Message from the Elders
White Feather
Message from the Elders
In the constellation of the Lakota Sioux Tribe is the Sun Dance energy risen.
Please do collect the energy to yourselves to become aware of certain levels of pristine beauty.
Raise your vibration with Sun Dance therapy, for All to find in the constellation of Solar Solstice constellation coming soon.
We of the Elders speak to you to prepare you for ascension period.
We like you to tell others that it is very important to check out the position of stars in this constellation of stars.
It is very much needed to give way and become a member of Solar energy transportation worldwide.
We need your help in this and support.
Let you yourselves come into the Ancient energy of Elders of Native Tribes and let us work together in support to Mother Earth.
We need to ascend together in this so let us walk this way together in Peace and Harmony.
Stay at your point of view and do not fall down in other directions.
Keep up the good work and spread your wings wide.
We support you in this and will not leave before the whole process is done and over with.
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In Simple and Loving trust
Many Blessings from your Brothers and Sisters
Oglala Sioux Tribe
With Love Hedwig White Feather