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heir way.   

Our powerful ancient covenants make us of one blood and inseparable.  Each party has to look out for the interests of the others.  These are enduring compacts between friends, family and nation.  We symbolically intermingle our blood witnessed by Kasatstensera kowa sa oiera, the great natural power.  The tie cannot be dissolved.  The original plan was to unite all indigenous nations.    Over 200 nations joined this covenant. 

Obama, an African, understands covenant relationships between ‘tribes’.  He is going to try to shatter the ties that bind our people on Great Turtle Island.  Nobody has been able to do that for 400 years.  Several approaches are being used.  One is the PBS series of five so-called history films called “We shall remain” that started on April 12, 2009 [].  We are portrayed as losers. 

Iraq & Mohawks -Same parallel different centuries - (Five Parts)

One may think that Eulogy on King Philip is merely an historical account of the white man's imperialism, but it is far more. Apes' address in Boston was delivered in 1836 and he told of events that occurred from 1620 to 1676. But, his words are uncannily precise in describing the world today. One can change the dates and places and see an accurate view of today's imperialistic aspirations of the U.S.


To advertise the series the symbol of defeat is a falling tipi with the stars and stripes flag falling over it.  Another strategy is to wipe out Indigenous people altogether to be replaced by surrogate “Indians” who will work more closely to help the foreign invaders fulfill their goals. 

Obama is also using gangster style extortion from tobacco farmers to stop us from trading and sustaining our families and communities.  According to his new law, he wants his cut first.  Most of these covenants were made with the exchange and burning of tobacco, which were signaled to all parts of Great Turtle Island.  The colonists desecrated the use of tobacco by turning it into a habit-forming commercial product.     

In the “It’s No Use” series, the Wampanoags, are the “people of the first light”.  Massassoit knew when he made agreements with the invaders that he represented the interests of all Indigenous.  In film two Tecumseh tries to invoke the covenant relationships with other nations to defend Great Turtle Island.  The third is about the Trail of Tears.  The fourth is about the great Apache Warrior, Geronimo, who was caught by the U.S. army when his family was held hostage.  Wounded Knee is about the American Indian Movement’s stand at Wounded Knee.  They are all downers!

The son of Massassoit organized resistance and started to attack the villages of the foreigners.  They say the Mohawk showed up as friends of the British and attacked the Narragansetts.  We are allies, not puppets of the colonists.  At the time the confederacy controlled all the waterways.  The Mohawks were the brokers.   The Europeans could not profit as before.  We are portrayed as double crossers of our own people. These deceptive messages are sponsored by multinational corporations like George S. & Delores Eccles Foundation, [email protected]; Lawrence & Janet T. Dee Foundation; Utah State Office of Education www.; and WGBH 801-581-7777

The dishonest message is that we have nothing left and that foreigners defeated us despite our covenants.  While foreigners were making covenants with us they were planning to kill us off.  There is a curse upon those who break such solemn promises.         

Foreigners appointed submissive members of our people to sign illegal agreements with them.  We never and cannot ever surrender our territories.  Now colonists are creating surrogates into covenant people who will be docile domesticated Indians.  No one can create us except an Indigenous woman. 

The foreigners killed off 115 million of us in the biggest holocaust in all humanity.  Now they’ve come up with a new trick.  Obama and his backers want to create surrogate Indigenous people who resemble Iroquois, Algonquin, Lakota, Navajo and so on.  They may look like us, learn to act like us but they can never think like us.     

It’s about going red to get the greenbacks!  Canada created Algonquins by signing up non-natives in a program headed by [Mother] Joan Holmes and the Department of Indian Affairs.  These “No’gonquins” are set up to fraudulently sign away vast areas of Haudenosaunee, Iroquois, territory.  Their backers and lobbyists promise these “No’hawks” casinos and a few dollars.   

In another swindle the Congress of Aboriginal People CAP Patrick Brazeau is signing up enough settlers to become “Metis” to outnumber the real Indigenous.    Some native people are being roped into this confidence game.   In a recent Kanehsatake Mohawk election, Mother Joan signed up hundreds of secret non-Indians who voted by proxy to put in the colonial nominee as chief.  Prime Minister Stephen Harper appointed Brazeau to “sleep it off” in the Senate as a reward for setting up this CAP scam. 

