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Big Labor's war on Wisconsin reforms rages on

Mark Mix - National Right to Work Legal DefenseFoundation

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nOV. 3, 2013

The battle in Wisconsin didn't end when Governor Scott Walker signed the government-sector Right to Work law or when he prevailed in the Big Labor-backed recall election.

It just shifted to a new battlefield.

The fact is, Wisconsin union bosses and their pet politicians are still scheming to undermine and gut the law any way they can.

That's why your National Right to Work Foundation is committed to fighting back.

With free legal aid from Foundation staff attorneys, five Wisconsin public school teachers have filed a state lawsuit seeking enforcement of Act 10's guarantee that public workers subject to monopoly bargaining have annual secret-ballot recertification elections.

You see, while Foundation attorneys believe the law is on solid legal ground and have successfully defended state Right to Work laws in the past, sometimes all it takes is for union lawyers to pick the right judge.

And they've found a local judge who's willing to ignore all standards of reason to help them get away with it.

That judge recently halted implementation of the law, forcing the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) to cancel teacher union recertification elections that had been scheduled to take place this month.

In our lawsuit, the teachers have asked for the elections to be held -- or they be granted the right to get out of the union-boss "representation" they do not want and to represent themselves individually.

And the union bosses are terrified to let the workers they claim to "represent" have their say in a secret-ballot vote.

Foundation attorneys have also filed an amicus brief for independent workers defending the law from another desperate union lawsuit currently pending at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit.

Big Labor hopes that by throwing out as many legal assaults and bogus arguments as they can, one will eventually stick and Big Labor can go back to forcing public employees to pay union dues or be fired.

If union bosses successfully gut or repeal Wisconsin's law, then it's only a matter of time before they take aim at every Right to Work law across the country.

And what other governor would be willing to go through everything Scott Walker did, if Big Labor can just blow all his achievements away in the courts?

Defending state Right to Work laws is a crucial component of the Foundation's strategic litigation program made possible by the generosity of Right to Work supporters like you.

So please, chip in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more today to help us keep up the fight. We must stay vigilant.


Mark Mix

P.S. The Foundation relies completely on voluntary contributions from its supporters to provide free legal aid.

Please chip in with a tax-deductible contribution of $10 or more today to support the Foundation's programs.

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