Nuke, Nuke, Who's There? Obomb dem?
Mohawk Nation News ( MNN)
Subject: MNN Nuke, Nuke, Who's There? Obomb dem?
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 12:48 PM
NUKE, NUKE, WHO’S THERE? OBOMB DEM? Bigger and bolder is his mantra.
MNN. Feb. 16, 2009. The US bailout package just signed by President Barack Obama affects us Indigenous people in a very serious way. Our water and uranium is vital to develop the nuclear reactors they want so badly. Shouldn’t they be going into alternative energy, less consumption and saving Mother Earth from the masterminds of destruction? We have the largest supplies of freshwater and uranium in the world on our territories. And they want this!
The Nuclear Information and Resource Service stated on January 27th that, "The U.S. Senate snuck in a provision to President Obama's economic stimulus package to give $50 billion for loan guarantees for construction of new nuclear reactors. This would be on top of the $18.5 billion taxpayer dollars already authorized by Congress during the Bush administration."
Canada and the U.S. are “Dancing with the Stars” on this. In addition to the $300 million budget already going to the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL, that develops and tests nuclear reactors, the Canadian government has given them an additional $380 million from the recent Canadian bail out.
The Canadian Nuclear Association CNA is having their annual national conference and trade show in Ottawa on February 25 to 27, 2009 at the Westin Hotel. Countries attending are Australia, Britain, U.S. France and others. The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission is a special guest. What’s being promised here?
We Rotino’shonni:onwe, Iroquois, have the responsibility to care for our territories, waters and resources of Turtle Island. The plan to secretly divert our waters from the north and the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes watershed to the U.S. without our knowledge and consent violates our inherent rights. We will never and cannot ever give up our land and resources to anyone.
The banksters are trying to protect their perceived right to excessive wealth at the expense of other people. They want to gain control of everything that we need to live. The plan here is to deplete, flood and change the geography of Turtle Island.
Uranium is the fuel they think they need to pump our fresh water south. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited AECL makes medical isotopes, stores nuclear waste including weapons grade plutonium and does nuclear research. Tritium is a dangerous by product of the CANDU nuclear reactor. It is highly toxic and radioactive. Tritium has been leaking from the old National Research Universal NRU reactor at Chalk River on the Ottawa River which drains into the St. Lawrence River. AECL said that they have stopped the leak into the drinking water of millions of people. Not true! It’s coming up in the Ottawa sewage treatment. Canada downplays this and other leaks in the NRU, which should be taken out of service. Shutting down a reactor is a long careful process that requires time, water and monitoring. In the meantime, AECL continues to conduct atomic research for international customers like U.S., Britain and Pakistan.
Bill Pilkington, VP at AECL said the leak was "not insignificant"!! Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission CNSC told Parliament on February 5 that, “There's no risk”. CNSC was probably afraid to speak up since Prime Minister Stephen “Sponge Bob” Harper fired their head, Linda Keen, last year for criticizing AECL. It’s a big money maker and they want their money now! They don’t care about the harm to people now or for the next 7 or 70 generations.
Radioactivity is most harmful to the unborn, to infants, to small children and to growing bodies. According to author Ace Hoffman of Carlsbad, California, "... the Environment Protection Agency EPA limit for tritium in drinking water is too lax. The standards are based on the damage to healthy adult males, the least susceptible of all possible groupings”. The radioactive assault causes neuromuscular, cardiovascular damage, fetal deformities, premature aging and death.
In a recent Toronto Star article, a professor at University of Toronto, which is a member of the Canadian Nuclear Association, stated that the Canadian limit on the ingestion of tritium is 100 times higher than that allowed in Europe. Tritium is especially7 harmful because it can permeate any part of the human body. The isotope “strontium” collects in the bones and teeth of the unborn, while another isotope “cesium” collects in soft tissue, including muscle and women's ovaries and breasts.” These are two of the many radioactive medical isotopes made at AECL in Chalk River.
