BOMBSHELL: Comey Turned Down “Smoking Gun” That Would Have Ended Hillary
(Christian News Alerts) – There has been a lot of controversy surrounding former FBI Director James Comey’s handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails. More information continues to surface that has many Americans concerned.
According to New York Post, Clinton’s emails, which were allegedly “stolen by Russians,” were supposed to have been missing forever. As it turns out, all of the missing emails were contained at the National Security Agency (NSA). When the NSA offered to hand the emails over to Comey, he turned them down. This is leading everyone, including Democrats, to wonder if Trump’s firing of Comey was the right call.
Now that Republicans are in control of the Senate Judiciary Committee, these untouched stones will be overturned. The truth will be revealed, for all to see, by the time investigators release their findings.
If you recall, Comey spoke against Clinton’s misuse of emails. His statements led many to believe that Clinton would be prosecuted for her crimes, but instead, Comey mysteriously decided not to recommend her prosecution.
Something strange is unfolding here. The insurmountable standards that the Democrats held Trump to during the Russia news cycle, which has since dissipated, are not in play when it comes to Comey. Now, the Democrat’s dirty laundry is airing for all the country to see, and it appears the party isn’t taking it in stride.
News broke claiming that James Comey was writing up his statement on Hillary in April or May of last year — well before the outcome of the investigation came to light. In fact, the write-up existed before Comey ever talked to Clinton, according to Daily Mail.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced during her daily briefing that, “I’m not sure if he is aware of that revelation, but if it is accurate as they say it is, it would certainly give cause and reason that Jim Comey was not the right person to lead the FBI.”
There are others on the trail as well. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), have both sent letters to the FBI in an attempt to find out what happened here. What’s Comey trying to hide?
Both lawmakers confirmed that they have in their possession transcripts of Comey’s that revealed this information. It seems as if Comey thought he would be able to conceal his notes and memos long after his tenure with the FBI came to an end.
As the probe into Comey continues, there is no doubt that more information will come to light. Investigators need to take this one step at a time.
Clinton was lying about her emails, and Comey went along with it. He didn’t ask a single question about her motives at the time.
Could it be that Comey was already in the loop? Or is it possible that Comey was just following mindless orders from Clinton?
We’ll know more when this investigation comes to a close. The American people will finally know who really tried to rig the 2016 election — and it wasn’t Russia, Trump, or anyone else the mainstream media likes to wag their fingers at.