Everything comes down to bloodlines.  When Hitler was going to kill off the Jews, he listed those with as little as one/thirty-second Jewish blood for annihilation.  Then the Kazars of Eastern Europe who were Zionists helped set up the state of Israel in the Middle East.   

According to the Great Law of Peace the lineal descent of the people shall run in the female line.  The clan mothers are the keepers of the authorized names [not the colonial governmental entities] and holders of the land.     

The soil of the earth from one end to the other is that of the people who inhabit it since time immemorial.  We Ongwehonwe are the caretakers of the soil.  As Louis Karonhiaktajeh Hall said, “The so-called “conquest of America” is a bare-faced robbery of Indigenous territory”.  No race of foreign people has a right to invade and kill other races.  They cannot try to control, interfere with or injure the people or disregard the Great Peace.   

They have not broken our spirit.  In the beginning the Europeans joined us.  Those who came across the great salt water could never become Indigenous.  They could remain on their ship with their ways. 

 Fate of Lakotahs Highlights America's Failed Native American Polic

Today, the Republic of Lakotah explains the “Genocidal Results of the Failed American Indian Policies of the United States” under the following headings: Mortality - * Lahotah men have the world’s lowest life expectancy at 44 years; * the Lakotah death rate is the highest in America; * the Lakotah infant mortality rate is three time the US average; *one-fourth of Lakotah children are fostered or adopted by non-Indian households — a willful Americanization policy to destroy their culture and existence; * Lakotahs have epidemic levels of disease and illness; and *teenage Lakotah suicide is 150% higher than the US national average. Poverty - * median income is a shocking $2600-$3500 a year; *97% of Lakotahs live below the poverty line — unmatched anywhere in the world except by other indigenous peoples; and *most families can’t afford heating oil, wood, propane or any way to heat homes


Obama passed a law unto himself that before tobacco is shipped from the plantations in the Carolinas to Indigenous communities, he must be paid up front.  It’s like the 1940s and 1950s when everyone was on the take.  Businesses had to pay protection money to keep off strong arm enforcers.  If they did not, their premises could get damaged or they or their relatives might get hurt or even killed.  During prohibition everyone had to grease their palms.  Then the people had enough and rebelled.

Capitalism is falsely called a “free market” system.  Actually it is a monopoly of big business and government with control from EnglandBig Tobacco has to pay billions in fines to Canada for their former smuggling operations.  None went to jail.  They want no competition from us.  Yes, the reptiles are slithering in the grass!         

Kahentinetha & Karakwine, MNN Mohawk Nation News [email protected] [email protected] Note:  At this time your financial help is urgently needed and appreciated for the lawsuit against the Canadian government for assault of Indigenous women at the Cornwall border.  Please send your donations to PayPal at, or by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0.  Nia:wen thank you very much.  Go to MNN “General” category for more stories on this; New MNN Books Available now!  Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates; Sign Women Title Holders  petition!  Joan Holmes and Associates [email protected]

GLUTTONOUS SNOUTS IN THE TROUGH AND SLITHERING REPTILES:  Prime Min. Stephen “Who’s-got-a-hernia-from-juggling-too-many-balls” Harper [email protected]; BIG TOBACCO MONOPOLY:  RJ. Reynolds America, Salem NC; Rothman UK Holding Ltd. 15 Hill St., London W1X 7FB 071-491-4366; Imperial Tobacco Group PLC P.O. Box 244, Upton Rd., Bristol BS99 7UJ +44-0-177-963-6636; See Rothmans UK Holdings Limited London (071) 491-4366 Fax (071) 493-8404;  GOVERNMENT OPERATIVES AND DOUCHE BAGS: Center for Public Integrity; William “Imodium” Marsden [email protected]; Philip “Ka-ka” Authier [email protected]; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Carnegie Foundation; Ford Foundation; JHET Foundation; John D. & Catharine T. MacArthur Foundation; Park Foundation [email protected]; Rockefeller Foundation; PIERS [email protected].