To make money corporations like Cameco, GE, MDS Nordion and their buddies found a use for tritium waste. SRB Technologies of Pembroke is putting tritium into paint for reflective road signs. Residents are finding pollution in the local land and water. Now Wal-Mart is missing thousands of their “exit” signs made of tritium. Where did they go? Are they marking the route to oblivion for those of us who are in their way?
The nuclear industry is trying to sell nuclear reactors all over the world. Canada wants to stay in the deadly military weaponry game. Its even posted signs saying “Welcome War” near the War Museum in Ottawa. The radioactive spent fuel will be repatriated to make nuclear weapons.
Radioactive materials take a long time to break down. Tritium has a radiological half-life of about 12.4 years. Some medical isotopes take only days or weeks. Uranium compounds take millions of years.
Talk about fancy sonar equipment run by uranium fuel. In early February two French and British nuclear submarines on stealth mode crashed into each other in the Atlantic Ocean. Each carried 16 ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads and could have released vast amounts of radiation. “No leaks”, we are told. Do we believe them?
The toxic mess created by the conglomerates will affect us for generations to come. The NRU reactor must be decommissioned immediately. The truth about nuclear radiation must be told. Nuclear development must be stopped. We have to manage with less. No dangerous alternative energies should be used to keep the excessive materialistic North American lifestyle going and to keep a few war mongering oligarchs rich. Our minds and energies should be going towards monitoring the nuclear waste that has already been produced instead of digging up and creating more.
Iakoha’ko:wa & MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News www.mohawknationnews.com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Note: Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations to PayPal at www.mohawknationnews.com, or by check or money order to
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Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois Notes, Sources and Contact Info Nuclear Information and Resource Service [email protected] www.nirs.org, Ace Hoffman Author, The Code Killers: An Expose About Nuclear Crimes, High and Low, Large and Small, Far and Wide;
Free download: www.acehoffman.org
phone: (800) 551-2726; (760) 720-7261,
address: PO Box 1936 Carlsbad, CA 92018
email: [email protected]
Wal-Mart's glow-in-the-dark mystery
CONTACT Politricksters
Lisa Raitt, NR Min; MP Halton, (613) 996-2007 MINO/MINO
(613) 996-7046 Fax: (613) 992-0851 EMail: [email protected]
DM Deputy Minister Doyle, Cassie J. since June, 2006, (613) 992-3280 DMO/DMO
[email protected], also on board of directors at AECL
Serge Dupont, Associate Deputy Minister, Natural Resources Canada, (613)
996-9753 DMO/DMO [email protected]
Min. Health Leona Aglukkaq Conservative Constituency: Nunavut, (613)
992-2848 Fax: (613) 996-9764
EMail: [email protected], Web Site:* www.leonaaglukkaq.ca/EN/5215/
DM Health: Morris Rosenberg, Deputy Minister Health since December 2004.
He's been thru a few PM's. Deputy Minister Justice and Deputy Attorney
General of Canada from July 1998 to December 2004. 1993 to 1996 Assistant
Secretary to the Cabinet, Economic and Regional Development Policy, Privy
Council Office. Deputy Minister's Office - Health Canada, Brooke Claxton
Building, Tunney's Pasture
Postal Locator: 0906C, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0K9, (613) 952-1154,
Critic of AECL: LibMP Geoff Regan [email protected], (613) 996-3085 Fax:
(613) 996-6988;
"John Gerretsen MPP Minister of the Environment"
<[email protected]>; George Smitherman MPP Energy &
Infr." <[email protected]>
CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission; CNSC Chalk River Laboratories Site,
Building 432 Chalk River, ON K0J 1J0, 613-584-7743 Fax: 613-584-9077,
[email protected]; [email protected]
AECL: Bill Pilkington, VP, talks to media, AECL – Chalk River Laboratories,
Chalk River, Ontario Canada K0J 1J0, (613) 584-3311
FILL IN THE FORM..... http://www.aecl.ca/site3.aspx
Public Requests for Information Toll free: 1-866-513-AECL (2325); Media
Enquiries Toll free: 1-866-886-2325, Community Enquiries Toll free:
[email protected]; [email protected];
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