White House email system carries whose news releases?
Bob Unruh - WND
The criticism comes from Judicial Watch, which just one day earlier issued a report that the Obama Health and Human Services agency plans to spend $200 million of taxpayer funds to promote Obamacare, the president's signature law that has been declared unconstitutional by two federal judges.
Stop the Presses!: The Inside Story of the New Media Revolution
The union promotions were from the Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, and the American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees, or AFSCME. While both interact regularly with the government and lobby on behalf of their own interests, they are separate organizations from the government.
The releases from the unions on White House email gave no indication there was any White House interaction; they simply were union statements.
Promotion from the SEIU that came from the White House |
"With the Obama administration, it is hard to tell where big labor unions end and the Obama administration begins," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "It is not unusual for a White House to promote favorable commentary, but it seems improper to slap 'The White House' label on it as the Obama White Hosue did.
April 15, 2011