For those of us that have seen the "handwriting on the wall" for a long time, the moment of truth and the harsh and unpleasant reality we hoped would never come, is here.> The GENOCIDE OF 80% - 90% OF THE CANADIAN POPULATION HAS BEGUN, BY FIRST TARGETING THE NATIVE POPULATION.
This is of course Global in scope, Google "Georgia Guide Stones".
Shall we the people of the world line up like sheep and allow "them" to kill us off with this death drug vaccine that we the pepole have payed for with our hard earned money that "they " have stolen from us?
I highly recommend that you interview Reverend Kevin Annett as a front page story in the next issue of COMMON GROUND.
His website:
I do not understand why you have sofar shunned this, "LIFE OR DEATH ISSUE" for all humanity???
Toby Lansel
We cannot let happen what they are trying to do. Below is some feedback from the first vaccinations in Canada. Please circulate widely
The Mask Slips, for Those with Eyes to See: Preparing for the Real Pandemic
September 19, 2009
by Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div.
Last week, many of the aboriginal people in the remote west coast village of Ahousaht were innoculated with the tamiflu vaccine. Today, over a hundred of them are sick, and the sickness is spreading. In the same week, body bags were sent to similarly remote native reserves in northern Manitoba that have also received the tamiflu
On the face of things, it appears that flu vaccinations are causing a> sickness that is being deliberately aimed at aboriginal people acrossCanada, and this sickness will be fatal: a fact acknowledged by the Canadian government by their routine sending of body bags to these Indian villages. Before you express your shock and denial at the idea that people are being racially targeted and killed, remember that murdering Indians with vaccinations is not a new or abnormal thing in Canada. Indeed, its how we Europeans won the land, and its one of the ways we keep it. In 1862, Anglican church missionaries Rev. John Sheepshanks and Robert Brown inoculated interior Salish Indians in B.C. with a live smallpox virus that wiped out entire native communities within a month, just prior to the settlement of this native land by gold prospectors associated with these missionaries and government officials. In 1909, Dr. Peter Bryce of the Indian Affairs department in Ottawa claimed that Catholic and Protestant churches were deliberately exposing native children to smallpox and tuberculosis in residential schools across Canada, and letting them die untreated. Thousands of children died as a result. (Globe and Mail, April 24, 2007) In 1932, B.C. provincial police attempted to lay charges against Catholic missionaries who had sent smallpox-laden Indian children back among their families along the Fraser river near Mission, BC. The RCMP intervened and protected the church, even though whole villages were wiped out as a result of the churchs actions. In 1969, native children who escaped from the Nanaimo Indian Hospital on Vancouver Island described being inoculated with shots that caused many of them to die with bloated up bodies and scabs all over, t> quote one survivor.
Knowing this history, its not surprising when Indians on isolated Canadian reserves start sickening and dying en masse from suddenillnesses, after receiving flu shots. After all, its still the law in Canada, under the apartheid Indian Act, that no on-reserve Indian can refuse medical treatments or experimentation. So its small wonder that these reserves are the places being targeted first to be injected with untested, unsafe and potentially lethal flu vaccines. As an entire race of involuntary test subjects, Indians in Canada are a weather vane for what will befall all of us, and very soon. For the very techniques and weapons of genocide perfected against aboriginal people are now being deployed against mainstream Canadians. Under Bill C-6, which is about to pass third reading in Parliament and become the law, no Canadian will be allowed to refuse inoculations for the swine flu, despite the fact that it is relatively benign and mild, and has killed only people who are already immune-compromised. Indeed, it is astounding that such coercion and dictatorial laws are being employed to deal with what the chief Canadian Health Officer has called a mild seasonal flu.
Clearly, another agenda is at work; but the time to ascertain and challenge that agenda has all but run out. This coming month, forced inoculations and imprisonment of those who refuse them may be a reality across Canada. And for what reason? Clearly, not for public health, considering the sickness and death caused by previous swine
I believe that the real pandemic is about to be unleashed through the very vaccines being pushed by governments and pharmaceutical giants like Novartis and Glaxo Smith Kline. The shots will be the cause, not the cure, of the pandemic. Of course, those in power can disprove this by simply being the first people to take the swine flu shot: an event about as likely as these companies forgoing the multi-billion dollar profits they will reap from the mass vaccinations. Its indeed ironic that, very soon, many white Canadians may be suffering the same fate that aboriginal people have for centuries. Perhaps its fitting. For if we are indeed being targeted for extermination, or at the least martial law and dictatorship, we> finally can have the chance to shed our complicity in the genocide of other people, and get on the right side of humanity - simply by having to fight the system that is causing mass murder.
"...mankind will not merely survive, he will prevail...for alone among all animals, mankind has compassion." Faulkner, Nobel Prize Speech 1953
.......peace + blessings....butlincat 22 9 09 06.47 BST
Doctor says FLU VACCINE will cause 60,000 deaths in France alone (
"A vaccine is being developed in conditions of amateurism such as I have never seen. Lets take the pessimistic hypothesis: one death among every 1000 patients. There are plans to vaccinate 60 million people, and you so you