suffering from poverty, wars, or natural disasters. But find me ANY efforts by ONE Jewish entity directed at American Indians suffering from the same...just one please!

Here in South Dakota, I have seen one of the most despicable, disgusting, and evil examples of Jewish racism directed at American Indians. It is the direct involvement of Jewish individuals in the Justice Department and FBI in the cover-up of the murder and rape of American Indians. The most glaring example is the rape and murder of Jancita Eagle Deer. She was raped by the former Governor of South Dakota, Bill Janklow, a "closet Jew". Two weeks before she was to testify, she was found dead...murdered. According to a number of people I have talked to, she was last seen alive with an FBI undercover agent and Janklow. To this day, the FBI and the Justice Department have not questioned, arrested, or indicted Janklow for anything concerning her rape and death.


I met a Jewish Federal Prosecutor at the Rosh Hashanah service here in the Black Hills named Gregg Pederman. I discussed with him the case of a yet to be arrested prominent American Indian man who is alleged to have raped 6 women in "ceremonies" by drugging them and that I had two women willing to file charges. He said to call him and I have twice and left messages and that was almost 2 weeks ago.

In my mind, such behavior is in itself a desecration of what it means to truly be Jewish according to my studies of the Torah and those scriptures that define what being Jewish really is and is not. Such blasphemy may well escape the halls of justice in time...but not in eternity any more then  acts of rape and murder will.



Richard Boyden


President of Operation Morning Star

[email protected]
